
Let’s Read The Word

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Mafia's Pet

Mafia's Pet




"Let's start at $1 million." The voice from the speaker spoke, interrupting my thoughts. "$2 million." A man from the crowd spoke, frightening me more. Am I being sold as a slave?! Why are they pricing me like some object?! Will I be their sex doll?! All these thoughts of mine pushed me into tears and fear. "$5 million." Someone from the crowd spoke again. "$6.5milion." "$8 million." I shut my eyes tight with all the tears escaping from my eyes, I wish closing my eyes will help me escape from all these like it's some bad dream. "$10 million." "Going for $10 million..." The man from the speaker spoke up, as if waiting for something. Now I get it, am being auctioned but as what?! Am not some commodity! Now I felt more frightened. "Going for $10 million? And..." "$50 million." A deep voice came from the crowd. A sudden wave of silence swept across the room. For a minute I almost thought I had gone deaf. Heads were turning to find who made the bid. $50 million?! Was that what I was worth? "Going on $50 million? And sold!" The man from the speaker said with a loud thud. I have just been sold!

Orianna's Pov

"Here, wear this and be quick!"

His scary voice came behind me making me shiver, then I was shoved into this very unhealthy looking restroom. I gazed at myself in the mirror for the first time in ages - my hair's in a total mess, my face is all bruised from the beating I've gotten. There were dark circles under my eyes. My face and body is covered in dirt because I haven't taken any shower in ages. I also noticed how thin I looked

Seeing my reflection, the tears I've fought so hard to hold back finally came pouring down my cheek. I could feel whatever courage, whatever strength I thought I had slowly leave me. Except for the words echoing over and over

I'm not going to make it.

More tears flooded my eyes. I don't know how I ended up in this hell. The last thing I could remember was walking back home from college with my younger sister. Out of nowhere, two black vans pulled up in front of us, and before we could make out what was happening, guys in black came out and picked us. I tried protesting and something hit me in the head and everything went blank till I opened my eyes to find myself in this hell, without my sister but complete strangers.

More girls my age were being held hostage by mean looking men. We are being treated like animals, being forced to do the worst things and if we refused, we got whipped all day with no mercy. Taking off my clothes, I could see all the bruises etched into my skin.

I've received countless beating that I started getting to it, I don't cry when I'm being beaten. I just swallowed down my cry and pain till they are done, some of my kind think I'm really strong but they are all wrong. I am very weak and so tired to move on.

"Are you done?!" I heard those scary voice and a loud bang on the door, making me to jump out of my thoughts.

If I don't get ready soon, I'll recieve some beating for sure.

"A…Almost." I shuttered.

I quickly put aside my old worn out cloth in the sink and picked up the dress they gave to me, looking at the dress it's so transparent. I'm not putting on any bra or underwear, they took those away from us saying we won't need those here. If i'm going to just put on this dress, I'll appear bare in front of everyone and they know that.

Why would they make me wear this?!

Where are they taking me?! To another location?!

Even if I don't like it, I still have to put it on or I get beaten and I don't want that because my whole body is so weak and sore from yesterday beating, I would probably collapse mid way into the beating, not like it hasn't happened to me before.

I put on the dress which only ended above my thighs, I really didn't have time to think how I would look in front of everyone in this dress when the door threw open, frightening me.

"You stubborn little witch! Keeping me waiting like I'm your servant, come here!" He said pulling my leash, forcing me out of the restroom. I lost my balance and fell to the ground.

My fall really bruised my elbow, but that didn't matter to him. Each of every other girls like me trapped here have this tight iron looking leash around our necks, when we mess up they suffocate us with the leash. He squatted in front of me and I looked away in fear. Suddenly my hair was in his tight grip. He pulled it so hard, forcibly tilting my head meet his cold gaze.

"Make sure you behave, or else.." He threatened and let go of my hair in a way that my face hits the ground.

I bit down the pain that shot through the bridge of my nose to my forehead, I suddenly saw thick red substance drip to the ground. I touched my nose with my fingers and it came away bloody.

"Clean it with this and get up!" He said, throwing a small, smelly towel to me.

Not wanting to ask why it stinks, I obeyed him and stood up once I was done. He pulled at my leash as he started walking and I followed him like an unhappy dog.

"You should pray hard that you get a master, maybe then you won't be able to hear my sweet voice again." He said with a mischievous grin across his face.


What does he mean by get a master?!

Where the hell am I being taken to?!

Is it into another hell hole or worst?!

Thoughts were raging through my head so much it seemed to block out his voice.

Trying not to get frightened by my own thoughts, I followed him as he tugged on my leash each time I was far behind. After a few turns through darkly lit hallways, we came into what looked like a back stage. We came to a stop in front of a tall, red curtain. We stood there like we are waiting for someone to walk through that curtain. I could hear jeering noises, music and drum rolls, it made me wonder what's behind that curtain?

All of a sudden the curtain parted open as if on it's own and the bright spotlight that came afterwards blinded my sight for an instant. I had to use my hands as a shield against this light. It's been ages since I saw any sort of bright light.

I pulled my hands slowly away from my face as my eyes started to adjust to the lights. What I saw in front of me brought great fear to me.

In front of me were people, lots and lots of people. Who are they and why are they here?! Are they what I think they are?!

Before I could gather my thoughts more, he tugged on my leash and I had to follow him, trying not to show how frightened I am. We went up to what seemed like a stage, we came to a stop once we faced the people, lights were everywhere and everyone's eyes were fixed on me like hungry lions ready to devour their prey.

Now I felt so uneasy standing in front of all this people in my transparent dress.

Is it for some show?!

Their chatters and whispers filled my ears, making me tremble in fear of what this people want to do with me.

"Gentlemen, I present to you another." The male voice from some speaker came up, frightening me along with their loud noises.

I really want to know what's going on?!

"As you all can see, she will be worth higher bidding." The voice from the speaker said.


Am I for sale?!

What's happening?!

Why am I being sold?!

"Let's start at $1 million." The voice from the speaker spoke, interrupting my thoughts.

"$2 million." A man from the crowd spoke, frightening me more.

Am I being sold as a slave?!

Why are they pricing me like some object?!

Will I be their sex doll?!

All these thoughts of mine pushed me into tears and fear.

"$5 million." Someone from the crowd spoke again.


"$8 million."

I shut my eyes tight with all the tears escaping from my eyes, I wish closing my eyes will help me escape from all these like it's some bad dream.

"$10 million."

"Going for $10 million…" The man from the speaker spoke up, as if waiting for something.

Now I get it, am being auctioned but as what?! Am not some commodity! Now I felt more frightened.

"Going for $10 million? And…"

"$50 million." A deep voice came from the crowd. A sudden wave of silence swept across the room. For a minute I almost thought I had gone deaf. Heads were turning to find who made the bid.

$50 million?!

Was that what I was worth?

"Going on $50 million? And sold!" The man from the speaker said with a loud thud.

I have just been sold!

"Come here bitch! Time to meet your new master." His voice came before tugging on my leash to follow him.

Every step I took, I took in fear of the unknown. Who is this master that had to bid so much to have me, I can't even remove the thought that I'll be nothing but his sex slave. I felt like breaking down and crying now.

After a long walk and turns we came to a stop in front of a door with two huge men in black suits, standing on both sides of the door. They all look scary with the stern look on their faces, without any exchange of words. One of the men opened the door like some form of invitation which he gladly accepted, tugging on my leash for me to follow him.

We made our way into the room, and I couldn't keep my eyes from wandering. There's this dim blue light everywhere, and some pole at the corner, a bit closer to the mini bar area. Those same kind of men stood everywhere in the room, instilling fear into me that I didn't know when he stopped and I bumped into him.

I heard him growl and the next minute he pushed me to the ground, bruising my already bruised arm.

"You stupid bitch!" He cursed, raising his hand to hit me.

I covered my face waiting for his whip with my beating heart of fear, but it never came.

"She's my property now, so if I were you, I'd be careful how you handle her."

I recognized that voice. That's the same voice that bid $50 million on me. I pulled my hand from my face to see what was really going on, I was surprised to see a man in a well tailored tux gripping the hand of the devil that planned on whipping me.

"I'm sorry sir," He said, more like in fear. "it's just that she can really be a pain in the ass."

This is the first time I've seen him uneasy. There was something so dominating about the man in tux. I wanted to get a better look at him, but he had his back to me.

"Get her up." The man in tux said, more authoritatively. He then walked elegantly towards me, a big brown cigar trapped in his lips. Clouds of smoke hovered around him.

My tormentor picked me by my arm and rose me to my feet as the man in tux came to a halt in front of me.

He towered over me, the stern expression on his face sent chills down my spine. His gaze met mine, enough to steal a glace at him. I could feel his dark eyes pierce mine, as if staring into my soul. He pulled the cigar from his lips and a huge smoke clouded my sight and choking, I couldn't help but choke.

"You didn't teach her how not to look into the eyes of her master, it's very disrespectful." He stated, making my eyes go wide.

I quickly looked down, we were actually taught not look them in the eyes or we will be whipped. I hope I won't be whipped.

"We do, but like I told you she's a stubborn one." The devil who had brought me here spoke.

The man in tux walked circles round me like he was checking me out till he came in front of me. He finally paused in front of me, the air around him choking me.

"Remove the leash." He demanded, making my eyes go wide again.

This leash had never been removed, not even once. But now it's about to be. I was glad in a way because my neck already felt numb after all this time.