
Let’s Read The Word

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Capturing My Victim

Capturing My Victim

Author:Safina Bello



Home was never a good place for her, she is hurt, damaged and she has faced a lot which makes her not to trust anyone. Sara isn’t what she looks like, she is the book with missing pages, a girl that can bring your worst nightmares to life. she is the definition of sin. The silent ones always create the biggest storm.

Darkness, that was all I could see, it was almost like I was blind. I don’t know where I was or who took me, the last thing I could remember was coming back home from the party.

I winced in pain as I try to adjust my sitting position, the floor was hard almost like I was sited on a rock, my body hurts I could feel pain everywhere, I tried to figure out what was wrong with me when I heard sounds, heavy footsteps some one was coming, the footsteps became louder and louder it was coming close to me.

My heart pounded hard as I smelt a strong cigarette odor the smell was getting stronger as the footsteps we’re louder, I gasped when I felt a huge hand on my lap.

“Good morning princess” I heard a voice, I could figure out the person was very close to me, as he spoke a strong hint of cocaine hit me.

I could feel my body shivering as he kept his disgusting hand on my shoulder.

“Get off me, don't touch me” I shouted while moving from him.

“Don’t shout at me princess, I brought you a friend” He said while caressing my cheek, then I felt a warm watery skin on my cheek, he caught me off guard when I felt his hand on my tits gently massaging and squeezing them, I let out a sorrowful moan when he squeezed them harder. his hands felt rough, it was hard, he took no mercy while he was squeezing my tits, when his left hand squeezed them again, I felt pain, a kind of pain I couldn't describe.

“stop, please stop, I beg you please stop it" I said for the ninth time.

I felt disgusted this man was touching me everywhere, I wanted to run, I wanted to push him off me, I tried using my hand or legs but I figured out both my hands and legs were tied. I felt hot tears escaping my eyes, I tried to stop my self I didn’t want to think about what this man could do to me next.

I have gone through a lot since I was little, I was never loved or care for, My parents died when I was Five I was been adopted by a family, no one loved me they hated me. Sometimes I wished I was never born, I wished my mom killed me in her womb , My step mom uses very opportunity to insult and abuse me, I always wondered why she adopted me, she hated me, am sure she must me happy that am gone.

The only people I had we’re my friends, They we’re the reason I even went to that party, I use to think all humans are vile and wicked until I met them, there we’re the only people that actually cared for me.

I was brought out of my thought when I felt his hand go down to the edge of my gown.

God please don’t let this happen, I promise I won’t drink again, please stop this from happening I begged silently as I sobbed.

he slowly raised my gown, his disgusting hand massaging my thighs softly, as I felt his warm breath on my neck, then I felt his tongue licking and sucking my bare skin, I bit my lips to stop myself from moaning, he was about yanking my panties when a loud scream distracted him from what he was doing.

I heard him stand up, his footsteps we’re heavier.

“I told you to f**king stay outside”. He shouted loudly, I felt bad for who ever he was talking to, all I could hear was screams and cries.

Next thing I knew I heard a loud sound beside me, someone was there, the person cried silently.

“Don’t worry princess, we will continue when I get back” He said his voice was like a thousand glass crushed. His footsteps became far and far

I didn’t want him to come back, I wanted to run, I need to get out of here as much as I hate to say this I want to go back home.

Home I said to myself while a tear escaped my eye. A home is a where a family who love one another lived, a home is where families have stupid pointless arguments yet they reconcile, where there is love and happiness, I don’t have a home, where I lived wasn’t a home it was hell.

Flash Back.

“I'm sorry, please let me go” I sobbed. “your hurting me” I said to my step mom. She dragged me by my hair not caring about the pain she was causing me, she pushed me on the floor, My face made contact with the floor causing my head to bleed, I tried to adjust my position but I ended up hurting myself But it seems like my pain wasn’t affecting her she was too busy getting another bottle of acid.

“You dare bring a boy into the house” She shouted while coming towards me.

“We..we.. we.. had a project together, I didn’t even.” Before I could finish explaining I felt a burn on my leg, she poured the acid.

"I swear I didn't know he was coming, I had no idea mom, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry” but all my pleas fall on deaf ears I was getting punished again just like every other day. I had no idea Robert was going to show up, we had a project I told him we will do it in school but he didn’t listen to me.

This happens every day, sometimes I wished I could wake up dead, my step mom will get angry and lash it on me, I wasn’t allowed to go out, from school to home that how my life was, being abandoned by my mother was the worst thing that happened to me, I thought she loved me, I thought she cared for me, I thought she will always be there for me. Mom always promised forever, but forever just a lie, a facade.

Death would have been better than the life I am living, I wish I was dead.