
Let’s Read The Word

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A Drunken Mistake

A Drunken Mistake




She was drunk and fed up. She called the wrong number. The right man picked up. Harley's mom is in a coma after a car accident six years ago. The couple who ran over her decide to take care of the hospital expenses, while Harley washes their daughter's bathroom for pocket money. Tired of picked on by Amber's group of rich eccentric friends, Harley gets wasted after a beach party disaster and makes one last call right before she attempts suicide. Only, she doesn't die, instead she gains a new ally. "You want to get revenge right? So do I."


I scrunched my nose at the strong scent of alcohol that greeted me when I walked into the bathroom. From the corner of my right eye, I caught a little doodle, which I needn't guess was obviously meant for me.

"Kiss my ass." It read out, in bright red coloured lipstick on the large oval bathroom mirror. Next to it were the initials to my name, H.M.

"Real original." I rolled my eyes and folded my arms across the bright yellow cleaning apron I had on, that draped over my purple t-shirt and plain blue shorts.

It wasn't rocket science to figure out that the red wine spilled in the bathtub, the derogatory remarks drawn with lipstick on the walls and the mini flood in this bathroom were all intentional.

Sure ,you might be thinking no one's sick enough to make a mess of their own bathroom just to get under someone else's skin, but then you'd be surprised to find out such a person does exists.

I reached for the pretty red bottom heel slanted beside the sink, my lips curled into a frown. "That bitch has no value for money whatsoever." I huffed, referring to the she-devil downstairs.

Thankfully, I had expected this much from her, it was only four days ago that I made my last trip to the Villa. She was making sure, to eat out of what little pocket money in my wallet to take the bus here.

Without much of a choice, I get to cleaning, scrubbing off all the 'thoughtful' feedback on my personality, I had never asked for. When I lifted the toilet lid, it didn't surprise me to see packets of new and used condoms clogging the thing.

"What a whore." I remarked, meaning every word, it was a good thing I brought some plumbing tools. A plunger wasn't going to cut it this time.

Due to how thin the walls were, I could hear a lot of chattering happening below me. I took a pause from scrubbing the tub and sighed. I really did want to think that she wasn't petty enough to invite them over to 'hang' whenever she called me to clean her bathroom.

But, as I stepped outside to get some air freshener from the supplies room, I instantly remembered that Amber Davers was a bitch, through and through.

"Harvey!" Amber called out to me, just as I was about to slide effortlessly through the backdoor, that hawk eye caught sight of me.

I halted at the sound of her chirp and turned around to face her, and her group of 'friends', who had nothing better to do than come over on a Saturday morning.

"The name's Harley, I think I've said that thrice" I placed stress on the last word, letting her know that either she was a bitch or just plain stupid.

"Who cares?" She retorted with that, I'm-Superior-To-You undertone in her words.

"Well, I do. Just as much as I care about getting those condoms out of your toilet." My snarkiness rubbed her the wrong way, but her so called friends seemed to like it.

Infact, one of them stood up from the bean bag he was on, and marched towards me. The moment he stood in front of me, I could have sworn I caught scent of his idiocy beforehand.

"Look at you, I didn't think your hair would grow back so quickly." Jonas remarked, reaching to touch my dirty blonde hair.

I used my yellow gloves to slap his hand away. "Don't touch my hair, ever." I glared at him, not about to forget what he did to me barely two months ago.

He stared at his hand, then at me, stun drawn across his stupidly handsome face. "It's just hair isn't it? Why does someone like you think you can touch me so casually?!" Before I knew it, he busted his infamous bipolar nature.

I reflexively shrank back when he raised his voice to me. The memory of Jonas holding a pair of scissors, with me pinned over the study table, flashed before my eyes.

Jonas cracked a confident grin when he noticed the panic in my eyes, since he was on the taller side, he was used to looking down on others.

"Ew, Jonas, don't get near her, your clothes will reek of detergent." Another another voice chirped at me. Thankfully, Emily's remark diverted Jonas' attention from me, back to the diva of the group.

Emily Backster.

Dressed in a pink mini skirt and a white crop top, Emily frowned at my cleaning getup. "Ack! Do you know the amount of germs you're spreading?" Her fake British accent almost my ears bleed.

Passing her a square look, I retorted, "and do you know how much bacteria you release whenever you open your mouth?"

She widened her eyes, completely speechless, she exchanged glances with her best friend Amber, then at the guy in ripped black jeans and a baggy hoodie, plopped on the couch, staring into his phone.

"Crispin..." Amber tugged onto the guy's arm, purring like a feline. "I'm so miserable, why do I have to suffer after being so kind to Harvey? I mean, isn't it enough that I pay her to wash my bathroom? Were my parents wrong for paying off her sick mother's hospital bills?" She asked, playing the girl who cried bitch.

"Right?" Emily scoffed, clinging onto Crispin's other arm, placing her plastic surgery boobs on full display for him.

"You should be more grateful her parents didn't sue your mother for jumping in front of their car like that? Suicidal wench. Right?" She went on to say in a mocking tone, despite looking dumb, she had a sharp mouth.

Jonas clapped his hands, laughing at her words, "I know, it's crazy how she suddenly jumped in front of your dad's car. Who knows, maybe she knew that her life would be settled if he was the one driving. Poor people can do the most desperate things..."

"Oh come on! Don't say that in front of Harvey, look, she looks like she's about to cry!" Amber pointed out, in a fake sympathetic tone.

Crispin raised his head from it's crouched position and looked to see if I really would cry. He was cruel like that, he was the silent kind who never interfered when things happened, and gained satisfaction from watching someone collapse.

But I desperately didn't want to cry, I didn't want it to look like I believed them, or the bullshit story that my mom would jump in front of a car on purpose. When it was an accident, that her parents covered up as a suicide!

My feet turned around to retreat into the supplies room, I needed to get away from them. Once they saw me cry, these pricks would never let me live it down.

Especially Amber.

As I messily navigated myself away from this pathetic scene, my body ended up crashing nose first into a tall brick wall, placed up from nowhere. My balance was disrupted, as my feet took uncalculated steps back, struggling to find their footing.

As I closed my eyes, prepared for the worse possible outcome, which would be me falling down and making a complete fool of myself. I felt my balance restored, as a strong pair of arms firmly wrapped themselves around my waist, keeping me in place.

"Woah, be careful or you might hurt yourself." A familiar deep voice resonated in my ears. Acting on impulse, I pressed my palms against his well built chest, attempting to push him away.

"Oh, it's fine... I'm not hurt.... thank you..." My words came out a complete mess as I fumbled, very self aware of how I looked and smelled at that moment.

One of his hands snaked up from my waist and pinched my chin, I nearly moaned when his warm hands were actually touching my skin. Not in my dreams, but in real life.

He brought my brown orbs to meet his mesmerizing green eyes, which suited him better than they did Amber, despite being the same shade. It was the first time our eyes were meeting, and it just had to be in this sort of embarrassing situation.

Could someone dig a hole and bury me in deep enough so he would never find me?

Parting his plump pink lips he said, "Hey," then lifted the corners of his mouth into a half smile.

"Hi," I nervously, tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear, staring at the face that I secretly admired from afar, the one I imagined touching me in the showers, while he whispered the dirtiest things into my ear.

The face of Damien Davers, Amber's twin brother and my secret crush.