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Destined With My Mate

Destined With My Mate

Author:The Achiever



This is a heart wrenching story about a blind 20 year old girl named Jewel that lives in the forest but has friends near by who live in a foster/orphan edge. Now she wants to find her mate but not until she finds her family. She remembers being stolen from her home, she was only two weeks old when it happened. So she is not going to find her mate until she finds out who she is. She remembers being stolen from her home. She was only two weeks old when it happened. She doesn't have money but she has shelter, food, water, very high IQ points, and WILD HORSES! What person has wild horses?... Now she has a strange ability... The forest and animals listen to her. Strange right? She is strong, hardheaded and stubborn. She doesn't want to find love or get involved in it, but once she bumps into her mate what does she do? Will she reject him to find her family or stay with her one true love?

I could hear the birds chirping, the water running, and my favorite part of the morning, the wind blowing the fresh flower sent. I sprung up the bed grabed my stick and went out the door, I spoke a language that only me, my friends, the forest, and the animals could understand, I said

Good morning everyone! Has anything happened to the garden last night? I heard it raining last night.

The birds said

we just ate some berrys from the bushes

. "That's good no flooding?"

no it's dry but not dead, there's no water droplets on the plants or the trees

they all answered " that's good, any way I'm going to get those sweet, juicy fish from the lagoon, if my friends come, tell them I'll be back and to gard my territory from the soulless!" They all said


Then i went to my dog Bosco and told him the same thing i told the birds, and he said the same thing, then i ran off

As i was heading towards the pond i smelled my most favorite sent from the woods. The smell of pine and redwood trees after it rained mixed together. I thought that there we're no water on the trees? i questioned myself, so i stopped and went to the nearest tree and felt the trunk

There was no watre which was srange, but i just shrugged it off and continued my way.

Even though i am blind i get around easy i don't exactly


like most people do, i


with vibration and i use my other senses to.

Then out of nowhere a howl appeared, at first i thought it was bosco but his is different so i stood my ground and used my senses to. So in other words i stop and listen to the Earth. I could feel somthing coming my way, the strange thing was the sweet sent was coming from it, soon i felt it was behind me and i don't know why but i stood there admiring the sent from it.

Next thing i know it growls, my back still facing it, it growls agian then i turn around confidentially like nothing and i could feel it just staring at me so finally i said "What are you doing on my territory!?" "I thought i told you soul-" i paused, i knew it was a werewolf but it didn't smell like five truckloads of dead rotting corpse like a soulless normally does. Then i said " you don't smell like a soulless, who are you?" Before it did anything I felt other vibrations near by, coming my way, I faced the direction it was and said sternly " what do you want soulless!?" It was scared but was trying to hide it, and It was growling at me.

Next thing i knew it charged at me so I used my stick and blocked it from biting then i pushed it back and almost puked from the stench but i held it back. Trying not to thow up i got ready for the next attack, and when the soulless took the first step it sent a 3d image to my head from the vibration, now next to me the good wolf was about to attack the soulless but was to late, i had already put my stick up like a bat and said "Batter up!" And swung as hard as i could, as I heard the bone crack as it went flying into a tree,as it was wimpering from pain I walked up to it and said " if any of you soulless come or cross into my territory the I will personally RIP out your eyes SHOVE THEM DOWN YOUR THROATS SO YOU CAN SEE ME TARE YOUR CARCASS OPEN!!" both of the wolves jump from fear, now the wolf on my left jumped from fear but the wolf infrunt of me was shaking and wimpering from fear, and me.

Then i said "now go!" I could hear it wimpering and crying from fear and pain as it ran off.