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Married To A Ruthless Mafia King

Married To A Ruthless Mafia King




Synopsis What could be more worse and grieving than discovering that your cool and reserved father is involved in Mafia business? Well,learning that you would be married to a cruel Mafia king just to satisfy his sexual desire is worst. Welcome to Allison McCarthy's world. ALLISON MCCARTHY is the only child of her parents,she could be termed as a perfectionist;she's ambitious,beautiful and intelligent. Her dreams was shattered when she learnt that she would be married to a Mafia king just to satisfy his lust. Who is Ryder Colton? Arrogant. Ruthless. Egoistic. RYDER COLTON is the No 1 most influential man in Italy. He is every woman's dream but he detests getting in a relationship with them. He is the Mafia King. A cold blooded Mafia king. He only viewed Allison as his toy ;his bedroom mate. Can simple Allison bear the scary lifestyle of Ryder? What happens when Ryder begins to have a lot of affection for Allison?? ALLISON MCCARTHY can be his weakness;his strengths and also be the one to lead to his downfall.


Monday morning could be so stressful but as for me,i love Mondays.People like my best friend, Octavia used to termed me 'weird',they would said that it's a weirdo who enjoys Mondays that's filled with doing mathematics.Well,they hate Monday morning because we have mathematics for three good periods and i really enjoy the arrangement of the timetable.It's just so perfect.

"You gonna help me with this mathematics, i don't understand what this man is saying.The topic is damn difficult to understand."Octavia groaned beside me,her voice was loud enough for everyone to hear her.

I chuckled.I hope Mr Albert doesn't heard what she just said but i was mistaken,he heard her ranting.

Mr Albert adjusted his glasses and nodded his head in disgust."What a pity! Miss redhead,if you know that mathematics is just so hard to understand,why did you enrolled in a medical school? I'm sure that you're better off working as a clerk."

Everyone burst into laughter and all heads turned to look at Octavia.Unfortunately, she was the only one who is a redhead.I looked at her with pity,am sure she won't be able to escape people's taunting calling her a clerk.

"Shut up everyone."Mr Albert hit his hand on the desk in front of class in order to put the class to other."Bunch of lazy students."

Octavia whispered in my ear."This man is a jerk."

"Remember that he's your mathematics teacher."i whispered back.

"Fuck mathematics."she muttered under her breath.


The school cafeteria was filled with chatters.Octavia is still abusing our mathematics teacher, she claimed that she was annoyed but why the hell is she eating her meal.I thought when you are angry, you will be pissed off with everything including food.

"I wished they changed our mathematics teacher.That jerk is very annoying."Octavia cried and shoved a slice of bread into her mouth."Remember,last semester he deducted from my marks just because i talked in his class."

"You didn't just talk, dear.You called him 'annoying jerk' in his presence."I corrected her,then sipped my orange juice.

She rolled her eyes at me."Gosh, you're always supporting him.Did you wanna marry his son?"

"You really don't like me, Octavia.His son is also a mathematics professor.Did you want me to spend all my entire life solving mathematics?"

At least, what i said got her laughing.She burst into laughter, tears almost rolling down her eyes."I thought you love mathematics."

"But not to the extent of my entire relationship life."i added with a faint smile.

"Your real best friend is coming."Octavia said with a chuckle.

"Not again."i muttered under my breath as the queen bee of Donald Medical School


and her three minions who used to follow her like puppies took their seat in our table.Why the hell did they decided to sit with us on a blissful day?

"Hi Alyssa.I really like this your denim jumpsuit.You looked stunning in it.I bet,it would fit me more than you,you know i have a nice figure and my curves are in the right places."Selena Weaver commented and she flipped her purple hair behind her ear.

One of her minions,Molly commented."Selena, this is the denim jumpsuit that i told you was made by Aria,the most intelligent fashion designer in this state."

Selena hissed,her lips was curled and her nose was wrinkled."Aria,that slut who lied to the press that she was dating my crush,Ryder.She tried all ways to make him ask her out,but the king turned her down."

Octavia opened her mouth a bit and stared at her with widened eyes."Your crush refused an intelligent and beautiful woman? Who's that your crush?"

Hope,one of Selena's minions looked at Octavia with her mouth twisted."Are you even in this state? You don't know Ryder Colton, the most handsome man in the state.I thought you are even more updated about what's going on in the world.You and Allison are just so old fashioned and boring."

I scoffed."Well,i think i have seen his picture once in Vogue magazine.He's really handsome.He is a business man,i guess."

"Business man??"Selena cackled."He's not only a business man,my dear.He is a Mafia King,a very cruel Mafia King.He is so famous,i wondered why you don't know my charming crush.His coldness and bad lifestyle makes him more charming."

"This girl is a big fool, she's falling for a ruthless man."i mumbled inwardly.

I was about to utter a sarcastic reply when my phone beeped.I brought it out from my pocket,it was a call,my dad.

I picked the call."Hi dad."

"Sweetheart,can you come home now?"He didn't even let me reply."Mike is on his way to pick you up.Don't pick any call from a strange number."

"But dad..."

"Please, Allison.It's very urgent and for your safety."

Before i could reply and asked him the reason he wants me to come home,he hanged up the call.

Perhaps,i should take heed to him,He must have a solid reason for telling me to come home,i could sense that he was distressed.Something is really wrong.I ran my hands through my hair, what could be wrong?

My father is a cool and reserved man, he doesn't sound like the man who called earlier.His tone was always cool unlike the man who called whose voice was shaking and filled with fear.

Oh Lord! Protect my family from any form of disaster!

Or could it be that Father is planning something mischievous like a surprise party? But, today is not my birthday and today was Monday,he ought to be in his workplace.

"Alyssa, what's wrong? You looked dull."Octavia observed.

I stood up from my seat."I need to get home now.I'll call you later, Octavia.Bye guys."

When i reached the school parking lot,Mike is not there.I decided to call him before i could dialed his number,a car parked in front of me.It was a familiar flashy sport car.Sure,it was Ian,one of my course mate and he is also my crush.He was one of the most hottest guy in DMS and he's even brilliant.Beauty with brains.

He has confessed his feelings to me times without number but am not interested in a relationship for now,i only wants to study and become a professional medical doctor.

He wind down the car window."You zoned off, Allison.What is on my mind?"

I beamed a fake-smile."I am waiting for my chauffeur,my dad wants me to come home, now."

"Oh, should i give you a lift?"he offered.

"Maybe."i said shyly.

The idea of me being in the same car with him makes heat rise to my cheek.But, anyways i have to get home now.I quickly texted Mike telling him not to bother to come to my school because i have a ride already.

I entered his car and sat down fidgeting with my bag."Thank you,Ian."

We didn't talk much in the car,i was busy thinking about what could be wrong at home. Ian seems to understand,hence he didn't engage me in much discussions.

I heaved a sigh of relief when Ian announced that we have reached our destination.Now,i could find out what was really wrong.I uttered a'thank you' to Ian and promised to text him at night.He just nodded his head and manoeuvred his car out of my neighborhood with his skillful hands.


What i noticed when i entered my our living room was that the atmosphere was so tensed and unusually cold.Immediately,Mother saw me,she got up from her seat and enveloped me in a tight hug.She looked like someone who had been crying for days.I let her hug me for a few minutes before i broke free from the hug.

I questioned."Mother, what's wrong? You cried?"

She didn't reply my question instead, she embraced me and pressed her lips on my forehead."I love you, baby."

"I love you too, mother."

I once more broke free from hug and walked up to my father who had been silent,he was sitting down quietly.His eyes were red,the inner corners of his eyebrow were angled up. I pecked his cheek,he looked like he really needed that.

"Dad, what's happening?"i asked."I need an answer.Why was mum crying? Why did you asked me to come home?"

"Daughter,a..m v..ery so....rry."he stuttered.

He was about to utter another sentence when we heard the sound of our house gate opening.I peeped through the window,i saw a lot of cars,at least four.Those cars were all black in color and their windows are tinted.

I was mortified. But, we're not having a party and by the way, father's friends don't have their windows tinted in a suspicious way and all their cars were not black in color.

I turned to look at my father with a questioning look.For the first time,i could see fear visible on my strong father's face.His mouth was drawn back and stretched exposing his teeth.

"Th...ey her..e."he stammered with his eyes widened.