
Let’s Read The Word

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Author:Azria Zei



“Is this part of your scheme? Kissing your captive ex?” After their intense and hungry kiss, Leander could not help but question Porcia’s motives. Their breath mingled in the shared air of their close distance. Porcia was fully aware that she was not supposed to engage in such acts with her captive, especially with the father of her lost baby. Who would have thought that capturing the mafia's heir would lead her to break her own principles? But Leander, despite the circumstances, seemed equally conflicted. “What about you? Aren't you supposed to hate me for kidnapping you? Loathe me even?” Porcia asked, her fiery eyes locking with Leander. To tempt him further, she moved closer, their wet lips grazing. Leander groaned, the fire of temptation intensifying. He closed his eyes forcefully, only to open them again with burning lust. “Fuck it!” he cursed before giving in to the pull, claiming Porcia's lips again for another hungry kiss. Porcia Everly's heart beats with a strong desire for revenge after the death of her whole family and her baby. Determined to get even, Porcia infiltrated the lives of those who betrayed her before and kidnapped the mafia’s new heir, Leander Monswey, who was also her ex-lover. After seeing her ex again in an unexpected reunion, she was certain all that was left for him in her heart was hatred. Little did she know, she was setting herself up for a forbidden attraction with her captive for the second time around.

“Run, Porcia! Run!” My mother ordered out of desperation. “Save yourself and your baby.”

Because of what she said, my palm automatically landed on my baby bump. But seeing Mommy with burns all over her body stopped me from making a move. It felt as if I wanted to do things all at once but I wasn't able to accomplish anything.

“No…” I knew what she meant by asking me to run—I knew she meant I should leave her. So, no.

But Mommy wouldn't take no for an answer, especially in times like this. So, she looked at my best friend.

“Kyros, take care of my daughter,” she commanded him weakly, which Kyros immediately obeyed.

He did not hesitate to hold my arm, ready to drag me out of our burning mansion. “Porch, let’s go.”

I shook my head, tears were overflowing from my eyes but he started running while holding my hand.

“No! Mommy!” I tried to stay but Kyros seemed dedicated to taking me far from the fire, to save me and my baby.

How did things end up this way? How can those people betray us just like this?

They killed all of the important people in my life. Now, I was forced to leave my mother too. All of this would never happen if we didn't trust that family. If only we knew they would betray us!

Kyros and I headed to the woods at the back of our mansion. It was dark and the only light we were using was the burning mansion behind and the moonlight above.

I almost stumbled several times because I couldn't run properly with all of the darkness and tears that continuously fell from my eyes. At the same time, my belly started hurting because of running.

“I can’t run any longer, K-Kyros,” I muttered as I was catching my breath. One of my hands was supporting my aching baby bump.

My baby…

Kyros halted from running because of what I said. When he looked back, I saw worry in his eyes. Then, he decided to just carry me.

“Hold me tight,” he ordered after he piggybacked me. I didn't complain anymore and just clung to him.

I must commend him for having the energy to run fast while still carrying me. It was probably because of adrenaline.

He was pained as well but still continued moving forward without looking back. I wish I could do the same.

I thought we would be able to run away safely until…

“Argh!” Kyros groaned as we both stumbled on the ground.


I hit my head and felt dizzy but I still tried to check on Kyros. Then, I saw him feeling the pain in his leg that was pierced by an arrow. He was bleeding so badly. Based on his expression, it seemed so painful.

But arrows?

My heart hammered when an idea came into my mind and tried to look back to the burning mansion that was still visible from where we stumbled.

“Porch, are you alright?” Kyros still checked on me despite being the one who was hit by an arrow.

I was not able to answer him right away, especially when I saw someone holding a bow and aiming at us on our mansion’s balcony.

How could they shoot us accurately from that distance?

There's only one who could do that—the one who was an expert in archery, someone who had excellent accuracy.

“Run! Just leave me here!” Kyros tried to push me which terrified the hell out of me.

“No! I can’t do that!”

I can't leave everyone behind… I already lost all of my family. I can't lose Kyros too.

“Save yourself and your baby.”


My lips trembled as he mentioned my baby. For the second time around, I was torn whether to continue running or to just accept my fate of death.

But Kyros just gave me a go signal and a weak smile, silently assuring me that he would be fine.

“I’ll get you some h-help,” I told him as I stood.


With that, I continued to escape. I kept holding onto the stems of the tall trees in the woods to get some support.

Then, I heard footsteps of horses behind me. They were already here.

Shit! Shit! Shit!

Despite already having a hard time breathing, I covered my mouth so as not to make any noise that could give away my location. I rested on the huge stem of a tree to hide.

It made my heart beat so fast. I was panting so hard because of tiredness and fear. Then, all of a sudden, I felt an excruciating pain on my shoulder. When I glanced at it, I saw that an arrow pierced through it.

I gasped and closed my eyes.

“Argh!” I was not able to suppress the noise anymore. The pain was too unbearable not to groan. New sets of tears fell from my eyes because of the pain.


I knelt to the groan, no longer having the strength to even continue standing.

I’m gonna die.

Somehow, thinking about dying felt like the most comforting thing that I could ever face right now. Would it be unfair for my baby if I just let myself die right now?

My eyes were already becoming heavy. I bet I would only last a few more seconds before I pass out or die.

Then, I heard a horse’s neigh that stopped right in front of me. I tried to keep my eyes open to see who was on it.

The guy, with a bow and arrows on his shoulder, got off his horse and then walked slowly toward my direction.

His body frame was familiar so without seeing his face clearly because of my blurry vision, I muttered, “Leander…”

I knew he was the only one who could shoot us from that distance. And it pained me even more thinking how he betrayed me and his baby, of all people.

I loved him wholeheartedly. I trusted him! But I guess, people are really bound to make mistakes. And as for me, loving Leander was the biggest mistake I’ve ever made.

Without a word, he stood in front of me and aimed his arrow in my direction.

I closed my eyes peacefully, already accepting death from the hands of the man I loved the most.

“YOU’RE awake,” someone uttered when he noticed I was slowly opening my eyes.

I examined my whole surroundings with blurry vision. It felt like my eyes were closed for a long time and I couldn't see everything clearly right away. It took me a few minutes before I was able to see clearly.

The beeps from beside me were all I could hear. I was in a room with white walls and an unfamiliar man was watching me.

I’m alive?

My brows furrowed when I realized that I was in a hospital room with someone I didn't know.

“Who are you?” I asked using a weak hoarse voice.

The guy who looked like in his mid-50s smiled at me.

“Call me Don Simon,” he said.

I didn't mind it and instead eyed my baby bump. I freaked out when I realized that something had changed.

“My baby… what happened to my baby?!” I nervously caressed my tummy and looked up at the man in front of me to get some answers.

But when his facial expression changed, it frightened me that he had some bad news to share.

“I’m sorry, Porcia. We saved you and Kyros but we failed to save your baby.”

My lips parted in utter disbelief.

No… no way!

My eyes stung for the tears that immediately formed at the side of my eyes. Something gripped my heart because of the news.

“Oh my goodness,” I gasped as my hand flew to my mouth. Tears were already falling from my eyes.

I’m alive but at what cost?

“We weren’t able to save anyone from the mansion. The fire was too massive,” Don Simon added.

I couldn't help but lash out at him. I knew it wasn't his fault but I just needed someone to direct my anger to.

“You should have let me die there then. What’s the point of living after everything that happened?!”

I lost everything—my family, my baby, and now, I wouldn’t be so shocked if I lost my sanity next.

Still, Don Simon remained calm. Then, he suggested something I never thought of doing.

“You still have a chance to strike back,” he stated meaningfully, halting me from sobbing.

Imagining getting my revenge and torturing the people who did this to me gave me a different will to live.

Right. That sounds fair.

I swear, I’ll make them feel the pain that I felt. I’ll make them pay and suffer, most especially you, Leander.