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His Silent Mate

His Silent Mate

Author:Eleanor Xondox



Scarlet was a lowly omega in Crescent Moon Pack. She was treated like a slave in the pack because she doesn't have a wolf. To make everything worse she was an orphan and no one was treating her well. Her only hope was to find her destined mate but on her eighteenth birthday she found out that her mate is none other than the pack’s alpha, her biggest tormenter. ——— He looked down at me and then Slapped me with full force. Causing me to hit my head straight on the wall again causing it to bleed more. Then Mathias pointed the gun and Shot the bullet, making me stop breathing. I closed my eyes and felt like my world had stopped moving. I covered my ears tightly. "Open Your fucking eyes Scarlet" Mathias said I slowly opened my eyes, still feeling the terror clearly in my heart. I was breathing heavily when I looked at myself. I wasn't hurt by the bullet. I was alive without being shot by the gun. "Look at me baby. This gun shot, I never lost the target but only diverted my shot to make you realize that if you won't cooperate, I would have only one choice. To kill you and fuck your deadly corpse" Mathias said pulling my hair fiercely. "Now get the fuck up or I'll only force you to do my pleasurable work" He said but I was still scared of the gunshot. When he saw that I was not obeying his commands he pulled me by my already injured arm that was bleeding due to Mathias putting pressure on the wounds. "You obey me or you'll be forced no matter how much you hate me I'll claim you tonight" He pulled my hair furiously and threw me on his bed.

In a cramped and eerie room, the air was causing suffering to breathe in. The only sound was made from rats hidden in darkness. The room had only a small window which served as ventilation for the room. The room was almost empty, there was nothing to call it beautiful, no decoration to make it look beautiful. The old paintings were also peeling off from the walls, which caused the bugs and other insects and reptiles to make a home for themselves. The only thing to be called furniture was an old chair with a broken table along with a wardrobe which looked like it was going to break at any moment but still, it was loved by the owner.

It was four in the morning and Scarlet was sleeping on a worn-out mattress, tired from the work she did for pack members the previous day. Suddenly there was a banging sound on the door making her jolt up, she slept back and lay there peacefully. After a while, there was another banging noise that scared the hell out of her. She stood up rubbing her eyes.

She only slept for two hours, yet here they were waking her up again. She wanted to scream that the hell was waking her up this early in the morning, but she couldn't say that. She was an omega and wolfless, to make it worse she was just an omega. Everyone in the pack treated her like she was not a human.

As she went towards the kitchen she walked past the store room. The lights were off making the corridors look haunted. As she strode towards the kitchen, the lights were switched off, giving it a dark view, making her quite scared of walking further into the dark, the lampstand was still quite far from her reach.

"What is the time? I think it's probably four in the morning"

She whispered to herself, thinking that the pack members and Alpha family always get up after six o'clock in the morning.

She was about to walk past the beta quarter when she felt a hand drag her from the corner, she voiced out a light scream, struggling to break free from whoever was dragging her to a place she couldn't see because of the dark.

"Help, help, let go of me"

She shouted, but the corridors were too quiet for anyone to hear her, everyone was still asleep so no one heard her. But who must have been dragging her? Whoever was dragging her was a male, his hands made it clear that it was a man, the man's hands covering her mouth, stopping her from screaming, her words came out muffled.

A door opened and closed immediately, and with a heavy force, she back got slammed on a wall, making her hurt and a hiss escaped her lips, the male was quite a strong one, but the pain never stopped her from trying to struggle, but a heavy slap descended on her face, making her stop struggling, as she hissed with pain, holding on to her cheek, a scream erupted from her lips but the male was quick enough to quieten her with his hand.

Raising her head, the room was dark, but a little light from the rising sun made the features of whosoever had kidnapped her visible. She saw her captor, who was no other male wolf but the Son of Alpha of Crescent Moon Pack, Mathias, the next in line who will soon be the Alpha of Crescent Moon Pack, who was yet to find a mate for himself but he never got to be blessed by a mate. He has always been spoiled, pampered, and raised more than a prince, making him arrogant and evil. He was not the King of Werewolves but everyone said that the King is more ruthless than Alpha Mathias. Even Alpha Mathias was scared of the Werewolf Alpha King.

Mathias had always been given the best things, possessions, and power and he was her worst bully. The first wolf who made her life most painful in the pack, and this made him her worst enemy, his dragging her here to the store room, meant, he wanted to give her more trouble, but the Alpha wolf never seemed to make a sentence to her, he had been quiet, watching her with those green eyes, which looked like it wanted to burn her to death. She raised her head fully. Now staring at his face, he had given her a two-foot space, which made her breathe properly. But she knew she was in really big trouble.

"What can I help you with alpha Mathias"

She whispered, hoping her voice never sounded so rash or weak, anything that has to do with alpha Mathias, every person needs to be careful with the way they talk, the man was like the rebirth of a devil, who takes simple things so seriously to make everyone pay for it.

But the reply she got from him surprised her, the alpha's son strode towards her, caging her on the wall, she shook with fear, never expecting such actions from him, this was the first time the alpha's son had come close to her. What was he trying to do with her, was he not satisfied with the title of being a bully, did he want an upgrade or been called a pervert?

Mathias raised his hands towards her cheek, as he brought the other hands near her head, blocking her from escaping, then raised her head, making her look at him, eye to eye contact.

"Good morning wolf wolf-less omega, I never knew you got the energy to fight me back. Well considering in the daytime, would be the day we find our mates"

He said, stopping midway at his words, he was twenty-nine, and everyone knew how hard it was for him to find his mate, maybe, because the goddess had caused him not to have a mate because of his evil deeds and cruel ways.

. What does Mathias mean when he mentions 'the day we find our mates'? Is there a connection between Scarlet and Mathias that she's unaware of?

. How will Scarlet navigate this dangerous encounter with Mathias, the Alpha's son, and what consequences might this confrontation have for her future in the pack?

. Will Mathias' unexpected behavior towards Scarlet lead to a shift in their dynamics, or is there something more sinister lurking beneath his actions, waiting to be unveiled?