
Let’s Read The Word

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Alia, an eighteen years old girl, whose name became a well-known spy. Some called her, the Devils tool. She was feared by many and love by few. it all started with the tragic incident of her mother, operated by a drug lord. Now her taste for vengeance brought her to darkness which stands against her morals and her lover who's the son of her enemy.

Alia narrowed her eyes. Watching as her mother rapped the clothes into the basket. She hates it when her mother, Valery, does her laundry.

“Huh,” Alia muttered, taking off the brush from her mouth.

“What do you think you are doing, mom?” asked Alia, dropping down the brushes on the pallet and turning to face her.

“Laundry of course, ” she replied, shrugging her shoulders.

Alia stepped in front of her view when she noticed her mother staring at her panting.

“What're you panting?” asked Valery, tilting her head in an arc.

“Oh, this, ” Alia turned, glimpse at her panting, then back to her mother. “It's a beach,” she answered with a faint smile.

“Huh, I thought it was...never mind, ” Valery replied, seeing her daughter's expressionless face.

Alia wasn't good at painting, they both know that. She has never painted in her life nor has she imagined picking up a brush, but she had to. The painting test was fast approaching, and if she was ever going to work for the Art Analysis Enterprises, she had to at least learn the basics. AAE is an online company that pays its employees by analyzing drawing, sculpting, and anything that has to do with lines. It was summer, and she needed the money. So, this was the only available job that suited her schedule and she decided to take it.

“Finally, I'm improving, ” Alia commented to herself.

Unlike the other paintings, when she first started. It was a nightmare.

After a few hours of repeated painting, Alia sank into her bed, taking a deep breath, as she counted the white rectangular ceiling. The counting exercise was working for her particular reason. The number came out short and slowly faded away as she fell asleep.

Alia, gasping as she jumped from the bed. “I fell asleep, ” she groaned, rubbing her eyes. Then realize she hadn't put out drawing equipment, with the brush still on her hands. Slowly, she tilted her head to the corner of the bed, where her hands were. Alia's eyes rested on the random color which vandalized the white bed sheet.

“Great, ” Alia muttered. Walking towards the bathroom door, to take a quick shower.

A few minutes later, the bath door swung open. Alia held a towel around her body, wringing her hair. The steam lingered around her, as she walked barefooted into the bedroom. Rummaging through her wardrobe. She finally settled on a green sleeve, a pair of jeans, and black sneakers. She tied her hair in a pony. Closing the door behind her, heading downstairs.

“Mom!” Alia called out.

When she couldn't find her in her room. The apartment wasn't that big that she wouldn't hear her calling. So she must have gone to work. The ticking clock on the grey wall which says, nine o'clock, concluded her assumption.

It has only been the two of them staying in the house, and none of them ever talked about her father.

Alia enters the kitchen. Pull out the doorknob of the fridge. Some sets of canned food, and soft drinks, were neatly arranged. She took out the one with a description on it.


The vibrating phone on the kitchen table echoed. Without checking out the name, Alia slid through the phone to answer it.

“Alia!” said the voice from the other end.

With a vivid image popping in her head, Alia recognized the voice.

“Hey May, what up?” replied Alia. Placing the phone, between her shoulder and her head, with a mouthful of sandwich.

“How's the drawing practice coming along?” asked May.

“Hmm...well, I can see some improvement,” replied Alia, wiping her mouth. “I never taught, it was going to be this hard!” she exclaimed, pouring herself a cup full of water.

“Well, I think I found a solution, ” said May.

think I found a solution, ” said May.

“A solution?” she asked suspiciously. Placing the phone on the other ear.

“Come over, you'll see, ” said May, ending the call before she could protest.

The last time May used those statements, was when she wanted Alia to cover for her, so they could go to a random party. Alia and May were both seventeen and the party were not for underage but still, May was able to bypass their little security. It all went well at first until Valery called May's parents as she couldn't reach Alia. Well, it didn't end well for both girls.

Heading back to her room, the sudden ringtone made her check her phone, but it was hers. Slowly, she traced the sound and finally ended up on the shelf. It was her mom's phone. And now she has to go give her to the hospital where she works as a nurse.

Alia grabs her coat, locking the door behind her. She walked through the long hallway. Existing the building.

A few minutes later, Alia appeared in front of the Dev's Central Hospital. As always, it was busy as hell, but something was wrong. There were a lot of police cars parked randomly, and

“Swat!” said Alia in a whisper.

She curiously Watches them surrounding the building. Walking through she only saw strange faces as she headed inside.

She saw a familiar face but had a strange feeling. Mrs. Abies stared at her, with tears running through her cheek.