
Let’s Read The Word

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The Shot Gun Wedding

The Shot Gun Wedding




Alexander is a college student known as a playboy and belongs to the famous group of bullies at their university. He's contented in hooking up girls from left to right which make his mother's head hurt. But then, his world suddenly changed when they go to the province as punishment for his bad doings. In there, he will going to meet Verna, the daughter of his cousin's housemaid. One fine morning, he just woke up naked next to Verna and the worst part is the woman's father and ten brothers caught them in that position. The love story begins in the most epic way "The ShotGun Wedding".

"I hate you!"



the crowd

My head turned to the left-right after this bitch slap my handsome face. I immediately touch my jaw and looks at my friends Josh, Arthur, Abegail and Jessica who were smiling and chuckling except for Max who was just serious watching the scene. 

I felt my cheek heaten up by the force of her slap but instead of enduring the pain, I smirked and looked at them. The three women were crying while this one young lady in front of me was looking at me furiously. She's the one who slapped me a while ago.

I stand up straight and stared at her from head to toe. Who is this — ow! She's the cheerleader of the University's basketball team, right? I don't know her name but not bad. I grinned. 

I look again to the other girls. They are crying so bad.

Why are they crying? I hooked them up at the same time. That's it. That's all. Is that a big deal?

It's their fault. I didn't force myself on them from the start. As far as I know, they approached me, offering themselves then they fell in love? It's not my fault anymore. I just give them the happiness that they wanted. If they want my body, go. But, except from falling in love. 

I approached her direction closer and brought my lips close to her ear which she gasped in shock and move one step backwards. I could feel her breath became unstable due to what I had done.

She's still affected in my presence even though she's angry, right? I chuckled. My grin grew even bigger on my face because of that thought. 

I slowly touched her hair down to her shoulder until it stops in her butt. 

"Hate me, I don't care bitch."

I whispered then squeeze it. I immediately left in front of her and walk away. Leaving her dumbfounded and unable to move for a second because of what I have done.

"Aaaaaarg! I hate you, Alexander! You fucking asshole! Go to hell playboy!" she shouted at the top of her lungs before I could even get out of the cafeteria.

"I don't mind!" I shouted back while smiling even though I knew she would never heard it. I clung my bag on my right shoulder.

The group followed me.

"What the fuck, dude?! Four girls in one day! No! Wrong! Four girls in half a day! You are supreme! Please teach me, master!" Josh jokingly said with a laughed. Arthur suddenly appeared on the other side and stared at my reddened cheek.

"Dude, Cassandra's hand looks powerful. It's much stronger than the previous ones you hit, huh. Is she good in bed?" he asked and laughed right after asking it.

"Hmm... Maybe. If you wanted to know what she tastes like? Go and do it to her." I laughed in response and shook my head left and right while smirking. 

I looked in Max's direction. He was staring at me, blankly. I don't know what's running in his mind so I shrugged it off and focused myself on walking. I'm getting used to him for being quiet. He always reading a book and having a headset plugged into his ear like right now. Nothing new about him.

I was startled when Jessica's suddenly appeared next to me while rubbing softly my left arm. She pushes Josh away by my side so she could occupy his space.

"Does it still hurt?" she asked. Concern was evident on her face. I know she's worried and I knew she likes me a lot but I can't reciprocate her feelings. She's been making me feel that for a long time but I don't give a fuck. 

If we are friends, just be friends.

"I'm fine, Jessica." I just said and keep focus on walking.

"Are we going to bar, troops?" Josh started. The group roared in happiness as we walked down the hallway. 

Almost all the students are looking at us. They are giving us away and no one dares to block our path. They all knew who we are. We're a celebrity here. We are the bully group. No one dares to beat us.

"Hi, Alexander!"

"Hi boys!"

Girls calling and flirting with us.

All that I can do as well as Arthur and Josh are giving them a wink in exchange while Max has no emotion drew in his face. He's just looking straight at our path.

Woah! The boring of Max. Anyway, I'll teach him how to flirt sometimes. 

The girls got even crazier about what we did.

We smile widely at their reactions we see. We are no longer struggling. They are openly offering themselves to us. Can't blame them, we're too handsome and gorgeous to look at.

As well as the other boys watching Abby and Jessica. Appreciating the beauty of the two that our group expected they got a slap and punch from the two amazonas. 

"You know Alexander, you should stop toying girls." Abegail suddenly yelled as we approached the car.

I frowned and immediately looked in her direction. Arthur and Josh chuckled at what they've heard.

"I didn't do anything wrong. I just gave in to what they wanted. I reminded them from the start and they knew my reputation. They're just insist on it. "

Abegail nodded boringly in front of me and raised an eyebrow at my answer.

"What do you think on why they're approaching you?" she asks out of the sudden and crosses her arms. I scratched my neck while looking at her grumpy face. 

"To scratch their itch away or... Maybe... they are hoping that they can able to change me? Huh! Hell no!" I said mockingly and laughed. I waved my hand to dismiss the topic and opened the car door for them. Jessica got inside the car. Before Abegail in short Abby get inside, she looked at me straight in the eyes.

"You don't force them but you knew what would happen in the end. Meaning, you are responsible too for what happens to you and them. I'm not saying this to educate your dickhead. I'm saying this because I'm a girl too, Alexander." she finished as the two monkeys, Josh and Arthur laughing at me and at the same time they said "burn " in unison.

I raise my middle finger at the two as a response. Damn monkeys!

I turn my gaze to Abby again. I raised both of my hands as if giving up the conversation. 

"Whatever, mom." I teased and emphasized the last word which she absentmindedly rolled her eyes in annoyance and reluctantly just got inside the car. I smirked. 

"Come on boys! You drive the car, Josh." I throw my car key in his direction which he caught immediately.


I was about to enter inside the car when stops by someone calling my name. I look behind me.

"Problem?" I opened it when he finally could get close to me.

"Where are you going? And them?" He motioned his hands to my colleagues inside my car.

"You still have a class, don't you? If you're going to cut classes together with your friends, you'll be dead with Tita—"

I cut him off by harshly grabbed the collar of his uniform. 

"I wouldn't be dead if you didn't tell Mommy, would you?" I said and look at him emphatically. Damn! Why are we studying in the same school? He often ruined my plans.

My cousin smirked at me which annoyed me. I know what his smirk means. 

"I'm not afraid of you, cousin. All right! Do what do you want to do. I won't get tired of reporting all of that to Tita anyway." he said then chuckled. 

I was dumbfounded for a second as if what I heard exploded like a bomb in my ears. After I collected myself again, I looked straight at him furiously.

"Bleh!" he added and ran away in front of me.

"Mi-Miggy!!!" I shouted at the top of my lungs but he never look back at me again. Fuck! In billions of people across the globe, why Miggy is my cousin?!

Damn it! 

I just combed my short hair out of excessive frustration.

Arg! My Mommy! 

"Dude? Aren't you coming?" Josh asked while playing my car key on his right hand.

I got back to my senses and turns my head in his direction then shifted again to the place where my good cousin had run away. I was torn between I'm going to follow Miggy or going to the party in a bar. 

After contemplating things, I choose the first plan. 

"I'm in." I finally answered and got inside the car.

"Alright!" Josh exclaimed happily before driving the car towards the bar.

I just looked outside of the car window.

I sigh.