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In Loving You

In Loving You

Author:Selene Souchon



Warren Laurent and Bella Price were high school sweethearts. Eventually, they got married for 2 years. Everything was perfect except that they had been wanting to have a baby. The moment that they were given the chance, a painstaking betrayal ruined their relationship and their perfect love story came crashing down. What if the cause of their divorce were lies, not betrayal? Will they see the truth and give each other a chance? Will it be too late to do so? Are years of relationship really worth nothing and could be easily forget by a simple mistake? Discover the heartwarming feeling of true love. Experience the bitter and painstaking feeling of betrayal. This book makes you feel like you were riding a roller coaster filled with different kinds of emotion as you read how Bella Price struggled in loving Warren.

It's been two years since I married Warren. As time passes by our feelings for each other deepens. Warren is still the same as before we got married, he is sweet, charming, and humble. He is the man of my dreams and more than anyone could ask for. I am so blessed to have him. Although, he always insists that he is more blessed for having me.

We have known each other since we were in high school. He’s a jock, I'm a nerd. It’s a typical love story like how you watch it in the movies or read in romance novels.

I still clearly remember the day we first met. I was sitting at the school’s basketball court beside Ivy, who was my best friend up until now. Ivy had a crush on him and the reason why I was there with her was because Ivy dragged me across the campus so that she won’t look like a crazy stalker watching Warren practice playing basketball by herself.

Warren is famous because he is rich, handsome, and kind. He’s a part of the basketball varsity, the campus crush and even the school’s student president. Every girl is head over heels with him but I was different. I wasn’t like those girls who drool over him and is always updated about what is happening in his life.

I swear, he even had a fan club before who always cheer for him during basketball tournaments and sell shirts, mugs and other things with his face printed on them.

Despite of his looks, charm and popularity, he never took advantage of what he had and didn’t play with the other student’s feelings. He’s a gentleman and a nice person.

Yes, Warren is perfect but unlike any other girls I didn't fall for him but I do find him cute. I guess the reason why I wasn’t attracted to him like the other girls was because I was too focused with my studies for my scholarship. I had to maintain my grades to remain in that school because my family can’t afford the prestigious school that I’m in.

I had no time for boys and looking for the most attractive guy in school. I have enough problems for myself. Besides, my best friend has a crush on him. It would be a disaster if I’ll fall in love with him too.

I wasn’t even paying attention to their practice match when I was accompanying Ivy at the school’s basketball court. I was busy reading a book at that time which I found very hard to do because of the sound of the ball squeaking as it touches the surface of the court ground. Every time the players would shout at each other, I would have to reread the lines in the book because they always steal my attention and I’d lose my mind from the book.

It all started in an accident. Warren threw the ball and someone blocked it making it bounce sidewards and fly towards my face. I yelped when the ball hit me right through my face.

Ivy was so worried and I felt dizzy at the hard impact. It was like everything turned quiet, but I could hear faint sounds of people talking. I could also feel a hot liquid trickling down my face. When I touched it I saw blood in my hands. I don’t know if it was coming from my nose or my head because my whole face hurts so much.

Our meeting was so terrible and I will never find it sweet or romantic unlike everyone. I looked like a mess with blood trickling down my face while Warren looked hot with his sweat dripping down his hair.

Warren ran to me and asked me if I was okay. I couldn’t form a proper response so I groaned because my face hurts so much.

I was stunned when he carried me bridal style into our school clinic. I was frozen solid at what he did and I didn’t know how to react. I just covered my blushing face like an idiot. My heart was beating so fast and I don’t know if he noticed his effect on me or not. I could also feel his muscular body on my skin sending shivers down my spine. Not knowing what to do I just stayed silent and prayed that he won't sense how nervous I am.

Luckily, the blood wasn’t that serious and I only got a minor bruise on my forehead but still, Warren kept on saying how sorry he is. I was okay and I know the whole thing was an accident, but he’s too kind to feel so guilty about it.

After he went out, Ivy kept on shrieking and asking me stupid things like how he smells like or what I felt under his shirt. I couldn’t answer her questions because it reminds me of him carrying me and it makes me feel flustered. So, I pretended that I was feeling unwell.

Long story short, that meeting was followed by multiple meetings until we got closed to each other. So close that he ended up falling to a girl like me.

Don’t get me wrong, I was a nerd but I’m still pretty. I don’t wear thick glasses or braces and I don’t dress like an old woman but I do wear conservative clothes. I have a brown wavy hair that matches my eyes which I found plain and boring, unlike Ivy who has blonde hair and baby blue eyes with curves in the right places and a face of a supermodel which she inherited from her mom, a famous model.

Back then I was not sure about my feelings and I am scared to return his feelings. Many girls like him and I am nothing compared to those girls. What if he finds out that I am just nothing? What if he was unsure of his feelings? I am poor and he is rich. The world tells us that we are not for each other. Besides, Ivy likes him and I don't want to destroy our friendship just because of a man but he still pursued me always confessing and showing how much he loves me.

He is a very sweet guy and it’s not hard to fall for him. When I realized how much I love him I told Ivy about it. I told everything to her. My late-night conversation with Warren and our time together. I was expecting that she would yell at me and call me a traitor but her reaction was different. She was happy about me and Warren. She told me that she only had a crush on him, nothing more. She supported me about my feelings with Warren

In the end, I gave in after we graduated senior high. He asked me to be his girlfriend in front of the whole campus in the middle of graduation. I cried a lot at that time because of happiness. I answered yes and vowed in my mind that I will sacrifice everything for him. I will love him and fight for him. I will not let anyone or anything decide for our relationship.

I introduced Warren to my family but not just a friend but as my boyfriend. They were elated at the news except for my older sister. I know she was just pretending to be happy about it.

Our love story isn't perfect. It is full of challenges but that is what makes relationships grow stronger. One of the challenges that we encountered is when I found out that he never told anything about me to his parents. I was so angry that I didn't talk to him for a week. It made me feel that he was so ashamed of me that is why he kept me a secret.

To make it up to me, he arranged a dinner with me and his parents and told them about me. Their reactions were nothing compared to my expectations. Well, I expected that they would reject me politely in front of their son but they lashed out at me. They called me a lot of bad things and I was on the verge of tears when Warren stood up and defended me from his parents.

He told them how much he loves me and how serious he is about marrying me. I was surprised to hear the word marriage. He has been planning to marry me since the first time he met me. All of the negative feelings I felt vanished and I was filled with happiness and security. I never forgot the way he stood up for me in front of his parents.

Even if we are already together I still kept my purity and he respected that. I never had sex with him nor kissed him because I wanted to wait until marriage. He agreed and even told me that I should lose my purity in the special time of my life.

After graduating college he asked for my hand in marriage but this time he did it in a secluded place. Just him and me in a garden filled with my favorite things. He sang me my favorite song while playing the piano because he knows how much I love the sound of a piano. We ate my favorite foods and danced slowly to a melodic song.

I agreed to marry him but only after 2 years because I still want to enjoy my single life and experience working in a company. He agreed to my condition only if I will always wear the ring he gave me to warn off guys that I am engaged. He also told me that I must work in his company but I told him I will agree about the ring but I don't want to work in his company because it might become an issue. He agreed about the thing that I wanted and in 2 years of being single and engaged, we enjoyed life.

Until we got married. His parents still disapproved about me and we didn't care because we were young and in love. Ivy became my bridesmaid at my wedding. All of Warren and my family and friends are invited but Warren’s parents never came.

Before we got married, Warren and I were able to save money and bought a nice large house. Warren doesn't want to use his parent's money to buy our house. I also want our relationship and things to be built out of our hardships.

And then we are here now 2 years married and the only thing we could wish for is a child.