
Let’s Read The Word

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In a world of Wizards, Witches, Vampires and Lycans there's only one source to power. A threat to some and a bloodline to another. It's the war for a hybrid. Vampire and Lycan collision. The arrival of this prophecy created chaos between the two brothers. It worsened when a new species of vampires, known as hunters, emerged. Unlike regular vampires, hunters could withstand sunlight, consume any food, and mate with anyone. Walter became a hunter after developing these signs, and Falcon grew fearful of his brother's potential role in fulfilling the prophecy. Consumed by fear of his own defeat, Falcon decided to eliminate all the hunters to prevent the prophecy from coming true. He waged a rebellion and killed all the hunters, except for Walter, who managed to escape. In response, the vampires fought back and banished the Lycans into exile. Raymond introduced himself as the leader of the vampire clan and proposed an agreement: the vampires would offer a portion of their land in exchange for the safety of humans. Marcus, the Lycan’s Alpha, agreed to the terms. He questioned Raymond's motives in protecting humans and his involvement in preventing the prophecy. Raymond, not willing to discuss his reasons, ran off. Years later, a hybrid was born... APOCALYPSE. Copyright 2023. Blaliy Lilian Anyadike All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without written consent of the author, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages for review purposes only. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are used fictitiously and are a product of the author’s imagination.

In a dark room hid a burnett girl, her tears mixing with her sweats as she tried to stay calm and quiet. "I won't make a sound," she whispered to herself.

Th chaos on the outside continued but she was bent on not still making a sound.

Suddenly, a presence entered the room and her heart raced, who was it, it couldn't be her father, or could it?.

She wanted to have a look, just a little look.

Suddenly, her cover blew and she was exposed, the man grabbed her by her arm and pulled her up to her feet.

"Let me go!" She panicked struggling with the mighty man before her.

"Look what we have here, a human or.. a special specie," he chuckled.

"You have no ideal who you're messing with, my father is the first wizard and he will find you and he'll make you pay and.."

"Save me the details sweet, I'll love to see him try finding me," a grin appeared on his face.

"You got lucky today, I'll have to let you live a little longer," he smiled and pulled her along as she still struggled.

They arrived outside the house and the girl's heart missed multiple beats on the sight of dead people scattered everywhere.

"Di..did you do this?" She asked, bitterness all over her voice.

The strange man faced her. "Yes, I had support though. In the future, no one will ever know I was here, they'll blame the witches for the poisoning and blah blah blah," he chuckled.

"What are you going to do with me?"

"You'll see sweet."

"I am not your sweet," she retorted.

"Is that so?, What are you then?" He smiled again and she looked away.

"Just let me go,"

"I can only let go off you when you're dead, do you want to die so badly?" He asked.

She faced him with so much hatred in her eyes. "My father will make you pay."

"I know," he pulled her along.

"My Lord," a man bowed before narrowing his eyes to the girl. "You said to leave no one alive."

"I did?" He joked and faced her. "See what I told you," He faced the man. "I'm still contemplating keeping her alive, she wants to die so badly that I can't help it."

"I want to live," she shouted out of the blue.

"You do, I thought you were saying differently not quite long ago."

"If I want my father to take vengeance, I'll need to be alive for that to happen."

"Noted. What is your name,"

"That's not important."

"As a matter of fact it is, I love to know alot about my prisoners."

"I am not your prisoner!" She faced him but his expression was unmoving.

""It's.. It's Vanessa."

"How hard was that?" He smiled. "Come sweet," he took her.

"I told you my name already, don't call me your sweet!"

Vanessa was taken as a prisoner as they headed back to their domain.

On arrival, her heart raced, she wasn't sure of who it was that took her captive but, on seeing the vampire coven her father always spoke to his fellow wizards about, she knew she was in the territory of the enemy.

They came to a stop and she was pulled out with force, she was now manhandled by some vampires as her captor who she was very certain was Raymond was nowhere to be found. Rumors had spread about him over the years, on how he was the descendant of Walter and falcon, the two brothers who fought over territorial dominion. Walter won the fight and banished his brother, ever since, his generation had been blood thirsty, power thirsty and most of all, hunters. She could remember the prophecy which emerged, it foretold of the rise of a hybrid born from a vampire and a human mother, carrying the blood of a lycan. It said that the hybrid would possess unparalleled powers and abilities, leading to a blood war that would mark the end of the ages. That prophecy created chaos between the two brothers. It worsened when a new species of vampires, known as hunters, emerged. Unlike regular vampires, the hunters could withstand sunlight, consume any food, and mate with anyone. Walter became a hunter after developing these signs, and Falcon grew fearful of his brother's potential role in fulfilling the prophecy. She was certain Raymond was a hunter, that explained the daylight attack.

"Move it!" A voice snapped her back to reality, she was chained down to her feet making it so difficult to walk.

They arrived at a cell and she was led in, afterwards, she was locked.

Her world seemed to have come to an end, her father was the first wizard and could lay his hand on anything but the last thing she wanted was he getting into a fight with a demon called Raymond.

Two days had passed as she was fed and treated as a nobody, she couldn't complain, nobody cared.

"You!" A voice called and she looked up. "Come on for daily cleaning of the mansion."

She didn't argue but walked out.

The man took her towards a room and closed the door immediately they got in.

Vanessa slowly faced the man who stood by the door.

"I don't need company."

"Shut it!" He thundered. "I can't have you stealing anything."

She looked ahead and slowly soaked the rag in water, she placed it on the table and began cleaning when all of a sudden, the man grabbed her and pushed her against the wall.

"What are you doing?" She panicked.

The man laughed as his fangs protruded. "I'm so going to enjoy you," he said and before zipping his shorts.

"No stop, please.." she begged but he wasn't having any of it. He hurriedly at her and began tearing her dress from her body.

"Please help me.." she wept hard, she couldn't stop him, his strength was something else.

"No one is coming to help you, you're a slave and you'll be treated as one."

"Help me... Lord....Lord... Raymond!" She shouted. She didn't know why she called his name, could he save her or not.

Suddenly, a chilling presence got into the room, she knew the feeling, it was Raymond.

He grabbed the man and pulled him from her and immediately buried his fangs in his neck, biting hard as the man struggled.

Raymond sucked, bit down until the man was left, laying lifeless on the ground.

Vanessa's heart beat increase as she stared at Raymond, his fangs were still out, although covered in blood and his eyes were blood red.

"Did he hurt you?" He asked and she nodded.

Raymond extended his hand and grabbed her, taking her out of the room.

He didn't stop until they were in a large, might room.

"Sit," he ordered and she obeyed. He got to his wardrobe ad took off his robe, exposing his chest and abs.

He walked back to her and knelt by her side.

"You sure you're okay?" He asked and she couldn't miss the worry in his voice.

"I'm fine, he didn't hurt me, you... You were there on time," she said.

"I'm glad I was," he smiled and stood up walking away.

"Why did you save me?" Her questions stopped him.

"You called."

"Didn't mean you were supposed to answer, are you like this to all your slaves?"

Raymond faced her, he slowly began walking close to her and leaned forward as she moved backwards.

"What if I told you're the only specie to ever set foot in my room, I'll kill otherwise."

Vanessa gulped. "What are you going to do to me?" She asked and he chuckled.

"Alot," he whispered and continue leaning forward until she rested her elbow on the soft bed.

"Stop, please stay away," she begged.

"Stay away? But I don't want to," he smiled and grabbed her hand, pulling her close until their faces were close.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"Guess," he whispered and made to kiss her lips but she covered them with her palm.

"Bring them down Vanessa, I wouldn't ask again."

Vanessa slowly brought down her hand. "In as much as I don't want to have anything to do with you or even share a kiss with you, you're all bloody and.."

"That's when it's tastier," he whispered and claimed her lips.

Vanessa squeezed the bedspread immediately his lips met hers, there was something about his kiss that ignited every single sensitivity in her body. Although she knew it was wrong to be with such a man, he was their family's enemy but still, she wanted more, she needed more. She welcomed him into her mouth as they explored each other's lips to it's depth, she hoped it wasn't ending soon, she didn't want it to end.

She slowly let go off the sheats and made for his open body and abs, she explored them with her hands and they felt divine.

The kiss didn't stop there, Raymond began making for her clothes and she didn't stop him, she assisted his to take them off. Her thoughts were saying otherwise and her body language telling another.

Her exposed body met with his as they both caressed each other on the bed.

Raymond Suddenly stopped, staring at her, his fangs were visible as she observed, he wasn't saying a word but just staring at her.

"What..?" His finger on her lips stopped her from making a sound.

"Stay quiet," he whispered and slowly buried his face to her neck. "This is going to hurt."

That was when it downed on her, he was going to bite her, No, she didn't wanted to be bitten, she didn't want to be marked by him but she was too late to resist.

His fangs digged deep into her skin and a moan escaped her lips, of all sounds a moan came out. A hit of please washed all over her after, he said it was going to hurt but it didn't, not even a bit. She buried her fingers to his skin as he kept sucking and drinking. His face met hers and he claimed her lips again, driving her into another dimension, she didn't know it was how it felt, or was it because it was Raymond, the vampire king. Had she started another war without knowing, would her father come for Raymond, and would they fight, at this point, she didn't want to loose any of them, she didn't want to choose between them.

Vanessa woke up all wrapped up in a blanket, Raymond was beside her as she could feel his breath tickling her skin.

She made to stand from the bed but he stopped her.

"Where do you think you're going?'

"Your guards, they'd be looking for me, I don't want to get into any trouble."

"Hm, what makes you think they have the power over you?"

"I..," she made to speak but a sharp stink hit her neck, Raymond's hand was on the spot he bit her.

"You're marked by me, you belong with me, forever."


"Don't worry about your father, we'll come to like terms, soon."

Vanessa didn't say another word, she really wished both of them could come to like terms, she wanted both of them to get along. Why was she taking Raymond's side, why did she want to stay around him.

A year had passed since Vanessa became Raymond's woman, her life had really been beautiful but still, she feared, she feared that her father would find them and hurt Raymond.

She sat on her bed waiting for Raymond. He walked in and sat on the bed with her, placing a kiss on her forehead.

"What's wrong?"

"He's going to find me."

"How could you be so sure?"

"It's Elaine, she said he wants to see me, she can't hide it anymore, I have to go."

Raymond exhaled, Elaine had concealed Vanessa for so long but it might not be so anymore.

After weeks of debating, he let her go. Vanessa left to live with her human family, the family her father made her grow with.


Raymond entered a room where Vanessa laid pregnant, his life had been bright since she came and although she left to be with her family, they still stayed together. After briefly cherishing the moment, he put on his jacket and left the house.

He arrived at the vampire coven where he was met by Craven.

"How is she?"


"Good. There's a problem however."

"What?" He asked, taking a seat.

"The Lycans have been spotted."

Raymond looked up at him. "What?"

"The prophecy is coming to past, everyone is waiting for the birth of the child, your child.

"Hmm, this means I need to give Vanessa more safety."

"The Lycans showed up after so many years, I have a terrible feeling about this."

"I'll talk with them."

"You can't, they're dangerous."

"I said I'll talk."

Craven exhaled. "I'll send words, tell me the message you want to pass to them."

Raymond looked away, "They shouldn't near the human domain, I'll give them the river of sufrosta."

"I doubt they'll listen but.. I'll send your words."

Raymond nodded. "Get me a drink."

A week later.

Craven sat on his desk going through some books when a knock came on his door.

"Come in."

The door opened and a trembling man walked in.

"Speak!" He ordered.

"The lycans attacked the humans, they killed everyone, I'm afraid Vanessa included."