
Let’s Read The Word

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“So this is it..... I.... I..... I love you and I hate to admit that I love..... You never fucking cared for me... I... " I couldn't complete my sentence when he crashed his lips on mine. “Baby girl you can't escape my grasp. Once I got there's no going back. And I don't freaking care if you hate me or not but your body needs me to get that in your head. ” he said with his seductive voice. He was right my body is so damn responsive to his touch and I hate to admit that I even enjoy it. He never thought of me as a lover. Lover my foot he never even considered me human at first he kidnapped me why I don't know but he always said that it was because of my mother. “Mary Jane gets ready to face the hell," I said to her and could see the fear in her eyes. I'm a multi-billionaire and also a business tycoon. I have always believed in Karma and that karma is me. I was the devil and she was an angel I was a fire she was water. Will, they ever meet will they realize their love for each other

Here's an interesting story about a girl name Mary Jane. A loving kind and fragile girl. Who has only a mother and a sister but she wasn't poor her mother was a successful business woman and also a fierce tigress she always wanted to be like her mother but she wasn't able to . Because her mother was bold and confident she does everything with cruelty when it comes to business. She doesn't wanted to give the assesst to me or my sister just like that she wanted the right person to take over it.

Her mother name was Anne jane the top most business woman of Europe. Her sister was younger then her she was just in her high school. Her name was lily Jane. Lily Jane was like her mother fierce and competitive. Which was why they both shared a healthy bond between each others all the 3 of them used to live like a normal family they never asked who their father was and she never bothered then to tell about him.

It was Mary's birthday she was almost 22 this year. She was very Happy about it but from inside she missed something. She didn't know what that thing was she missing.. She was studying MBA in a top most university. She wanted to become a successful business woman like her mother. She was a beautiful girl with long Brown hair and bright brown eyes. A pretty good eyes. How do you think a MBA student should be indulge in books with spectacles and a bookworm nope she wasn't that she was quite different.

She was a naughty girl but to only people who are close with her knows her true side. Because she was an introvert. This birthday her mother organized a big party and called all the big shots and Mary was like we don't need it. But she wanted to do it for business purposes so she didn't stop her. Everyone came and greeted her with gifts but still she was dissatisfied. She was feeling as if someone was watching her . She looked around to found no one. She was bored with the party so she decided to have fun and celebrate her birthday in a different way. She went away from the party informing her mother that she wasn't feeling well. So her mother announced that this party was over and gave Thanksgiving..

After that she barged in her room and contacted her friends she had a small friend circle with 2 guys and 1 girl. They had a long talk and then decided to go hill station every one in her group were same as her.

“So it's done we will go to Hill Station. But which hill station rahul is going to decide that as he has alot of knowledge about hill station. Okay guys we will meet tomorrow with our bikes. What say. ” she said .

“Yeah mary it's done I will decide and message everyone within 15 minutes and Mary I'm not OKay with the bikes I can't ride one" said rahul.

“Oh my poor baby why I'm I here. You will be sitting with me" said Mike in a girlish voice and everyone chuckled at the way he said .

“ And where as I will be with Mary . Yipeee im. So excited guy's." said ella.

They all hung up