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Beyond The Shadows Of My Eyes.

Beyond The Shadows Of My Eyes.

Author:Vanessa Ngwainbi



After being betrayed by her fiance and step sister, Mishka was so depressed that she decided to commit suicide. In the process of commiting suicide, she was rescued and forced by her fostal parents to marry a cripple, disfigured man called Williams Arthur; who couldn't even take care of himself. unknown to all, the crippled man was the richest and hottest bachelor which every young lady was doing all they could just to be his wife or mistress. Williams was a billionaire who hated to spent the rest of his life being married to just a single lady. As the playboy that he was, he wanted to have a child through surrogacy so that he could continue to play around with different ladies. After being pressurized by his father to get married because he won't let him to disgrace the family by having a child through surrogacy, Williams had no choice than to accept his father's wish but on a condition that he will disguise himself into a crippled,disfigured poor man and any lady that agrees to mary him, he will gladly marry the lady. Unfortunately for him, after being forced by her family and left with no choice, Mishka accepts to marry Williams; a decision that made Williams very angry because he knew that no lady will want to marry a man in such a state. What will Mishka do being stock with a man who can't take care of her needs and to worsen the situation, he decides to sell her out to the rich Williams Arthur as a maid? what will Mishka do, after discovering that her husband was actually Williams Arthur who has maltreated her and done all sought of evil to her? Will she forgive him and continue to be his wife or she will gather her broken pieces and walk out of William Arthur's life despite the fact that he has uncontrolably fallen in love with her?

Mishka was lying hopelessly on the cold veranda with her head placed on a worn out “Ghana must go”; a bag which was made up of her old fashioned dresses. In tears, she kept turning and turning on the cold veranda till the early morning cock crowed. With red and swollen eyes, Mishka stood still as she was lost in thoughts. Today was her wedding ceremony with a disabled and disfigured man who according to him, got burned at the age of three.

Mishka had earlier made up her mind to run away from Mr. Anthony’s family. She was a poor orphan who had no background about her family. She didn’t know her biological parents, any family member or where she came from. All she knew about herself was that she has been working as maid in Mr.Anthony’s as far back to when she can still remember. Apart from this information, she had no idea of who she really was. All her life, Mishka had been hated and maltreated by this family and the reason they gave to justify their ill treatment was that, her parents owed them a lot of money and so, she was given to them as a ransom.

While she was still lost in thoughts, Staelle ran out through the back door and poured a bowl of cold water on Mishka, the cold from the water and morning breeze was nothing compared to the cold in her heart for she has never known how it feels to be warm. The next second, Staelle dashed into the house and stumble into her bed room, she opened her wardrobe and picked up her electric iron and sockets it into the distributor. Standing at akimbo with an evil smiled, she looked that at the hot iron and said evilly;

It’s not a bad idea for a sister to give her sister a farewell mark so that if they crossed paths again in future, she will recognize her.

Noticing that the iron was very heated, she dashed out of her bed room with the iron and vanished down the stairs as though she was being chased by death.

Mishka suddenly regained herself and sighed as tears flow uncontrollable down her cheeks soaking all the dress around her chest. She had no idea that her face was being targeted with a hot iron but coincidentally, she had turned to walk into the garden and something hit her very hard at back and before she could even turn to see what it was, she felt the flesh on her back being pulled, and skinned mercilessly. She did not have time to think straight for the pain on her back was unbearable. She tried to creep away but someone was bushing her down with all her might with the same object that seemed to have skinned her flesh. With gnashed teeth, she gathered all her strength and stood up. Staelle didn’t see this coming so before she could understand what was happening, she landed on the ground with her back hitting the ground so hard. A sharp cry escaped her mouth that ran directly into the house and in to her parents’ ears who were still cuddling under the quilt.

As if they were stroke by lightening, they dashed out of the bedroom barefeeted.

Staelle as the spoiled brat that she was, quickly passed the iron to Mishka.

Take this back to my room

Just as she took the iron and was about to turn and walk into the house, Staelle suddenly looked at her parents with a sorrowful face and without any question, Mr. Anthony, lands a deadly slap on Mishka’s right jaw and she lost her balance. Just as she managed to gain her composure, Mrs. Anthony slaps her other jaw pushing Mishka to fall to the ground and hit her already burned back hard. She groaned out in pains and realizing that her parents are about to let go of Mishka, Staelle stands and felt on her mother’s chest while crying and cursing;

Mom, dad; how can you let her go? I only came out her to give her some hints about a wedding day but she almost got my face burned with the iron.

What did you just say? Asked Mrs. Anthony

With so much hatred burning wither her, Staelle pointed at Mishka. Why don’t you asked her?

Mishka who was still on the ground in pains suddenly felt a sharp pain on her chest and as though she was about to take the last bullet, she supported her legs with her hands and she painfully stood up and stared at the Anthonies with gritted teeth as if she was suppressing her pains to say something

Mr. Anthony scanned her from hate to toe and asked impatiently

What do you have to say?

With eyes as though they were about to be shot forever, the word “I’m sorry” escaped her mouth like a whisper.

Crossing her hands on her chest, Staelle pretended she didn’t hear anything and arrogantly asked.

What did you just say?

Mishka had almost by pass Staelle suddenly came to a halt when she heard her and without a second thought, she forcefully raise her voice in pains and coughed out.

I’m sorry Young Mistress

Mrs. Anthony scanned her from head to toe and covered her nostrils as she yelled out.

You stink you poor thing, hurry up and freshen up let’s hurry to the City Council for the signing of your marriage.

Immediately Mishka heard the word, marriage, she suddenly stopped on the same track and without looking back, she tilted her head from left to right in disappointment and walks into a small bath room in the gate man’s house attached to the gate.

After she freshened up, she picked up a faded towel and dried her face before gently she moved to her neck and other parts of her body. When she was done, she stretched her hand and her hand landed on a small but old body cream container and dropped some body cream on her right palm. After she covered it, she mixed cream and gently brought her hands to her face while looking at the mirror but her actions soon came to a halt and she wondered aloud.

Didn’t I just washed my face? Mishka, there’s no need crying because no amount of tears will save you.

Without hesitating, she applied the cream on her palms on her body before she picked up the faded towel to wipe her face.

An impatient voice rang from outside

Where is this useless girl? Better hurry up, we can’t keep your husband and his people waiting. Mrs. Anthony storms back towards the car.

Meanwhile after hearing the that her husband was already waiting at the Civil Council, Mishka broke out in tears again but in the next one minute, she was already done dressing up.

With her eyes fixed on her old ballery white shoe, she walked out of the gate man’s house in a complete state of abandonment. As soon as she stepped out, she couldn’t help but to hold on to the edges of her -tared gown as she took questionable steps towards the Anthonies’ convoy.

As she got closer, she lifted her right hand to open the car door but all the three cars suddenly sped up causing her to lose balance but couldn’t fall because she managed to balance herself with her eyes still fixed on the three cars speeding off.

After she wiped her eye, Mishka hurried towards the gate and just as she was about to step out of the gate, she ran into Nanny Ruth; an old lady in her late forties who happens to be Staelle’s nanny since the very moment she had her first cry.

With eyes full of pity, nanny Ruth scanned her pathetic cream white gown and sighed. The roughly stitched section on her right side was very visible and the black thread used to stitched her gown was very obvious.

With a painful smile, she greeted nanny Ruth without even glancing at her for once.

Good morning ma’am

Without responding to her greetings, nanny Ruth could see through Mishka; her fears, worries and all the questions going on in her mind could be seen just by looking at Mishka’s sorrowful face.

Come with me.

She says and walked pass Mishka without giving her a chance to refuse but she still managed decline her request.

Ma’am, I’m already running late and I don’t know what fate holds for me if I keep everyone waiting.

Nanny Ruth turned and scolded her with so much concern.

Are you going to appear in front of your husband, his family and well wishers dressed like a beggar who has never laid hands on a dollar?

Tears flew down freely from her eyes as if the question nanny Ruth just asked her were daggers hitting hard on her heart. She felt on her knees and cried out like an abandoned chick while complaining.

Ma’am, where else can a dead man fall from his grave? I… I don’t mean to disgrace myself nor anyone ma’am. You know this is my best outfit.

She waved her hand in an approving manner before throwing $20 towards Mishka.

Get a cap and hurry off, you know your masters and what they are capable of doing especially to you.

Mishka flied towards the money as thought it was about to disappear. As soon as she picked it up, she dashed towards nanny Ruth and gave her a tight hug which took nanny Ruth by surprise.

Ma’am please let me hug you please

Without waiting for her responds, Mishka buried her face on nanny Ruth's right shoulder and hugs her emotionally. She let her cry on her shoulders for some time. Just when she opened her mouth to say say something, Mishka suddenly sobs and speaks out.

Ma’am, thank you for being a mother to me. Thank you for being my source of comfort. I’m scared I might die soon without thanking you.

She looked around the mansion before she continued

Ma’am, thank you, I’m finally leaving this mansion and I night never see you again, please never forget about me. Ma’am I will go ahead.

Nanny Ruth gently patted her back before smiling at her.

Take care of yourself Mishka.

Mishka nodes and ran out of the gate and kept running till she finally stopped a cab.After settling in the cab, she quickly told the driver where she was heading to and in half an hour later, she finally arrived in front of the City Council. She alighted from the taxi with so much fear and gradually stepped into the premises. The first wedding of the day seemed to have just ended and they were taking pictures gleefully.

As she walked pass them, everyone including the photographer turned towards her direction and she could hear all their whispers.

Is this the bride of that ugly human being on the wheelchair? Asked girl A

I think so, you don’t need a soothsayer to tell you. Replied girl B

But why will she dress like this on her wedding day? Cried one of the on lookers

Isn’t she one of the young ladies of the Anthonies, said Gaius

Who told you that? Said Isaa. She was given into that family as a ransom for her parents’ debt.

This stroke Mishka’s heart like a tornado and before she could envisage what was happening, her chest was already soaked with tears. She had never known who she really was because all her life she had lived with the Anthonies. Somthimg suddenly stroke her and she turned and stumbled towards the crowd of gossip and the whole place suddenly felt into dead silence.

She looked at all their faces but couldn’t dictate who just made the sentence but one thing was sure, it was the voice of a gentle man. Seeing a group of three gentle men, she forced a smile and went towards them. As if she had a swollen vocal cord, she smiled and asked them

Please someone just said I was given into the Anthonies as a ransom for my parent’s debt. Please I…

Did they send you? Go back to those who sent you and tell them you didn’t see us. Retorted Gaius

That’s right Miss, don’t act innocently in front of us. Do you want to sell us to the Anthonies?

With teary eyes, Mishka suddenly remembered that she was here for her wedding. In order to avoid trouble, Mishka hurried up a security guard who led her into the main hall.

As soon as she stepped at the door, everyone turned and stared at her. Some sympathizing with her, some were those who come to mock and laugh at her especially Staelle and her crew and others were just indifferent. After giving a meaning to all their gazes, Mishka burns her head and looked at her feet as she walked up to where the groom was but after taking about fifteen steps, Mishka’s eyes widened in shocked and when she lifted her eyes and saw supposed husband. she turned to run out but another voice in her scolded her and asked her to go back while the other voice kept persuading her to run out. While she was still thinking of which voice to obey, she heard people whispering behind her back.

Isn’t she a young mistress from the Anthonies? Said Girl B

How can that be? Everyone knows that the only young mistress from the Anthonies is Staelle. Said Girl A

Girl C laughs out silently but mockingly, just look at what she is putting on. And to think that her terrible outdated also cuts across her knees is driving me crazy

As they continue to whisper, the disfigured crippled man on the wheelchair remained indifferent. He looked so terrifying as almost one part of his right jaw has been burned off. His best man stared at Mishka back and bend a little and whispered something into Willams Arthur’s left ear.

Cindy looked at Mishka from head to toe; her hair was natural as though it has never been oiled. It was neatly combed and tied into a ponytail. After examining Mishka from head to toe, she turned to Staelle and questioned her.

Staelle, isn’t she that your domestics servants who happens to be your distant relation?

She was so loud that Mr/Mrs Anthony equally heard her clearly.

Staelle looked at her parents who pretentiously smiled back at her and she equally looked at Cindy and nodded with a pretentious smile.

Cindy was shocked by the revelation.

Then why is she dressed like this. At least today is her special day.

Hearing this, Staelle smiled evilly and glanced at her parents who motioned her as though to say it’s time.

After she fidgitingly ran her eyes at everyone in the hall, she suddenly stood up and yelled at Mishka to the dismay of everyone. Steven equally looked at her in anticipation and after seeing that she has successfully drawn the attention of everyone, she stood up and stormed towards Mishka shading crocodile tears;

Mishka why are you so heartless? Why do you want to give a bad name to my family?

Mishka was stunned by her acting skills.

Staelle saw how pale Mishka has become and become very bold again to disgrace her further.

Mishka, what happened to the dress my parents bought for you?

Mishka was shocked to the core because she couldn’t recalled the dress Staelle was talking about.

Mishka asked her with a weak voice. What dress Miss Antho…

Before she could finish her sentence, Staelle gave a very hard slap on her cheek which shocked everyone but the groom wasn’t shocked at all