
Let’s Read The Word

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Alpha Xander

Alpha Xander

Author:Humble Smith 123



Lena's whole pack and family was killed right in her eyes, she was saved by Lillian the Luna of the Blue moon Pack, She thought her life would be better in the new Pack not until the Luna died from the internal injury she got while saving her. This alone made everyone hate her deep and raw especially the Alpha and his son, she became lower than an Omega, A slave One day, she saved a Werewolf caught by a powerful trap not knowing he is Alpha Xander the most powerful and ruthless creature ever known, never did she knew that one act would change her life. What do you think would happened when they meets again in school right in the same class and then she finds out who her mate truly was?

"Run!!!!!!" The scream of my father resounded in my ear as mom held my hand running very fast,

I was running and glancing back to dad who had stopped running with us and faced the enemies who were after us.

Hot tears filled my eyes and all over my cheeks, sweat covered my face, my heart was beating so fast and loud, my head pounds, I feel hungry but all that wasn't what I was thinking of,

I only need to be alive, I have to run and save my life,

Mom is sick yet she is running, we are escaping away from the people who had wiped off all the members of my pack, they have attacked us and killed everyone, we are the only survivor,

"Mom will daddy die??" I asked, crying at the same time,

Mom couldn't give me a reply, she only let out a shrill of pain, I could see her lips quivered as she tried hard not to burst into a cry,

She kept running and my legs were getting weary and hurts so bad especially my sole which was already badly wounded,

I was getting totally weak, my legs were finding it hard to carry me but mom kept pulling me through,

"Aghhhhr!!" I screamed and dragged off my hand from her grip falling to the ground, my ankle just sprained and my knees couldn't hold me anymore, I fell to the ground thirsty and gasping for breath,

Mom stopped and turned to me,

"Lena!!!" She cried out and tried grabbing my hand but I wriggled it off wagging my head  vigorously,

"I can't go on any longer!!!!" I shrieked,

"We aren't far from them, here isn't hidden, they will find us!!" She cried out with tears rolling continuously down her cheeks, there was great sadness in those blue eyes of hers,

Her whole body quiver and she was staggering even when she tried griping me up,

"Mom, I'll die if I move any longer, I'm thirsty, I'm hungry, I'm sick, I'm exhausted, my legs are weakened, I have a broken ankle!!!... I can't go on anymore!!!" I cried, feeling the intense pain took over me, from my head to toe was full of pain!!

"Lena you are the one they are coming for!!..because of you, they wiped out the whole pack, they won't relent till you are dead and I can't allow you to die!!!" She burst out into a painful whimpering, the type that shredded my heart into pieces...

"Mom what did I do??...what is my crime??" I asked breathing heavily,

"She made to say something when we heard footsteps, running towards us,

"They are near !!!!" She screamed and I cried trying to stand up,

She dragged me up and I cried the more, I'm just 16 years old, I can't bear all this!!!

"Mom, why can't you shift to a wolf and take me away..." I whined feeling the pains eloped my whole body making me limp...

"They took away my wolf, Lena you should be alive no matter what happens....go away!!!" She screamed and I raised my brow at her as she stopped the same way dad had did,

"Mom, why are you stopping?..let's go!" I arched my brow but she shook her head and held my cheeks tenderly, she pecked my lips and smiled,

"Mom loves you, please be alive, run far away!!...I'll stop them!!" She bawled leaving me struck,

"No. Mom, no!! can't stop them!" I whimpered shaking my head,

"I will stop them and meet you, I'll come back" she sniffed but I wagged my head holding her hand,

"I don't want to lose both of you, dad couldn't stop them, so you can't!!!... Dad would be dead now, I can't lose the both of you!" I sobbed and the steps got closer and louder,

"Go away!!!" She screamed and pushed me away,

I fell to my back,

"Go away!!! can't die!!! will be the one to avenge us, don't die too, go away from here!!" She kept yelling with those tears flooding down from her eyes,

I rose weakly and sobbed moving my legs away,

"Go away!!" She cried out with the most painful tone I have ever heard,

I burst into a loud cry as I ran away, but as I stared around after some minutes of running, I couldn't tell where I was or where I was heading to.

My heart is shattered into pieces, I was so exhausted not from the run but from the fact that my lovely mother and ever caring father were giving their lives to save me,

What was the essence of living when your life cost the death of your parents?

My father died saving me, my mother is also going to die leaving me in a world I know nothing about,

Oh no.

I made a deep breath and made to run farther but then I was shocked at what I saw, I had turned my gaze all around and found out I was on a single path but then it leads to nowhere, Fear gripped me.

The road has come to an end,

"Where does mom want me to pass through??" I mused fluttered my glistening eyes,

It was evening already and the forest was becoming so scary the big trees and shrubs, I was shivering already as it dawned on me that there was no hope, the men would be here soon and there was no place to hide,

It was all useless, it had all been useless all this while,

They all died to save me not knowing I'll end up dying at the end,

Hot tears rolled down my eyes as I turned back, I am going back to mom, I rather fight alongside her and get killed with her than stay here,

I sped back so fast with all the strength I got, the adrenaline of meeting mother for the last time gave me more strength, I was faster and finally got to where Mom had stopped,

My eyes widened at what I saw, I felt great horror rush through me, my heart raced, I felt stiff, I couldn't just believe what I saw,

My mother was lying in the pool of her blood, her arms were gone, her legs were broken, The men were seven in number and kept hitting her while she struggled to live, they were all muscular and had a golden mask, I could see a tattoo mark of a skull in the left arm of one of them,

Mom cried out and that made me run at them with all the strength I got, my wolf was dumb and powerless, she could only cower at the edge inside me with grief,

I was a fragile girl who can't match with these men but I am sure to kill one of them before dying,

I don't know how it happened but with the rage in my heart and the heaviness in my heart, I formed a fireball from my inner powers which I can't tell where I got it from...

With a scream, I fired it to one of them and it struck his heart bringing him down immediately...

The remaining six raised their gaze to me and I could see how enraged they were from their eyes which was the only visible part of their face.

"How dare you!!!" One of them thundered,

"She offered herself to us easily!!" Another growled and my heart grew heavier,

They all charged at me and I tried forming that ball again, I tried all I could do to make the power surge out but nothing happened,

They kept menacing forward,

I knew I was going to die, it is over, Mom is motionless over there, I can't tell if she is dead but I know no one is going to survive...

My eyes moved to each of the men one after the other causing terror to fill me,

I began to move my legs backwards and just as I made to run away, a strong rope rolled over my body tightly binding me together,

I turned to them with tears and made to plead as the rope was becoming tighter to my body but couldn't even make a sound before they all sent a very powerful blow on me at the same

It sent me crashing heavily on the ground with a loud thud, my bones crack, every part of me was injured at that blow, I couldn't cry, I was dying instead,

They walked forward and I swallowed the lump in my throat staring at them in pain,

Their smirk could be seen from the mask,

"Finally, she will die!!" They laughed and formed a black fog from the palm,

"Let's rip off her soul, crush, burn up her body to ashes, erase her from this world" they added and laughed again. Their tone showing how happy they were, it was a victory to them,

I saw them form the magic powers and I shut my eyes ready to die, there was no way I will survive another hit...

My eyes were closed tightly with hot tears rolling out, my weak wolf shivered and cuddled herself together, I could also feel her pain,

There was nothing I can do, there is nothing she could do, we are dying together with my parents.