
Let’s Read The Word

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Billionaire's Love Or Revenge

Billionaire's Love Or Revenge




He was deeply in love with her and promised her that he will spend the rest of his life with her, but a small misunderstanding made them apart and he vowed to destroy her. He meets her after 5 long years in a party along with her husband and thinks that she is leading a happy life destroying his life. To what extent can he go to destroy her, can he really harm her or will fall in love with her again? How are they going to clear their misunderstandings? Is she really leading a happy life going away from him? Who created misunderstandings between them and what are his intentions behind it?

One boy was searching for the girl with a red rose in his hand, which he hid behind his back and he searched the whole school for her, but, was not able to find her anywhere, he started walking towards the ground and saw that she was standing facing the opposite direction, he reached near her and called her name and when she turned…

Suddenly the bell rang, he turned towards the school to see why the bell rang at this time and turned towards the girl and suddenly someone shouted. Sid getup now otherwise I will empty the full bucket of water on you.

Sid suddenly opened his eyes and saw that his alarm was ringing irritatingly and his mother was standing in front of him with folded hands and looking at him angrily. He turned off the alarm and looked at his mother.

“Mom, can’t you become somewhat late, every time you break my dream,” he complained, rubbing his eyes.

I think then you should not keep the alarm and sleep peacefully without disturbing others as well. I came at 12 in the night and you were sleeping peacefully at that time, and I should say that you are disturbing my sleep. This is the third time it rang and I think you should get up and get ready for school.

I was dreaming of something and you don’t even care about my dreams.

I care about your dreams dear, that is why asking you to study. Your dream is to go to Canada and complete your MBA there right, and for that don’t you need a good rank?

“Yes, but for that, it is not necessary to break my dream every day,” he said and got out of the bed and marched towards the washroom.

“Sid, I need your help in business as well, why don’t you understand my problem?” she asked, looking at the washroom.

“Mom, today evening I will come to the office and join you in the meeting, don’t take tension about it,” he shouted from the washroom.

Sid’s dad passed away six months ago in a car accident and all the office responsibility fell on his mother’s shoulders, who don’t have any idea about the business and she is only running the office with the help of her husband’s friend, but she is not sure if she is doing right or wrong, and always wants her son to be by her side while taking any big decisions and today there is a board meeting held to appoint the chairman as they think Nandini is not a capable person to handle this business. She doesn’t want to hide this, nor want to inform him about this beforehand.

Sid reached his school as usual on his bicycle, which was his favorite and last thing gifted by his dad as he didn’t want a driver to pick him up and drop him at school as a small kid.

As soon as he reached the school Aakash came running to him and asked why he was late. Sid didn’t answer anything and locked his bicycle and started to walk towards the class.

Sid, what happened? Why are you not talking to me?

Where is Shweta? She requested one book yesterday, I brought it for her.

“I also asked you to bring one book, but you didn’t bring one,” he said pouting.

Don’t start your drama now, I brought your book as well, first, let me meet Shweta, otherwise, the bell will ring and the book will remain with me till I don’t know what time.

“Wait, I will look for her in the library,” said Aakash and ran towards the library and Sid walked towards Shweta’s classroom.

Shweta and Shruti were standing below the tree waiting for Sid. Shruti looked at Sid and waved her hand to signal him. Sid looked at them and came near Shweta and gave the book to her. Shweta looked at the book and then looked at Sid and said, “Thank you very much, you know I asked my father and he searched the whole market, but it was not available as it is a limited edition.”

Sid looked at her sparkling eyes and said, “for these sparkling eyes, I can go to any extent, but it was not needed at this time as I bought this book last year only for myself.”

Shweta’s cheek became red due to shyness and to hide them from Sid, she ran into the classroom, and Shruti, not understanding what to say, looked at Sid and excused herself, and went inside.

Aakash came there and said, “she is not in the library” and looked at Sid, who was looking at the classroom and he understood that Sid already met Shweta. Sid, don’t you think you should propose to her.

She is just 16, how can I propose to her now, but I can’t go without proposing to her, so I will propose to her before leaving this college.

Okay, we will celebrate today as you have decided to propose to her.

No.., today, I have a lot of work, I need your help as well. I am going to the canteen, you meet me there after one hour.

What about the classes? We already missed many classes and what if they send the letter to my parents that I am not attending the classes?

Don’t act like a nerd in front of me, I know you can manage everything very well.

Okay, I will attend the first class and come, I want to see the miss, she is very beautiful and I want to enjoy her beautiful face at least for today.

Do whatever you want to do, but if you won’t meet me in one hour, forget about giving your final exams this year.

Jerk..can’t you talk properly at least with your friend?

Sid signaled him to meet and went to the canteen, he took the phone from his bag and dialed one number. He waited for the person to receive the call.

Hello Sid, how are you? Where are you?

No formalities, I just want to know why they held the board meeting.

Sid, you know very well, your mother is very weak and can’t handle this business and there is a fear that the share price could fall and cause huge loss to our company, so they are planning to appoint someone to take care of the business till you take it over.

How much will my vote value in the meeting?

Sid, you are just 17, they will not care about your vote, and you know one vote will not matter when all others have already taken the decision.

So, the decision is already taken and you didn’t bother to inform me. When are you planning to inform me about that?

We have to go with the flow, and I was busy preparing the documents for the meeting.

Bloody shit, this is my father’s business, after my father, this is solely mine and you people think that I will give it to anybody like this only.

Calm down and listen to me, it is not the correct time to show your anger, you complete your studies first, you are still immature, and he cut the call.

Complete my studies and till that time, you all will swallow my company. I will never ever let this happen, not today nor tomorrow.

Sid sat there thinking till Aakash arrived. Sid looked at Aakash and said, “I want to know who has more shares after my father, so, that I can get his vote for today”

And you want me to hack your company’s server? It is very dangerous, we can’t do it from here.

Okay, let’s go to the office and I know how to reach my father’s cabin without knowing others and you can at least crack the password of my father’s system.

What about your mother? She will be there in the office only, right?

She won’t come to the father’s cabin as she is very sentimental about that cabin.

Are we going to come back to school?

No, we have to meet the shareholder and talk to him and then attend the meeting.

Okay..but, can I meet Shruti and come?

No, we are leaving now and you can meet Shruti tomorrow if you are alive.

What do you mean by alive? Will they kill us? I am not coming with you, I am just 17, I want to live a long life, marry Shruti, plan kids, and I have a lot of dreams to conquer.

Can you live your dreams without me? Think about it, you have only five minutes, if you don’t come with me now, then tomorrow I can do anything, can go to the Principal or your house as well.

I hate you to be my friend, you are too selfish, I will cut off all ties with you from tomorrow.

No problem, I will call my driver to pick me up and drop me off. The driver will be there with me to talk.

You are not going to do that right?

I can do anything and you know about me very well, now let’s go to the office. We have a lot of work to complete within three hours.