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Road Trip To St. Mauricio

Road Trip To St. Mauricio

Author:Inonge Mitchie



Holland, Mandy and Uma are college best friends who plan to drive to St. Mauricio for spring break; a drive that they hope will be an awesome adventure but ends up being the total opposite as EVERYTHING that could possibly go wrong goes wrong, from day one to days later when Holland has to separate from her friends and go with her grandfather to another town to sprinkle her grandmother’s ashes into a river near where they first met and fell in love; a trip that has more things go wrong and has them meet a handsome bad boy stranger who Holland instantly finds herself falling head over heels for.

It was a Friday night and Holland, Mandy and Uma were getting themselves ready for a party at one of their super rich friend's house. Her name was Gwen and she lived the life of a princess. She was turning the big twenty-five and her parents had gone all out for the celebration; professionally done decor, custom made gifts imported from abroad and even a top class singer flying in just to sing happy birthday to her. It was going to be the shindig of all shindigs and the girls couldn't wait to get there and have themselves one of the best nights of their lives.

They lived in a medium sized three bedroom apartment building off campus in a middle class neighborhood and were in each of their rooms getting ready; Holland in a short puffy pink dress and silver heels sitting by her dressing table touching up her make up, Mandy in a short black dress sitting on her bed getting her golden heels on and Uma in a short white dress zipping herself up.

A moment later they were done and walked out of their rooms and into the living room not only dressed up and slaying but pulling medium sized suitcases behind. They looked each other up and down and smiled nodding their heads.

"I think we're ready," Uma said.

"Shut your mouth we are so ready," Holland said and they chuckled.

"Alright let's go," Mandy said and they started heading for the door.

"Whoa wait," Uma said and they all stopped. "Are we forgetting something?"


"Hello pre-party shots."

"Oh my gosh I totally forgot about those," Holland said.

"Me too," Mandy said.

"I'll get the tequila," Uma said and walked off to grab the bottle of tequila from one of the compartments of the TV stand.

"I'll get the glasses," Holland said and went to get the shot glasses from the kitchen.

"And I'll just stand here and look pretty," Mandy said and they chuckled.

Holland put the shot glasses on the dining table and Uma filled them up as each one then picked up a glass.

"To the best party of the year and to an awesome road trip to St. Mauricio," Holland said.

"Here, here," Mandy and Uma said and they clinked their glasses together and drank from them.

"Alright let's go. Best party of the year here we come." They wooed, grabbed their suitcases and left, with Uma who was the last one out slamming the door shut behind her.

They walked down the hallway to the elevator, got in and rode it all the way down to the ground floor and headed out. They reached Holland's car, a small red one, put their suitcases in the boot and then got in; Holland behind the wheel, Mandy riding shot gun and Uma in the back.

"To the party," Mandy said.

"To the party!!" Holland and Uma shouted and they wooed again. Holland was just about to start the car when something came to her.

"UGH CRAP," she went.

"What?" Mandy asked.

"Ugh I forgot something."

"What did you forget?"

"My license in my other purse," Holland answered.


"Sorry I’ll be back down in a bit. Quick Uma give me the keys." She stretched her hand to the back and a wondered look grew on Uma’s face.

"What? What’s happening?" Uma asked.

"What do you mean what's happening the keys, give me the keys."

"I don’t have the keys."

"What do you mean you don’t have the keys, you were the last one out and everyone knows the last one out gets the keys," Holland said as she and Mandy turned back to her.

"Duh," Mandy said.

"Crap," Uma made a face and said.

"Uma! Seriously," Holland said.


"And you slammed the door didn't you?"

"I heard it she did," Mandy said.

"Oh my gosh. You know the door is supposed to be closed gently or else it’ll get stuck, how are we supposed to get in when we get back one, without the keys and two, with the door being stuck?"

"Forget when we get back. Now, how are we supposed to get in and get the license now?"

"Sorry, it was in the heat of the moment, I forgot," Uma said.

"Dammit, I can’t drive without a license. It’s Friday night the police are everywhere," Holland said.

"So what are we going to do?" Mandy asked.

"We’re going to have to get that license."

"But the door’s locked."

"Well, we’re obviously going to have to find another way in because driving on a Friday night without a license is absolutely not going to happen," Holland said.

Next thing, Holland, Mandy and Uma were making their way down the back alley of their apartment building. It was dark and dingy, with the sound of their heels click-clacking on the ground.

"Oh gosh it smells back here," Uma said with her hand covering her nose.

"And so creepy, can’t we get mugged back here?" Mandy asked.

"Yes we can so we better hurry before the hobos get back and find us lurking all up in their space," Holland said.

"Oh my gosh." She froze with her eyes widened. "There are hobos back here?" Uma asked.

"What do you think that smell is?"

"Iew," she said and caught up with them.

They reached the fire escape and looked up to the fifth floor where their apartment was.

"Alright go," Holland said to Mandy.

"Go what?"

"Go up. You’re the tallest, get the ladder down."

"I’m in heels," Mandy said.

"Yes which makes you even taller, go."

"And you did high jump all throughout high school so you were just made for this," Uma said.

"Right, the school’s best high jumper anyone, you got this."

"Ugh fine," Mandy said and walked up to the ladder and began jumping for it.

"Wow it’s like watching a giraffe trying to fly," Holland said and she and Uma laughed.

"Ugh I can’t reach it, it’s too far."

"We need something to climb on," Uma said.

"Something to climb on, there’s nothing out here but." They looked at the dumpster. "That," Holland said.

"Well it’s all we’ve got."

"Either that or we wait for one of the hobos to get back and give us a boost."

"Iew no," Uma said.

"Then dumpster is it," Mandy said.

"Alright, let's move it," Holland said and they wheeled it to right beneath where the ladder was. "O.k. go," she then said to Mandy.

"What? No."

"Uh FYI you’re still the tallest one and we need all the height we need to bring that thing down."

"Right," Uma agreed.

"Yes and you know what else I also am? The heaviest, the second I get onto that thing it is going to swallow me whole."

"Also right."

"Repeat that to anyone and I will kill you," Mandy said.

"About being swallowed whole by the dumpster?"

"No about me being the heaviest."

"It's only by a few kilos," Holland said.

"Yes a few kilos that make me the heaviest and I don't like it."


"Yeah so again I can't go so it has to be one of you two," Mandy said and Holland Uma turned to each other.

"It’s your purse," Uma said.

"You slammed the door shut," Holland said.

"Yeah but I have zero upper body strength, last week I spent about twenty minutes just trying to open the jar of pickles."

"And she didn’t even get it open," Mandy said.

"I didn’t, I had to break it to get the pickles out."

"Glass and pickle juice everywhere."

"Ugh whatever, help me up," Holland said and Mandy and Uma gave her boost onto the top of the closed dumpster. She stood up straight and stretched for the ladder. "Ugh it's too far, I can’t reach it."

"Give it a jump," Uma said.

"Yeah," Mandy supported.

"Yes so that the dumpster can swallow me whole instead," Holland said.

"A little jump."

"Yeah," Uma supported.

"Alright, just make sure you got me covered just in case," Holland said.

"We got you."

Holland began to jump to reach the ladder; getting closer with each jump. She was about to give it one last jump and reach it when just then the dumpster lid that was clearly cracked broke inwards, with the yuck and gross filth inside swallowing her right leg.

"Ah, iew, iew," she freaked as Mandy and Uma made grossed out faces and looked away. "Iew! Ah! It’s warm, why is it warm?"

"Maybe the hobos pee in it," Mandy said.

"IEW!! Seriously?"


"Get me out! Get me out!" Holland said with her arms reaching out like a baby wanting to be lifted up and Mandy and Uma went to her rescue; lifting her off the dumpster and standing her on the ground. "UGH GROSS!" She looked down and gave a huge gasp. Not only was her leg covered in yuck and gross filth from her knee down but there was something missing. "My shoe."

They looked back at the dumpster and then to each other.

"No," Mandy said.

"No! We have to go back in for it," Holland said.

"Holland no," Uma said.

"Are you high? I just got these shoes . . . Today! I just got these shoes today. I am not going to leave it in there."

"Sweetie no."

"We can still save it," Holland said.

"No we can't. It’s too late. It’s gone," Mandy said.

"They were on sale and are in my favourite colour."

"I'm sorry honey but it's gone."

"NOOOOOOO!" Holland yelled to the sky like the worst thing had just happened.

A moment later, Uma was on her way up. She had managed to grab a hold of the ladder and pull it down; with Holland and Mandy watching her.

"Careful," Holland said.

"And hurry," Mandy said.

"Remember the yellow purse by my bedside and my cream heels in the closet."

"O.k.," Uma said climbing on.

"A thought, why can't you just get a pair of heels from your suitcase?" Mandy asked.

"Because those are for the outfits I have specifically prepared for spring break duh."

"Calm down it was just a thought."

"Thought excused," Holland said.

They looked up and went on watching Uma.

"Oh my gosh." A queasy look came over Holland's face and she quickly looked away. "Uma are you wearing any underwear?"

"Ugh . . . That’s what I was forgetting."


"Wait what," Mandy said and took a look-see for herself. The same look came over her face and she looked away too. "Oh gosh, definitely could’ve lived without seeing that."

"Me too," she said and they laughed as Uma made it to the top of the ladder and started making her way up the fire escape to their apartment window.

"Alright I’m here," Uma said.

"Great go in and get the stuff. Don't forget, the yellow purse by my bedside and my cream heels in the closet."

"I got it."

"And for goodness sake get some underwear on."

Uma slid the window open and went in, or rather fell in. Her heel slid across the floor and she dropped to her side.

"Ow," she said to herself and got up rubbing her hip and went into Holland's bedroom to grab her yellow purse from the bedside. She then rushed to her room to get a pair of underwear on and when she was done, she went back to the window. She stopped herself and looked to see if she got everything she was in there to get and she proceeded; back out the window and slamming it shut just like she did the door.

"I got it," Uma said holding it out over the railing.

"Awesome, get down and let's go," Mandy said and Uma started making her down the fire escape.

"Whoa hey hold on," Holland said. "Where are my heels? Where are my cream heels?"

"Ugh come the eff on," Uma said beating herself up inside. "Sorry I forget them."

"Uma! How do you forget? I told you literally two minutes ago not to forget them."

"I'm sorry."

"Three things you went to get. How do you forget one, two, three things," Holland said.

"I'm sorry. I went to get some underwear on and it totally left my mind."

"Well at least she got the underwear," Mandy said.

"No, the at least should have been my cream heels. No one is suffering with her going commando," Holland said.

"Are you kidding me? There's bush for miles under there. That image is going to haunt me for the rest of my life."

"Oh my gosh." She looked up. "Uma you need to go back in there and get my shoes."

"Um," Uma said and looked at the window. "Yeah I don't think that's going to be possible."

"She slammed the window," Mandy said.

"Did you slam the window shut just like you did the door?" Holland asked.

"Yeah," Uma responded and Holland threw a hand to her face as Mandy threw her head forward; both giving out deep sighs.

"Oh my gosh," Mandy said.

"Mandy?" They looked at each other. "Have we been completely locked out of our apartment?"

"Yes . . . Yes we have."
