
Let’s Read The Word

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Author:R.S Gun



"Just for touching your bare shoulders got me a bullet in my heart had I not dodged but still it hit my arms. Then what's next? I'd be dead for kissing you? Buried alive for having sex with you? Well, I'd be damned. " He chuckled. I looked at him seriously. Finding what's funny in his little speech.


"Men are strong. Yet when a woman spread her legs, they become weak. "

And Haiya just had her 648th mission in Los Angeles to prove it. Just had her legs wrapped again around someone's neck to end another perverted wickedness but now she's running for her life. Chased by trained military men who swore to protect a VIP she just killed.

It's getting dark but the moon still hasn't come out.

If Haiya wanted to pass her training, she needs to live.

Nokori juu bu.

10 minutes left.

She glanced fast at her wrist watch as she limped running and more like walking.

She knew how bullet-fast her pursuers were but they could never outsmart her unless she's severely injured which is unfortunately her current state. She never calculated a kid could pull a trigger. The son of her victim who look too innocent to even hold a gun. It was an amatuer shot but it pierced her skinny silk jeans hitting into her left thigh, not deep but enough to make her sweat in pain of running with a bullet on her left leg. But she couldn't afford to stop yet.

Stay alert! This is what her teacher Yviro kept telling her and now she's still never learned her lesson. A kid's still a kid but still, Haiya needs to admit she lost to a kid although she just had a 9mm bullet on his head, only because she let her guard down on a cute lil thing.

Her thin gray jacket suddenly felt heavy on her shoulders even after she just tore the half of it exposing her skin just merely below her breast to tie on to her left leg stopping her from losing so much blood.

The cold breeze danced on her stomach and shivers grazed her whole body. She can't wait to be done with this and scrub the peevishness she felt being touched for the nth time by some stranger's hands.

She almost forgot to even breath, her lungs burned, and her right leg already steamed pressure points begging a rest. But a single hault would mean death to her.

Out of the blue, she thought how she was rather lucky today she did not have to strip naked just to kill her target. It was an easy one but it necessitated her to release her charms which she so fucking hated had it not have been damn effective and one easy way to kill a man. Because men would never think an ethereal young lady would hide something so dangerous between her legs as they have only known pleasure all long.......deep those......deep those sweet holes.

But for the record, she took pride on the fact that she was still untouched. She always kept her dignity and pride. She never surrendered all her body to anyone or any man in a mission. If she had the chance, she'd kill her target before even being touched by their filthy hands.

She turned and turned in the pitch-black alleys of tall skyscrapers hoping she could lose them. But she could sense they're just behind her. She sped up like a snake in a maze, around the corner of houses and buildings, down and up the stairs, and into the streets full of passing cars like wind.

Then a dead end wall stopped her. And she had just heard some loud march near her vicinity.

They're near.

I'd rather kill myself here than be killed.

However, never did suicide appeared on Haiya's principles.

Nokori nana bu.

7 minutes.

She looked back but she could not afford to meet them at her current situation. They were dozens of armed men and she only had one bullet left on her loaded gun and five daggers. But if only she wasn't in a goddamn hell of a pain. Then maybe she'd never think twice about facing them halfway.

She looked up to the building around her finding a way to escape. She almost fly to climb up the buildings. Haiya grabbed the narrow edges of the wall as she moved up. She remembered how she hated heights, Yviro noticed it and made her climb every damn wall, everyday until she mastered the courage to look down while on a top with her eyes widely open.

"Kuso!" She's almost on top of a house's rooftop when a bullet just passed through her right cheek, like a wind so smooth on her skin but the heat from the metal and a blood flowing from the cut made her heart somersault.


She ducked. And speed up walking with her hands on her head.

Haiya decided she needs to jump fast on another building before they'd follow behind her.

She mentally counted and landed on every other rooftop she found and kept running on the roofs of each houses. Her left leg slowed her like hell and everytime she landed, she feels like every bones in her legs were dislocating. Her head also intensely throb making her eyes blurry. However, she still kept her pace. And endurance was another test she needs to pass on every mission thrown at her.

And rest was another distant memory.

C'mon self. Breathe. Just another limp and we'd be safe.

A speeding bullet smacked through her right arm and she jerked up losing her balance and falling down into the narrow alleys. Pain registered through her back as she felt the impact of the cement in her fall which made her curl into a ball.

However, without wasting another second, she stood right up, her left leg shivering with every tinge of pain everytime she tried to put her weight on it. And with so much hatred, she darted three daggers on three heads just behind her.

Three down.

She limped to the highways. With every bullet directed at her head, she run in a zigzag. A second and she saw a light ahead of the dark alleys. Crowds. She's safe if she still live to run to the crowd.

Haiya pulled her other two left hidden daggers in her thighs. First come first serve from her delicious blades.

She sensed someone behind directing a pistol on her. But Haiya's daggers already kissed his neck making him fall to the ground.

Four down.

Hayaku Haiya!


A swift metal was released to make sure the man just behind her won't shoot her. Five men already dead. But there's more of them and she can't afford a close fight with a broken leg and a bullet.

She's already near the light. She just need not to let anyone put a bullet on another part of her body again. And kill anyone who would get behind to shoot her.

Three meters to security.

Don't stop.

One meter.

Shit. She held her breath as another bullet would've paralyze her left shoulder if some strong warm hands hadn't just swiflty pulled her into his stone hard chest. But she was immediately hit on her nape she felt dizzy as she only saw someone wearing a clean white....clean white clothes.

Her eyes were forced shut but she felt herself being thrown into a car. The smell made her verdict certain that it was definitely a guy.

A savior?

.....or an enemy? She didn't know.

She fought her mind collapsing but failed. Before losing her consciousness, she gripped her palms hard it hurt but the thought of dying without even having to meet the people who massacred her grandparents with their whole town, killed her more than any pain she endured in her body.

I still have one final mission. Death is out of question.