
Let’s Read The Word

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The Alpha's Man Mate

The Alpha's Man Mate




“Why on earth did the moon goddess choose to give me a man as a mate” I've waited all my life for my mate only to get a man as a mate from the moon goddess. But its different with him, he scents like strawberry and coconut, but that was how a girl scent. i dont believe him because when ever am with him i feel so different. by any chance is he a girl?. Alpha victor has waited all his life for a mate, which the moon goddess finally gave him but he was not happy because it was a man. he wondered why the moon goddess will choose to give him a man when he was not a gay. but when he was with his mate the feelings are always different. Will he finally accept a man as a mate? Mary Erasmus was an omega in the red moon park, she lost her parents at a tender age and had no one except for her friend Sarah, she was abused by her pack members and with the help of her friend, she moved to the nearest pack but not to be a girl but she dressed up as a man. maybe that way she wont be abused. what will happen when she finds out she is the mate of the alpha of the black mist pack. will she tell him she is a girl or will she play along and never reveal her identity


I kept running through the bushes even when i knew i was tired, i had to run, i had to pass this boarder so that i will be free. if not for myself but for Sarah sake.

I fell as i stumbled on a stone but i quickly rose and continued running not minding the way my leg was bleeding or how my body was protesting.

leaving this pack was a must.

and i must leave.

Crying wasn't helping either but i couldn't stop crying. i miss Sarah, what was going to happen to her now? will they kill her if they find out that i was not in the pack? will they keep abusing her? i told her we should go together but she refused. now what was going to happen to her?

I clutched the little bag i was holding tightly to my shoulder, Sarah made sure to put the necessary clothes i need inside. i am so grateful to find someone like her.

"ahhh" i gasped when i felt my breath losing and my legs was hurting. where will i go to now? even if i manage to get out of this pack will i get a suitable pack that will accept me? will i not be abused there?.

I shook my head at the thought. ' no i was going to be fine.. since i had a plan in mind'. i increased my pace and kept running even though i was limping i didn't even get the time to tie my wounds. when i get out of this boarder i was going to sit down and attend to myself but for now i need to keep running as fast as my legs could carry me.








I sighed in relief when i sat down under a huge tree. i was very sure i had cross my pack boarder before i sat down. now time to tie my wound. i closed my eyes as i winced when i tied the last knot of the fabric around my knee. i raised my head as i scanned the forest for a possible way out maybe leading to another pack.

' I think there is a pack at the left side'

what?! was i found? where was this voice coming from? i scanned the forest for any silent movement but i had none. was i hallucinating? where was that voice coming from?

' you probably wont know me'

the voice again? what was that? i scanned the whole forest again but no movement was heard.

i stood abruptly to run.

' theres no need to run... its just me' the voice again.

should i shout? it was a female voice.

' dumb head its just me waji your wolf'

my wolf? i have a wolf i thought the moon goddess never blessed me with one. well i was surprised.

' so where are we heading to?' she asked

" uhmmm please i dont know if you can hear me but i really dont know how to communicate with you" i squealed glancing around.

' okay.. okay.. you just have to talk in your mind and i will listen' she replied.

' uhhmmm.. can you hear me now?' i thought

'loud and clear baby' she answered. ' like i said am your wolf and my name is is waji.. well nice to meet you' she mused.

' you probably know my name' i whispered pouting.

i guess we are the opposite. while i like being my self and quite she likes talking.

' oh please are you saying i am a talkative?' waji answered sounding angry.

' oh no.. thats not what i mean... so you can hear my thought too?' i replied pouting again.

' of course i can hear your thought and please stop pouting... i dont like it' she replied and then i felt her moving to the back of my mind.

so now she has abandoned me?.

' hello are you there?.. which part did you say we should follow?' i said hoping she will answer.


was she angry?

' okay sorry please come back... i wont pout again' i said desperately.

' i said the left side' she answered happily.

why was she happy? because i said sorry?

' Are you gonna stand there and think or should we start moving. she replied.

' my legs are aching already can we just rest a little?' i whispered hoping she wont get angry again.

Then i felt my bone cracking .. oww it hurts. what was happening to me? the pain was forever not until i felt my self standing on all fours .

i stood staring and my self, i bent a little to see what my body has become. ahhh its a wolf my wolf it was beautiful. it had a white fur and a touch of purple colour at its neck. this was me i was so happy.

' well not you but me' she managed to say.

' well its me and you' i said pouting.

' yes whatever... and you are pouting again' she said sounding irritated.

' ohh am sorry.. am just kind of used to it' i whispered.

' okay we are getting late... lets go' she mused and with that i was pushed to the back and she took over.

I could see the boarder of a pack we were approaching. i dont know much about packs because i was not giving the chance to move around. in fact if not because of waji i guess i will be lost by now.

' thats why you have me baby' she whispered pridefully. well yeah that was why i had her. i was lucky to have her, i missed Sarah but i now have a new company.

We came to a halt immediately we were at the boarder of the pack and she allowed me to take over and i was back to my body. I stared at my naked body, and then i remembered what Sarah said.


" no i am not going to leave you" i said between sobs." you cant tell me to leave you" i added hugging Sarah tight.

" no Mary you have to go. you have to be strong for me.. if you dont go then i dont know what else to do to you" she whispered in my ears.

" B..but"

" no buts... please go.. and dont forget that ypu are to dress like a man immediately you leave this boarder.. dont ever let anyone know yo are a girl please... at least do this for me" she whispered wiping her tears and holding my chin.

"what about you"

" i will be fine Mary... just worry about yourself and dont forget what i told have to start going" she said giving me a small bag pack.

" i have pack a little food and water for you and the little clothes i could get from my brother.. please manage it okay?" she said staring at me.

i simply nodded. and then i watched her turning into a wolf and i got on her back.

she dropped me where she knew i will be safe to move.

**end of flashback**

I wiped the tears that were rolling my cheeks. i really do miss her and she didn't tell me the reason for her sending me away she only told me that it was to protect me.

well i get it she was saving me because of the number of times i used to get abused by my pack members but that was not a valid reason for her to just send me away. well i knew she was doing it for me, but i just wanted to know the actual reason.

I searched the bag for the clothes and i saw a black loose trouser and white t shirt which i gladly wore without a complain. i thank the gods my breast weren't big but it was still giving me away in the clothes so i tore a fabric and wrapped it around my chest making sure it was tight and had pressed my breast before putting on the t shirt. i tied my heir in a bun and used a clip to hold it. i just hope it doesn't fall.

Now it was time to enter this pack although i dont know what my fate is.. i just hope everyone believes i was really a boy.

' i think we look perfect.. nobody will know' i heard her say but from a distant. i smiled, am so glad she was supporting me.

' of course i would.. after all you are me' she squealed.

Well it was time to face my fate and its now or never, with one glance of the forest i entered the boarder.