
Let’s Read The Word

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Chasing Alpha's Vampire Bride

Chasing Alpha's Vampire Bride

Author:Aurora H. Hiya



Warning!!! Some parts of this book contain mature and violent content. Love or heavenly curse, what could be the most appropriate word for the lost souls? This is the story of two sworn enemies who were cursed with the most powerful curse, Love! Thalia Vladimir, The gorgeous and innocent princess of the vampire kingdom lived her entire life within the stone wall of her castle searching for a way to her freedom. Exchange of her cursed freedom, she just brought the ultimate misfortune for herself and her kingdom. Betrayed and frozen by hatred, the road of her life was never going to be easier like before.. In her mournful life, she could think of only one thing.... REVENGE!! King Heimish Liamworth, the tyrant and ruthless Alpha king of the werewolf kingdom always wanted the demise of the vampire kingdom to fulfilled his own revenge. Laced with a dark past, he had only two obsessions in his life, the throne of the vampire kingdom and Princess Thalia as his... BED SLAVE!! He will make her pay for everything that her father had done to him and his kingdom.. When he finally wanted to make her pay for everything, they both were astounded to discover how their destined fate was tangled with each other!! They HATE each other more than anything ever exists in the world.. But they never knew, LOVE was always buried in the labyrinth of their hatred! Welcome to the love-hate roller coaster ride with Thalia and Heimish. Between two born enemies, will romance get any chance to change their vengeful minds?


A painful whine escaped from her mouth as his clasping hand on her wrist became more strong. Swiftly, he twisted her hand behind her back and pulled her body closer in his embrace after placing another hand in her curvy waist. That little touch of her skin was more than enough to ignite the spark inside his veins..

" One more unruly word from you and I'll rip those luscious lips of yours, my slave ",

a sensual yet dreadful threat came out from King Heimish which made her shiver in his embrace.

Glancing at her long bare neck, he gasped as an exotic tingling sensation was crawling down through his throat. The lavender scent of her delicate skin seemed so seductive that he was battling with his mind to control his lustful desire. Even an unruly string of silky hair that was simply laid on her bare skin fueled in his aroused dark desire. Defeated in inner battling, he slowly leaned his face and caressed his wet lips over her bare skin without any prior warning...


" So this is the real face of the mighty Werewolf King! Inside this locked room, you're treating your mate as a slave! "

Thalia's voice hissed before she strived to get free from his tight embrace as his fingers were nibbling into the flesh of her waist.

" If you dare to move your body an inch, I'll take it as a seductive invitation from you to fulfilled our wedding night!

To the world, you're my mate, my bride.. But inside this room, you're nothing but a slave to me.. My Bed Slave!"


~The Moonstone Castle Of the Vampire Kingdom~

The door of the royal bedroom slowly opened with a cackling as a middle-aged royal healer hastily walked out of the room bowing her head respectfully,

"Your Majesty, The Goddess has blessed you with a beautiful baby girl"

A Baby Girl!!

I'm not fallen into my dream this time!!

It's true..Finally!!

An ear-piercing sound of the baby's crying snapped his sense back to reality.

King Vladimir's face beamed with happiness hearing that crying sound as a gust of happiness soothed his heart just like the delicate touch of the spring breeze.

After all these years of hardship.. Finally, the great Goddess blessed him with a child.

"How's... How's my Queen? How's my daughter? Are they.. ?"

King Vladimir couldn't complete his utterance as his voice became impeded by an intense pang of emotion while saying the word...

'My daughter'.

Indeed, a cyclone of emotions was strangling his voice repeatedly. Without wasting any more time, the king didn't wait for the healer's reply and entered the room with staggering paces. Inside the royal room, a maid was cuddling the newborn baby wrapping her body with a white soft fluffy duvet. Inside the duvet, the little princess was moving her hands and feet aimlessly.

Slowly, the king reached to the baby as the maid bowed her head with respect before stretching her hands towards the king to give the newly born baby into his cuddle. Trembling, King Vladimir cautiously held her daughter in his embrace with a pair of shaky hands. Teardrops of happiness were dawdling in the corner of his eyes to become spilled as this was the most happiest moment in his life. Finally, he became the luckiest man in the world as he became able to cuddle his own child. Cautiously, he observed every inch of his child with fatherly affection. With those innocent beautiful eyes, Little Princess looked at his father and slowly a soft smile formed on her baby lips.

Indeed, the little princess acknowledged her father at her first glance.

Cuddling his daughter carefully, the king glanced at his beloved Queen who was silently watching the most beloved moment between the father and their most precious daughter with an emotional crying face.

Softly the king handed over their daughter to the Queen and the baby Princess suddenly held a finger of her father's hand with her soft tiny hand. Chuckling in contentment, the king sat beside the Queen holding his daughter's tiny hand carefully.

"Adriana, My love", whispering in a soft voice, the king softly caressed his lips against the Queen's forehead patting her head in tenderness.

"You've done a wonderful job, My lady."

Shivering a little, Queen Adriana slowly placed her head against the king's robust chest as if a little frightened bird was taking shelter in his embrace. Sensing that familiar warmth of the king's embrace, she felt a little relaxed as she whispered,

"Oh Theodore, I was scared. I thought I'll be never able to see your face."

Slowly leaning his face towards her, he gently touched her chin and placed a soft kiss over her pale lips. That little touch of his salty lips wiping against her's was enough to soothe her trembling heart.

"I'll let nothing happen to you as long as I'm beside you. I'm here now, so don't worry about anything else."

Hearing those celestial words, the Queen slowly closed her eyes and began relishing the warmth of King Theodore's embrace.

A moment later, the king turned his head towards his most loyal bodyguard and ordered in a jolly voice,

"Andrew, Come here"

An armored man named Andrew promptly reached near The king and bowed his head to greet the couple,

"My king, My Queen. Congratulation your Highness. "

Softly smiling at his hearty greetings, Queen Adriana nodded her head in acceptance and turned her attention towards the baby. The giggling sound of the baby was roaming around every corner of that lavished royal bedroom.

"So where is our Royal fortune-teller?", The king asked in a husky voice.

"Milord, she's waiting outside for your permission," Andrew replied with respect.

Waving his hand positively, the king ordered,

"Let her come. We need to read our Princess's glorious fortune now."

"As you ordered, Milord."

He hastily left the room and in no time came back along with an old woman following behind him.

"Here she is, Milord." Andrew again bowed his head and the woman behind him also followed him.

The old woman seemed nearly in her eighties as her skin was crumpled just like a piece of old useless paper. A thick rag was covering her whole body while her neck, hand and ears were crammed with a bunch of weird jewelry. She was carrying a heavy ragged bag pack in her back as it was compelling her body to bend down feebly for the load. Her appearance emitted an aura of omen which was more than enough to change the joyous environment of the room.

Implying them to raise their head, the king coldly ordered the old woman,

"You know why you're here! Now start your job and read the young Princess's fortune cautiously."

"If anything goes wrong, I won't spare your life!" He added in a dreadful voice.

The King was well aware of these witch's wicked nature! He didn't want to let anything happen to their precious daughter.

The old woman unlocked her pale thin lips and uttered in her throaty ominous voice,

"I'll keep that in my mind, Milord",

Looking at Andrew, the king ordered indifferently,

"Keep an eye over her. If she tried to do something tricky, Take her head instant!"

Andrew nodded at his order just like an old faithful dog and kept his eyes over the witch.

The King ordered everyone to leave the room thus every maid who was present there hastily left the room with fearful paces to clear the room for Royal's personal business. Only 5 people were left in the room after their exit.

With a slow pace, the witch began to get closer to the Princess and commenced with her magical mantras trembling her paper-like lips. Soon the room filled with a continuous hissing sound and after a while, she placed her right thumb over Princess's little forehead. Scared by this sudden action, the Princess began to cry restlessly and threw her hands and feet in irritation.

"Sob sob sob.. Nothing happened, sweety.." Queen Adriana tried to soothe the baby as she began to move her cuddling hands slowly. That little action gradually helped the baby to calm down and stop crying.

All of a sudden, the witch's face turned black as she threw her body on the floor away from the baby in a quaking manner. Babbling some unknown words she began to crawl back over the cold floor.

Pointing her trembling index at the baby, she could only utter one single word,


Startled by her sudden action, Andrew yanked the handle of his sword and freed it from its sheath. Hastily, he grabbed the hand of the witch and pulled her up while jabbing the sharp edge of his sword near her throat.

Became infuriated, the king instantly stood up from the bed trembling in resentment as his thundered voice roared between the walls of the castle,


How Dare You!

You filthy bloody witch!!"

"Andrew! What are you waiting for! Take that vicious woman's head right now!"

His dreadful voice shivered everyone in their spot.

King's cruel order didn't create any effect on the witch as she kept mumbling her words. Unexpectedly, Queen Adriana spoke up in a wild voice,

"No, stop!

Don't even dare to touch her!

I want to hear everything that she is trying to say!"

The queen's words compelled Andrew to halt in his action hence he instantly heaved his glance at the King to understand his wish.

King Vladimir seemed startled by Queen's sudden utterance as he remained silent for a couple of minutes.

Nerveless King Vladimir stooped over the bed and imply at Andrew to obey his Lady's order.

"Please tell me.. Tell me what did you see.." Queen Adriana inquired in a pleading voice.

Though she was the most powerful Queen of the entire Vampire kingdom, her motherly affection towards her newborn baby was far more intense than anything else at this time even than the value and power of her Queen status.

regardless of being a Queen, she didn't even think twice to pledge to a mere lowlife witch when it was the matter of her precious daughter's future life.

Indeed this little baby was the most precious thing in her entire life!

Hearing her pleading words, the old woman slowly began to heave her body from the floor and stood over her feet gathering her leftover stamina. With a humming voice, the witch began to speak up her fortune reading,

"Ominous, ominous!

The Vladimir kingdom will demise in the hand of this child. The werewolves will be howling in every corner of the castle and innocent blood of Vampires will gush for her stupidity!"

Hearing that dreadful prognosis all of a sudden, the room fell into pin-drop silence as a terror crawled through everyone's spine thus they couldn't even open their mouths to speak up.

"Wha..what! Are you insane?" The Queen muttered after a while still lingering in her awestruck condition.

After coming back to her sense, a shrill cry escaped through her mouth,

" way.. Oh, God..

These can't be true! She's.. just a baby!"

Glimpsing Queen Adriana's hysterical condition, King Vladimir rumbled in outrage without any more further delay,

"Enough! Watch your mouth, you vicious creature!"

"How dare you saying such a nasty lie! Andrew, immediately throw her in the darkest dungeon of my castle." He ordered in a dreadful voice.

As the king's bodyguard attempted to captive her, she whispered indifferently,

"Throwing me in the dungeon will never solve your problem, My king!

I..I saw it! With my own magical eyes.. You won't be able to bury that bitter truth under your thousands of lies!"

"Oh, God! What should we do now?", The Queen whimpered hugging her precious daughter tightly in her embrace as if someone was coming to snatch her from her embrace.

"That girl is ominous! No matter how hard you try, you don't have the power to change her cursed destiny", that wicked witch blurted out smirking a devilish smile.

"Shut your dirty mouth! You lewd woman! How dare you to speak these low words in front of His Majesty?" Andrew grabbed her neck and tried to strangle her as he heaved her fragile body an inch from the ground. Seeing her own death in front of her eyes, her eyes expanded in terror as her lungs were striving to catch a whiff of fresh air.

"Release her!"

His action was deterred by The king's sudden growled voice.

"Pardon me, Your Highness. I happen to lose my sanity for a moment." Releasing his grip from her neck, Andrew apologized sincerely kneeling in front of the King.

Heaving his gaze from his bodyguard, the king threw a death glare at the witch and uttered in a thundered voice ignoring Queen's whimpering cry in the background,

"You stupid witch! You brought your death by yourself!

But I'll spare your life for this very last time. If you dare to open your mouth about today's matter to anyone, I'll surely hunt you down and strangle you with My Own Bare Hands!

Now Leave!"

Earning a second chance, the old woman couldn't dare to test His Highness's patience again and this time she hastily ran away from the room to save her own life.

After her departure, King Vladimir carefully ordered his loyal servant in a low voice after making sure that the Queen wasn't heeding his words,

"You, burn her alive in her cabin, tonight! Make sure she's dead and didn't get any chance to open her mouth before her death!"

"Oh, and don't forget to make sure it has to look just like an unfortunate accident!", He added nonchalantly.

Comprehending his duty, Andrew silently left the room after bending his head.

Moving towards the weeping Queen and the little Princess in her embrace, the king promised to himself gnashing his teeth desperately,

"I'll never let anything happen to both of you! Even I'll compel the Goddess to rewrite our destiny, my precious.."