
Let’s Read The Word

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Double Iris

Double Iris




Iris Ann Jones has been trying to live a normal and simple life with both her brother and her father, ever since her mother left them. Just a few years later, she comes in contact with the infamous son of the prestigious Wayne's Family, Zander Miller Wayne. She never knew that this little and unfortunate encounter with him will unravel a lot about both their pasts. Finally, when she thought all her fight was over... the table got turned around. What happens when she eventually finds out about her true identity. Will she be able to forgive those she truly loves or get her revenge.

~Iris's POV~

I woke this morning in my pink and white striped shorts and a white vest, feeling so annoyed and angry, and I didn't know why.

I am very sure am not on my period.

I picked up my glasses from its case and put it on. It was looking a bit blur so I used the lower side of my vest to clean the lenses.

Much better!!

I knelt beside my bed and shut my eyes to say a few word of prayer like I always do.

What??, I don't wanna go to hell!.

"Lord Jesus.... I thank you for a new day, please lord,...let things work out for me today, Amen."

I opened my eyes and realized my brother Devon wasn't in the room.

"Dev!, Dev!!!!,....where are you?". I said screaming on top of my voice. I didn't get any response from him so I went to our living room to search for him.

"Morning!!.. have been screaming your name since, didn't you hear me???". I said touching his messy hair. He turned to my direction, removing my hands from his hair ,his eyes were bloody red. I just realized he has been crying and his vest were already soaked with tears.

"Mom, happy birthday". He said wiping tears out of his eyes with the back of his palm and stroking mom's portrait.

Suddenly, I realized why I was so furious this morning, today's date is July 16th, which is my mom's birthday and the same they she left us.

Yeah!!!...she left her family, how nice.

I tried comforting him but all my effort were just in vain.

"What's going on here?". My dad asked stepping out of his room.

"Dad... Don't you rem...remember its mom birthday, I really miss her, she's ....she's still gonna come back right??". Dev said still sobbing. I just rolled my eyes, Devon is so pathetic.

Dad's mood suddenly changed.

"Yeah, don't worry she will come back to us, you know she loves us most especially you, OK!, soooo....please stop crying, you know if your mom was here she wouldn't want to see you cry". Dad responded patting him on his back. I didn't want to interfere in their little moment.

Devon finally stopped crying, but I was mad at him, because for the past 5 minutes have been trying to make him smile and forget about mom's issue but it didn't work. Dad just came all of a sudden and tells him what will never happen and he just buys it.

I was not convinced with what dad told Devon. Its been 10years since mom left us and don't blame me if all my hope have been lost Because of her, sometimes I wonder why dad and Devon still thinks she's coming back. I would even ask dad why she left us but he keeps telling me:

"when the right time comes, you will know".

Like am sick and tired of hearing that same statement, I feel there is more to it but no one is telling me.

Every time I remember mom, I feel so furious. Even when she was with us, she never spent quality time with us, she was always out. I asked her so many times where she works but she always finds a way to change the topic.....suspicious right??.

I still remember her last words....

10 years ago.......

"Andrew, its time!!". Mom said with a sad face.

"Andrea, wait!, what do you mean its time??, .... You can't leave us like this!!". Dad said holding her hands.

"I have no other choice, this is the right time, I need to do this, they need me, you of all people should know that." she said and started crying.

You might be wondering how I got this information, well 7 years old me was ears dropping on her parents conversation. Haha!!

They!!, what does mom mean by "they need me". I was really curious.

"What will I tell them, most especially Iris??"Dad said wiping her tears.

"Don't ... Don't worry ,I know Iris, she's a strong girl, she will understand".

I smirked when she said I was a strong girl.

Understand what???.

I was still trying to understand what they were trying to say.

"Am gonna come back, when everything is alright, am gonna come back". Mom said still packing her things.

"OK..OK promise me, you won't forget us OK??". Dad held her face softly and started crying.

Men!!, I have never seen my dad cried like that.

"I promise.., just take care of Devon and most especially Iris". She assured zipping her luggage.

Dad nodded and they hugged each other so tight. Tears were already flooding from my eyes, I couldn't hold them any longer. I ran as fast as I could away from my parents room, so they wouldn't find out I was ears dropping.

Mom came to me to say her final goodbye. Her eyes were still red and swollen, she tried to hiding her tears but obviously didn't work.

"Mom,.. Where are you going to???... Are u leaving us??"

* * * * * * * *

Hello readers,

So this is my first book, I am really glad you checked my story out.

Please, make sure you share and comment on each chapter and feel free to tell me what you feel about every part of the story.

Love y'all.