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Can't Live Without You

Can't Live Without You

Author:Paxton Ndemo



Melissa Amazon has accomplished everything in life, but one . Having sacrificed her emotional feelings for financial independence ,at thirty-eight ,she wants to marry her first love who has suddenly disappeared . On the other hand ,the Mafioso wants her to marry into his family through whatever means necessary . Would she marry into the mafia family if only to end the bitter rivalry between the two families ,or wait for her heart's desire to come back from wherever fate had taken him? How would she when she has a strong feeling that the mafia are behind the mysterious disappearance of her love ?

The wedding hall was packed to the brim . The nobles mixed with the commoners to witness the bride and bridegroom exchange vows to their matrimonial journey . The groom's relatives beamed with pride as they looked forward to having such an exceptionally talented bride as their daughter in-law . It had been a tough ride so far , but the end always justifies the means . The bride's relatives and friends , on the hand , were expectant of an hitherto unheard of unity between the two antagonistic social classes . To them , it was proof that they too could rise above their social status . Melissa Amazon , their daughter , had testified to that .

The congregants rose in loud applause amidst melodious chorals as the bride's and groom's teams advanced to the podium from opposite directions . Milton , in the company of his father , expectantly marched majestically , a broad smile displayed on his face . From the other side , Melissa , accompanied by her eager father , walked hesitantly , her head staring on the carpet , like someone tormented in her mind . " Where are you , my love ? Did you have to disappear when I needed you most ?" She had been assailed by these questions ever since events had conspired against her life's desire .

Suddenly , someone tapped her on the shoulder . She turned to find , June , one of her bridesmaids , extending a piece of paper to her . She quickly scanned the writing on the paper , her heartbeat increasing . Abruptly , she made an about turn and started running out of the hall , leaving everyone perplexingly astounded .

* * * * *

Chapter One

The conference room of the Paradise Cures Hospital was a bee-hive of activity . Dignitaries from diverse backgrounds intermingled freely , sharing pleasantries and drinks . It was not only an suspicious occasion , but also a historic day in the history of the subjects of Zone A as Melissa ,their daughter , had demystified the age-old chauvinism not only to become the first ever woman to venture into the hitherto male-exclusive territory of medicine , but had also gone ahead to discover the unique drug . Today , her company was officially launching the miracle drug after winning the Research Development Award from the Academy of Sciences and a greenlight from the World Health Organization .

At thirty-seven , Melissa's person could be described as fantabulously gorgeous , almost angelic . Being neither too short nor too tall , her curvaceous figure could only be contrasted with her brilliant brains . She was aptly described in many circles as ' beauty with brains ' .

Accompanied by her childhood friend and co-inventor , Milton ,she gracefully moved around the hall welcoming and shaking hands with the many dignitaries that had graced the occasion . From the way the two moved , many people could be forgiven for taking them for a couple . However , though either of them harboured fond feelings , she had often considered Milton as that good , trustworthy friend who would always be there for you whatever the circumstances . They had come a long , long way from nursery School to high school , from college to being workmates . She owed much of her success to his encouragement and honest criticism . She was like that brother she never had . On the other hand , he had always taken her to be an excellent friend who would sacrifice her life for him . His parents had teased him about what an incredible couple they could make from since they were teenagers . Though they kept hoping , they seemed to have been proven wrong as years went by .

" Oh my !" Shouted Ruth from a group of six ladies and gentlemen as they reached them . " You look gorgeous in that dress , and even more majestic walking beside Mr . Handsome !" Ruth was an old friend of theirs from high school . Now married with two kids , She had never tired of matching them .

" Good gracious ! You are cutier too , and in a fantabulous company of handsomeness itself ," she returned the compliment as they shook hands ." Am really honoured by your presence , guys ."

" You are one hell of a lucky girl ," continued Ruth . " Seems like everything you put your fingers into turns magical , except one ," she mischievously eyed Milton . They burst into giggles . " Anyway , meet our collegemates , June and Jane , and their ...No ,let them introduce themselves . Of course , am sure you two already know , Kane , my lovely husband ."

" It has been a long time since we met last ," started June . " A lot has changed since then , but am really happy for you . This here is Chris , a very intimate friend of mine . I seem not to have enough of him , so I asked him along ." Melissa was inwardly surprised because the last she had heard about her friend was that she had wed one of the sons of a Mafia leader . She would have to ask her later in private .

" Hi , Melissa ," saluted Chris . " I have heard a lot about you , and it's my pleasure to have finally met you in flesh ."

" Hi too . Am grateful that Muna had the foresight to bring you along ," responded Melissa .

" The world is such a small village , but too easy for friends to totally disconnect ," Jane continued with the introductions . " I wouldn't believe it when I saw your invitation . I had thought you had deleted me from your memory bank altogether . Plus , my long business trips out of the country could't help . Am really delighted to reconnect . Partrick here is my sweet love ," she concluded , fondly patting him .

" Hi , Melissa ," enjoined Partrick . " She couldn't stop talking about you since she received that card . She threatened me with hellfire if I coincidentally planned to be away on this particular date . It is of great pleasure to realize that you are that special person one couldn't afford being absent ."

" Am flattered ! Did she say that she and I couldn't get along well in college , or that I hated her when she travelled out of the country for her further studies without informing me ?" Melissa enthused .

" That's another side of her I have learnt today . She is such an amiable little thing that I can't imagine her not getting along with anybody ," responded Partrick , feigning shock .

" I concur with you on that . You must be a very keen observer ," agreed Melissa . " Now , since all of you seem to know me , albeit theoretically , let me introduce my partner . Milton and I have come a long way since baby class . Not only is he my childhood friend , but he is also my business partner ."

" Are you sure that is all between you two ?" Intervened Ruth . " Guys , don't you think there might be something more than meets the eye ?"

" Well ," started Milton before Melissa could respond " it's presumptuous to charge a book by its cover . Melissa happens to be a very good friend of mine and business partner . However , I couldn't blame you for thinking otherwise because , in my humble opinion , no reasonable man could resist having such a sweet soul for a life partner ," he enthused , staring directly into Melissa's eyes . She blushed , conflicting emotions coursing through her body for the first time since she had known Milton . It was the very first time that he had complimented her towards that direction . Realizing that the others were staring at her , she mustered enough energy and said :

" Ladies and gentlemen , you must excuse us for there are a couple of other people to welcome . We would sure catch up later ." She tugged Milton along .

They saw the Cabinet Secretaries for Science and Technology , and Health and Environmental Sanitation chatting in a corner table . They advanced towards them .

" Welcome , gentlemen ," she said . " Am really honoured by your presence ."

" Pleasure is all ours ," responded Job , cabinet secretary for Science and Technology . " I wouldn't miss this auspicious occasion ."

" The uniqueness of this launch and all that pertains to it couldn't afford my absence ," stated Mane , cabinet secretary for Health and Environmental Sanitation . " Besides , your growing fame is always of interest ."

" Am really humbled by your nice sentiments . Feel at home and in case you need anything ,just ask . We are about to begin soon ."

They continued walking and sharing pleasantries with many other dignitaries who had arrived untill they reached her father , Mr . Tobby . He was having some bitter exchange with a group of three people .

" What are you doing here ?" Tobby was asking the elderly man in the group .

" Take it easy , Tobby ," responded the man ." This is business . Am not envious of your daughter's accomplishments as to miss this occasion ."

" Since when did the king of the jungle start dinning with the rats ?" Tobby retorted . " Nothing good would ever come from your association . What are you scheming by coming here ?"

" My dear old friend , can't we put away our personal differences to celebrate our children's success ? You wouldn't wish for our family conflicts to be transmitted into the next generation , would you ? Let the young generation decide , for our time is up ."

" Here you are ,Dad !" She decided to interrupt after overhearing their exchange . " And who are these good friends of yours ?"

" Thank heavens !" Interjected the old man . " You have come at the right time to save us from your old man's displeasure . Am Jarius , a businessman of no mean repute . This here is Marley , my eldest son . He is running our Genetic Engineering and Organ Transplant facility . And this is Raz , our Chief of Security . Though , we weren't invited , it would be unfair for two neighbouudring families not to celebrate each other's successes . Moreover , am sure my son here would wish to discuss business with you ."

" Everyone is welcome . However , you must excuse us for not being able to send the invitations in time . Perhaps , your card got mixed up somewhere ..."

" No , it didn't ," intervened Tobby . " It was not even printed because I didn't want to ."

" That was selfish of you . Nevertheless , we are here now . My dear , why can't you show Narley around while I catch up with your father ?" He asked Melissa .

" It would be my pleasure ," responded Melissa as they walked off . After a few paces , Milton excused himself .

" Why don't you proceed while I attend to other matters ?" He asked Melissa .

" No problem . We will meet in the office in a minute for further preparations ."

" Excuse my preying , you didn't introduce your friend ," observed Marley as they walked along the corridor .

" Am terribly sorry , but we barely had time as your father and mine looked as if they were about to cause an explosion of the year . Name is Milton , my good friend and partner ."

" Are you always that ambiguous with your answers ? I mean , 'partner' could mean a lot of things ."

" You must be the first one to say that of me ," she said , laughing slightly . " Would 'business partner' remove the ambiguity ?"

" Better . Seems you two have come a long way to be partners in such a beautiful venture ."

" You can say that again . We have known each other since we were kids growing in the same neighborhood . And fate behaved in such a way that we went through same schools and colleges . Enough of me , other than how your father described you , what else are you ?"

" The old man has it when it comes to heaping praises . Born in a family about three kilometres away from here , I wasn't luck to familiarize myself with this neighborhood because I was sent to boarding schools as soon as I learnt to say 'Papa' , mostly out of the country . Specialized in Genetic Engineering that am trying to put into good use in the facility stated by the old man ."

" You must have a rich background to not only afford boarding school , but also in foreign territory . Some of us weren't that privileged ."

" Well , the end justifies the means . Now , look where you are . You are worthy fortunes ," he said looking directly into her eyes as they paused on the door to her office . " Well , I have a business proposal that you can't resist . Would you mind discussing it further at a more convenient time ?"

" I will consult and give you a call ," she responded as he gave her his card .

" I can swear that it's as irresistible as you . Don't dally your response , please ," he said , kissing her hand . He strolled away , leaving her standing at the door . She was still staring at his retreating back when Milton opened the door and peeked into the corridor . Some jealousy crept into his being on realizing the focus of her stare .

He cleared his throat and said , " your stare implies that you didn't have enough of him , right ?"

" Stop teasing ! You make me feel that you are jealous ," she enthused .

" Sorry , just thought I was minding my business ."

" Have I become your business now !"

" I don't know about that , but am sure you are part of my business . Talking of which , we are ready for the launch ."

She stretched her hand to him and they walked together into the hall.