
Let’s Read The Word

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The Billionaire's Bride

The Billionaire's Bride

Author:Alexis sanders



Nineteen-year-old Tiffany Dion is daddy's little girl and she would do anything to save her father's company even if that includes getting married to a pompous show-off who calls her a rude brat. Although her husband-to-be is currently top three amongst the world's youngest directors, Tiffany can't help but think that he's just childish and annoying. At first, they had it out for each other, fighting over the pettiest and darnest things but after everything, they put aside their differences and let love lead them. But not without facing some obstacles in the way of their love. Shawn always comes to her rescue whenever she's in danger because she's his brat. Not anyone's but his.

"As Dionysus stocks plummet, their sales decrease as well....." Tiffany switched off the news which was playing from the small screen in front of her. These Reporters sure knew how to rub it in someone's face.

She sighed heavily for the umpteenth time as she looked to her side.

Currently, they were on a plane on their way back to Vancouver from their trip to Miami for Tiffany's summer break.

She had always wished to go to Miami Beach so when her dad said they were going on a trip there during her summer break, she was overjoyed but she didn't expect the trip to turn into a disaster after a week there.

Her eyes were fixated on her side where her dad sat by the window, his cheeks were already sunken in and he looked gaunt. She never really understood why he loved to sit by the window whenever they traveled by plane, she had a fear of heights so whenever she looked down and saw clouds or tiny buildings, she couldn't help but feel small.

As if on cue, he immediately turned to face her and gave her a small smile.

"I'm okay, you need to stop staring Tiff. " Her dad said still smiling.

"I know, I'm just worried, you said your childhood friend wanted to see you, what if he wants to buy the company or worse," Tiffany said and closed her mouth immediately. She shouldn't have said that, she was supposed to be consoling her dad not adding salt to the injury.

"It's fine, my friend wouldn't dare to buy the company." Her father said smiling genuinely now.

She removed her hands from her mouth and moved closer to hug her dad. They hugged for a short while and soon disengaged from the hug but the smile remained on their faces.

After a while, they arrived in Vancouver and the plane landed.

They walked to where their driver was waiting for them and drove straight home.

"I'll be back before dinner." Her father said kissing her forehead and heading out the door to visit his childhood friend.

Tiffany looked around their house and wondered what she could do to pass the time. It was just two in the afternoon, there was still a lot of time until dinner.

She decided to pass the time by bringing out the souvenirs she bought from Miami and putting her clothes back into her wardrobe.

When she was done, she lay on her bed and thought about what was going on.

Her father got a call a few days ago that their stocks plummeted and they were losing a lot of money, her father was devastated and there was nothing she could do. She could only hug him as he sobbed in her hands.

The only time she saw her father in tears was when he talked about the kind of person her mother was and that was when she was five years old but now she's nineteen and it's still not a good sight to see.

She couldn't help but wonder if there was anything she could do to help him. He has always put her first in everything, he said she was his priority and he gave her everything she asked for, she couldn't help but feel like this was her turn to do the same. She has always been on the receiving end, now was her turn to give back.

If only there was something she could do.


Shawn couldn't help but feel nervous as he sat in the middle of the two older men. They were currently in his father's office, his father had asked him to come and say hello to his childhood friend who saved his life when he was younger.

"Here's your tea sirs." His father's secretary said dropping the tray of Earl Grey tea, a cup of milk, and another cup of sugar.

"Thank you." They said at once and Shawn took his cup to his mouth, he took in the fragrance and took a sip of the tea savoring every taste.

Of course, Shawn was eager to meet the said man because all his father had done was sing praises about him.

His father had told him the story of how his life was saved when he was younger by his childhood friend who invested in him. And how it was that investment that led him to build Gold Group into what it is today. He also spoke about how he wanted to repay the man's kindness someday too.

"Shawn, this is Mr. Dion, my childhood friend."

"Dion, meet my son, Shawn."

His father said gesturing as he introduced them to each other.

The said man stretched his hands out for a handshake which Shawn took and shook hands with him.

"Nice to finally meet you in person, I've seen you on the internet and I can't help but marvel at the amount of things you've achieved in a short while." Mr. Dion complimented him.

Shawn nodded acknowledging the compliment.

"Thank you." He added quietly after nodding his head.

"Son, have you heard of Dionysus?" His father asked.

"Yes, I have."

"They're on the best seller's list of amazing wine, of course, I've heard of them although they seem to be having issues currently," Shawn explained.

"Well, Mr. Dion here is the chairman of Dionysus." His father said and Shawn's eyes widened.

"You know I've always told them about how I want to repay his kindness someday, well, the time is now." His father said with a small smile on his face.

Shawn nodded agreeing. His father was right, if they decided to help Dionysus get back on its feet, it wouldn't be a bad investment because it was a good company and they needed a wine-selling company at the moment his father would be paying an old-time debt.

"So what do you want to do to help him out?" Shawn chose his words carefully, he didn't want to hurt the man's feelings.

"Help him out?" His father laughed.

"Well, we're going to merge the two companies, that way Dionysus wouldn't go bankrupt, and even if it wouldn't be a solid company like it before, it would still be alive and not abandoned and good wine wouldn't go to waste." His father explained and Mr. Dion nodded alongside him.

"Yeah, you're right. A merger could work too." Shawn agreed.

"And we'll also become in-laws too." His father added at the end.

Shawn's face fell.

"In-laws?" He thought.

Were they playing tricks on him?

Was this a trick or a prank?

He looked around him checking if there was a hidden camera but he couldn't find anything.

"In-laws you say?" Shawn said quietly.

"Yes, Mr. Dion has a little daughter in high school, you'll be getting married to her, it was all my idea and your mom agreed with me. Mr. Dion also agrees." His father said laughing now.

Mr. Dion managed a small smile on his face.

"Married? A high school student?" Shawn repeated quietly. He didn't want to yell or snap. He tried to smile but the smile didn't reach his eyes.

He was no longer listening to what they were talking about. His ears stopped working the moment he heard that he'd be getting married and to a high schooler at that.

Didn't they come here to merge the company and make Dionysus a subsidiary?

What's with the marriage?

Is this some kind of joke?

He looked at the two men who were still conversing with each other, they didn't seem to notice the look of horror on his face.

"You can go and think about it while we catch up on the things that we've missed." His father said.

Shawn got up from his chair, he knew that was his cue to leave. He wanted to rant to someone but there was no one to rant to. Most of his friends weren't based in Vancouver and the one who was based there was probably busy with work by that time so he didn't have anyone to call.

He hurriedly walked to his office slammed the door shut and began to pace about.

His father didn't just set him up with a stranger, did he?

Of course, he knew who Mr. Dion was now, he was the man who saved his father's life ages ago but that had nothing to do with him, right?

It has to be a joke. Yes, it's a joke.

They can't be asking him to get married to a little girl.

Shawn had to stop thinking, he knew Bryan wouldn't pick up but he still decided to call him anyway.

Fortunately, Bryan picked up the call.

"What's up, man? You never call me during the day?" Bryan said quietly immediately the call went through.

On a normal day, Shawn would have said something about how he skipped pleasantries and went straight to the point but he wasn't in the mood to do that now.

"My dad just told me something and I don't know who to tell or what to do because it's overwhelming," Shawn said rushing his words.

"What? Did he finally agree to step down as chairman of the foundation?" Bryan asked uninterested.

"No, it would be better if he did that."

"Instead, I'm getting married," Shawn said breaking the news to his best friend.

"Married? Who?, You?" Bryan laughed.

"Shawn, nice try but the joke's lame," Bryan said in between laughs.

"I'm not joking, I'm serious," Shawn said in all seriousness but Bryan couldn't help it as he started laughing again.

"What's so funny?" Shawn snapped.

"Why would your dad want you to get married? You don't even date people seriously. And who's the girl?" Bryan asked no longer laughing.

"I have no idea," Shawn said truthfully.

"All I know is that she's nineteen and she's the daughter of my father's childhood friend," Shawn said.

"A high school student? What? She has a crush on you or something?" Bryan joked.

"No, I don't think so, I just got to know who my dad's childhood friend was today, I don't think she has an idea either," Shawn said.

"Why don't we meet up soon and talk about it? I have to go now." Bryan said and hung up before Shawn could reply.

Shawn couldn't blame him, Bryan was always busy and he had serious matters to attend to for now so he'd let it pass.

He has to fix this, but how?

He sat on his swivel chair, tapping his foot repeatedly on the floor.

"That's it!" He stood up abruptly and exclaimed.

He'll just have to tell his father that he won't marry her. Yes, that's what he would do. He couldn't possibly get married to a high school student.

He checked the time and it was already time to leave, he took his keys and ran straight to the parking lot. He took his car and drove straight home. He had to stop this marriage arrangement and fast.