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The Alpha's Rejected Mate And Her Kidnapped Triplets

The Alpha's Rejected Mate And Her Kidnapped Triplets

Author:Ellen Hasy Chiny



Everything seems to be going smoothly for Norah not until the source of her light was taken away from her _ her kids. She never imagined that a time would come when she would go back to her rejected mate only to ask for his help but then she had no other alternative. During their search for her kids she mysteriously sees her second chance mate, Alpha Luke. Things took a new turn as Alexander began to fall head over heels all over for Norah, not minding that he had a chosen mate already. At a point it became a hard nut to crack, will Norah go back to her rejected mate and the father of her kids who was the genesis of her past suffering? Will she choose to walk on a new path with Alpha Luke who seems to love her and it's neither giving up on her nor her kids?

Nora's POV

A gleaming smile appeared on my face as I made my way into my house, actually my best friend's own. I turned back to my car and pressed on the remote to make sure it's locked before I continued.

I jiggled the key gently, trying to open the door. The smile on my face grew brighter at the thought of how happy my kids would be when they saw me.

Not that I wasn't with them this morning, but it's now a culture for them to hug me whenever I'm back as though I'd been gone for ages.

To be frank, I appreciate every passing moment because of the presence of my triplets. At first, I thought I offended someone in my past life, for my present life to be damn cursed.

Barely six years ago, life showed me all of its dark parts or so I thought.

First, I lost my parents at the age of ten, and I had to go through the torture and pain of being an Omega.

If only my parents weren't warriors, they wouldn't have fought for my Pack in that disastrous war, perhaps they might still be by my side and I couldn't have faced all the torture of being an Omega.

Still the sufferings which I passed through even as a child didn't make the moon goddess to pity me, instead she made every passing minute of my life a living hell.

When I found my mate I thought the moon goddess finally showed mercy on me, but the truth was that my suffering only began.

My supposed mate rejected me and that was the worst suffering the moon goddess put me through. I kept wishing I never found him but yet, I didn't hate him as much as I should because of him, I had a reason to live again-my triplets.


They shouted in unison while leaving their books to their nanny and running to me just like I expected.

“Oh, my lovely little creatures, do you miss mom that badly?”I asked while squatting to their size.

“A lot!”Alisha, the girl among my triplets, said.

“We miss your story, you know we can't sleep without hearing your story!”Alex, the eldest amongst them, pouted while hugging my arm.

“Mom, I want to have…”

Aiden, my other son, was about to say something, but he left his words hugging in the air when we heard a loud kick on our door.

“What was that?”Alisha whispered to me while hugging my arm tightly.

“Go to your rooms with your nanny, mummy is coming.” I said to my kids in a reassuring manner.

“Come on kids.”Their nanny walked to them in hurried steps.

I can clearly smell that the wolves outside my door aren't from the Great Pine Pack, I'm sure of it. I've stared in this pack for six years, and I've gotten accustomed to the scent of many people around here.


Alisha called out to me as her nanny dragged her upstairs.

I opened my mouth to say something, but before I could, a loud kick on the door was heard again and this time it sent the door into two unamendable pieces.

“How dare you…” I swallowed my words when two hefty men walked into my living room with stoic faces.

“Where are the kids?”One of them asked with a gruff voice.

I was rendered speechless for a moment. 'Did he find me?' I asked no one in particular as I stared at their faces.

“I can perceive them…” Another one said while sniffling.

“Upstairs.” That same one said while attempting to walk towards the stairs.

“Nooo! Who sent you here? How dare they both of you break into my home and ask for my kids? I will report you to Alpha…” I thought I was being brave for stepping on my fears of these men and standing up for my pups, but which mother wouldn't, I have to try at least, I'd rather die than let them take my kids.

One of them put his hands into his pants pocket and I growled in anger, ready to let my wolf takeover, but I didn't expect the other man to hold my hands upwards with a tight grip on my wrist. I tried to free myself, but immediately the other man brought out a silver chain, the wolf's greatest enemy.

He tied it around my body in one swift movement and the next thing I know I'm rolling on the marble ground of my living room. I watched as they opened the door and my kids' nanny walked out while barring them from walking into the room.

She closed the door behind her, trying to shift to her wolf even though she knew she was no match for them. One of them brought out a silver knife and stabbed her head, sending her to her ancestors immediately. I shouted in agony at the sight of the woman who was like a mother to me, lying lifeless.

They made their way into the room and walked out of the room after a few minutes with one of them carrying a blindfolded Alisha and the other of sons who were also blindfolded.




Echoed in the air as they walked out while screaming, I hate it that I didn't do anything to save my kids.

Don't worry, my lovelies, Mommy will come for you! I promise, remember, that mommy never breaks her promises! Even if it leads to my death, I will fight for you." I shouted with all the might I can muster as the silver chain was slowly rendering me vulnerable to death. But I hope my kids heard me, I watched as they walked out of my house.

The silver chain kept drenching my energy and my eyes kept flickering from Black to brown, my wolf wanted to come out, but the silver chain was keeping her at bay. I'm getting weaker, so is my wolf, she can't fight for us any longer, the effect of the silver chain is weakening every organ in my body.

“I can't die…no, I can't…”

I muttered as tears tinged down my eyes. Finally, darkness covered my vision.