
Let’s Read The Word

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CEO's wife is too tempting

CEO's wife is too tempting




The ugly duckling, transformed into a swan, will never forget the dark memories, those who hurt her in memory in order to get more interests, again and again in front of her. Fortunately, she still has him, he is the only person she can trust, but she even his origin do not know, regard him as a "little white face", she had found that he is not simple, but do not know with him together, means that will face more danger. When life is threatened, the most do not want to mention memories are opened again and again, when the efforts to maintain things, in fact, does not exist, when once thought you can trust people, in fact, is the biggest lie, when the previous faith was betrayed and cheated...... Where should she go? But no matter what happened, he was there for her. When she finally unload all defenses, the whole world in front of him, he was incredibly contemptuous of the cruel abandon?

Outside the window was thundering and it was raining heavily.

How long has it been since I have been so reckless? I looked at the man lying next to me, and at the moment, he was looking at me with a smirk on his face.

He is a perfect man with indulgent charm and impeccable face, and the key is to live well without being clingy. A bed partner like this simply makes it impossible to pick any fault.

The only thing is that his eyes.

His eyes were born beautiful, but I only like his eyes the least.

As if as long as you stare at his eyes for 1 second, even if only 1 second, will be easy for him to see through the most unpleasant corners of the heart.

No one can see through me, and I won't give anyone a chance.

"Here's five million, good performance tonight." I turned my face away and tried not to meet his eyes. I took the check I had prepared long ago out of the drawer in the nightstand and dumped it on him.

But he didn't look at the check and kept his eyes firmly fixed on me.

I hate to be stared at, stepping on the floor scattered afternoon just changed clothes from the closet next to take out a bathrobe to put on, stepped on my from France limited lambskin slippers to the living room.

"Madam, your medicine."

The house maid came over with my soup, and I didn't even think about tilting my head and drinking it. I thought I wouldn't be interested in this kind of thing after my husband passed away, but I never thought I would meet him.

His name is Symons Jiang, Jue, the best of the jade, just by his looks, he is worthy of this name, but in a real sense, he is far from this name, far away.

Because he is with me, but for money, and I, for one, have nothing but money.

I leaned back on the sofa, thunderstorm outside the window, for some reason, I suddenly remembered the scene when I first met with Symons Jiang, it seems, is also this kind of thunderstorm day ......

That day I just came back from a design exhibition, had been fine, who knows the road suddenly lightning and thunder, rainstorm, I had thought to go back directly to the good, but did not expect. The car's rain wiper seems to have a problem, these are small things, perhaps because the vision is too blurred, I drove the car into a small alley I have never been, and the car's navigation seems to be broken ......

I was feeling miserable, looking out of the car window, but found the roadside water glowing a strange red, I looked over with the water flow, not far away, is lying a person.

I wasn't exactly a nosy person, and besides, as one of the top designers in the country, time is precious to me.

However, I inadvertently saw his face, and it was a face that was enough to make one's mind wander. Although his face was pale due to blood loss, it did not affect his ability to charm people in any way.

Because of such a "glimpse", I risked becoming a chicken to take him to the hospital, and from that time on, he relied on me.

He told me his name was Symons Jiang, his parents had died when he was a child, and he was penniless, but he did not explain the origin of the injuries, he did not say, I did not ask. Later, after he recovered, he asked me to take him in.

I was going to refuse, no one wants to keep an unidentified person around because they don't know when they will become a time bomb. Especially for someone with a special status like me, I'm afraid of trouble. But the look on his face forced me to compromise.

I admit, Symons Jiang just has an urge to make people want to have some kind of story with him.

I brought him home, he did not idle, the home inside and outside clean up very clean, and even help me wash clothes, about this, he is much smarter than the nanny I hired.

Which is dry cleaning, which can only hand wash, and even some simply can not touch the water ...... these simply do not need me to remind him to know, unlike my nanny ......

And there are some things that are just natural and natural in spending time together.

After all, a lone man and a lone woman.

Although, it was all an accident, I was unexpectedly addicted.

This kind of thing has the first time there will be a second, I do not want to cause trouble, so after each time will give him a lot of money, silver goods, which is fair.

I know he is not simple, at least for some of the world's less limited care methods are able to know all the people, definitely not an idle person. But I'm not interested in where he came from.

Anyway, between him and me, it's just a matter of you and me, each getting what we want.

Of course, all of the above is only based on the premise that he did not presume to try to invade my world.

Recently, however, he has become very strange.

He looked at me with an inquisitive look in his eyes, and I hated that look.

Rather than hating the stare, I hated that he presumed to see me through.

Yes, he is by far the only person of the opposite sex in the world who can freely come and go in my house, and he is also very good to me, and he will do whatever I want, and obey everything, even with him around, I can think of, or can not think of, he can do.

But so what? His kindness to me has nothing to do with the so-called love.

And such he wants to see me through because he wants something from me, other than money?

"It's cold on the couch, come here, I'll hold you and warm you up."

I was contemplating when Symons Jiang, slowly approached.

It must be said that a man like him possesses a fatal compulsion for any woman.

He sat down next to me, and I obediently lay in his arms, running my fingertips across his lips as he looked at me with a deep, misty yet sober look.

"Symons Jiang," I called his name.

"Hmm?" He looked at me sideways.

"Who the hell are you?" This was the first time I had a strong interest in a man. I wanted to know who he really was, to know everything about him.

"Who do you wish me to be?" He released my fingers, his voice seductive to the core, and gently sealed my lips as I tried to ask something else.

"I belong to you, your only man, Symons Jiang."

Symons Jiang is a man who is killing me, as long as I'm under the same roof as him.

I leaned gently against his chest, his skin was fine, but there were many scars on it.

What kind of person is he and why does he have so many scars?

I gently stroked up the scars on his body, "Here ...... here ...... and here, where did so many wounds come from?"

After so many years in society, I know that some people are never to be touched.

Symons Jiang did not leave a trace of my hand but did not answer, I broke away, instantly put away all the ambiguous expressions on his face, gaze straight into his eyes: "Who the hell are you?"

"I am yours, all over, completely yours." Symons Jiang said, took my hand and brought me into his arms, I just wanted to struggle but he pinned me down, I narrowed my eyes, it seems that I was careless.

"I don't mean anything else either ......," I said, my tone becoming soft again, not as sharp as it was just now: "We've known each other for so long, but I seem to know nothing about you except your name ....... I don't even know if 'Symons Jiang' is your real name, people only want to keep people they know around, don't they?"

I believe my meaning is clear enough, and as long as he is not a fool, he should be able to understand it all.

But Symons Jiang just looked at me wickedly, hands between my legs: "You do not need to know so much, you just remember, I am the only man who can bring you 'pleasure' ...... "

He looked at me from above in a condescending manner, as if he had a feeling of squeezing me in the palm of his hand. This feeling irritated me.

I stared at him, not moving, trying to see something from inside his gaze, but found his eyes unfathomable, I do not know why, I have a bad feeling in my heart, I am likely to beach a big trouble.

"In that case ......" I pushed him away hard, opened the drawer of my bedside table, and took out another check.

"Here is 10 million, I am satisfied today." The business of silver and goods is the cleanest.

Symons Jiang took the check and looked at me with a smirk: "It seems that in your eyes, I'm worth quite a lot."

I laughed and dismissed it.

Symons Jiang did not take the check, but got dressed and got out of bed.

As he was about to leave the house, I called out to him, "Symons Jiang."

He stopped in his tracks, I said blandly: "You remember my rules, I can give you 10 million to let you live comfortably, I can also use this 10 million, let you disappear from this world forever. So ...... you better not get me into any trouble. What I Samuel Ye want is absolute loyalty!"

And he only gave me a look, another one of those smirking looks!

This look made my whole body tingle and I didn't want to see him a second time anytime soon. He also had the good sense to go away and not come back.

I looked at the check on the sheet and pondered.

What does he really want?


Many things I have not had time to think about, the next morning's new product launch will be busy enough for me.

As one of the top designers in China, I have my own studio and team, and I try to announce every launch to the media as widely as possible.

This was done to increase my business value and to keep the company my husband left me.

My husband passed away five years ago, and before he died, he left me his company and all his assets without reservation. When a company of that size loses its leader at once, it is natural for the tree to fall apart.

The good thing is that I have always had my own business and visibility, and after taking over the company, I immediately changed my operation strategy, and the company and I became what we are today.

"Mr. Ye, the time is almost up." I sorted out the speech to wait to stand on the stage and was about to follow Zhu Zhu to the launch site through the VIP channel when I received a text message from Symons Jiang: "Princess, I have something recently, I may have to go out for a while, be good and wait for me to come back."

"Princess" was his nickname for me, and although I didn't like it, I didn't resent it either.

I didn't reply to him, as far as I was concerned, he came and went as he pleased and wasn't limited by me. And all I had to do was fight the next battle.

With the speech prepared in advance, I stood on the announcement platform of the new product launch.

The eyes of the people around me from the moment I stood up that polite, all focused on me, as if I was the focus of the whole field, the attention of all.

But for such a gaze, I have long been used to, and not a child, and the whole "Ye family" is my control, for their reverential gaze, I can more or less afford to.

I just want to stand here and let all those people know that I, Samuel Ye, am definitely not just a flower vase.

"Hello everyone, very welcome to this Ye family group new design clothing conference, I am Samuel Ye......" I just finished my opening speech, the microphone in my hand suddenly came a sharp hiss, this situation is rare, I look I looked at the stage and saw that my microphone was out of order at this moment.

The backstage staff was working closely on the repair, and at that moment, the door of the new product launch, which had long been closed tightly, was suddenly pushed open by a group of people.

"Samuel Ye! Your father is dying of illness, and you still have the heart to dream your big dreams of wealth and prosperity!" A sudden sound broke all my plans.

At once, all eyes were caught by the sudden entry of people at the door, and a riot broke out across the room.

"Where's the security!" My assistant was afraid that the scene would be unmanageable and wanted to have the security guards kick them out before they came in, but the surrounding security guards took into account that the leader of the group was a pregnant woman with a baby bump, and no one dared to go forward.

The pregnant woman picked up the loud speaker in her hand: "Everyone, we came here today for no other purpose than to reveal the true nature of this woman named Samuel Ye in front of everyone!"

For a while, the whole room looked at each other, and there was no sound. Some people did not understand the situation, and some people sat on the sidelines waiting to see the good show.

I looked indifferently at the group of people who approached me, how many times the trick, will not get tired of it?

"I am Samuel Ye's sister Claire Ye, this is Samuel Ye's mother Annabelle Hu, beside me is Samuel Ye's own brother Dick Ye, and lying on the stretcher, is our father! My father is seriously ill and has no money to treat it, so he can only wait to die!"