
Let’s Read The Word

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Desiring my Husband to be

Desiring my Husband to be




Hailey Blaire Ivory an actress who is famous because of her viral videos being a sassy. She always believed that being weak will kill her someday. So why not be a sassy one? Skyler Rios a CEO, one of the most rich young bachelor in the country. He is cold and ruthless when it comes to business. But what will happen when they need to get married? A cold, aloof billionaire and a sassy actress. What would the world be when they become husband and wife?

In one of the most big hotel in country A city a conventional party was been held.

The party was in the hall of crimson hotel. The place was dazzling and crowded. Many people from upper class, artist, business man and woman are invited. Many reporter's was also scattered outside of the convention hall.

In the corner of convention hall a young actress named Hailey was sitting with posture in a brown couch. She was holding a wine in her right hand. Her eyes was sparkling like a star's in the night. She's wearing a long black gown with a slit and her back was half exposed that made her more look gorgeous and stunningly beautiful. Her beauty was outstanding today's event.

Hailey wouldn't be her if her manager didn't force her to come and attend this party. She knows to herself that this kind of party is boring and has many predators.

Hailey looked around. Many actress and actors was enjoying each other's company. They chit chat and bragging about their social life. Even the wives of the business man. Hailey was always rolling her eye balls because she knows that everyone here is a fake. They're just trying to impress each other.

Hailey is a popular actress not because of her acting skills but because of her attitude. She was been titled as the Queen of mean. This year kinds of her scandal got popular. Hitting an actress, making a fight with an actor. Shouting and cursing a director. Well she's really like that. In the media industry you need to be smart and strong or else you'll suffer.

“Miss Ivory? It's really you!” Hailey's head turned around to see who mentioned her name.

She almost wanna roll her eyes again when she saw director Chen one of the most influential director in Shine bright company. She knows a lot about him.

Who wouldn't know him? His a scumbag that always uses his status being an influential director. Just to sleep with actresses who always need a backup.

Many actress would even throw themselves to this man just to have a big role in a famous movies. But Hailey is different. She would rather be out in the entertainment industry than to give up herself to this kind of man.

“Good evening Mr. Chen,” she greeted in a stern smile.

Hailey always expresses to everyone on what she felt or what expression she had on a person. She would not do anything nor act just to impress those who have a higher status nor a background that can help her become a famous actress.

Mr. Chen was captivated by her outstanding beauty tonight. He never thought that this kind of woman would be a beautiful like a barbie doll. And now his having a bad thoughts because he thinks that this artist would throw herself to him so that she could get a big role. After all his an influential director.

Lust is visible on Mr Chen eyes and she noticed it. Hailey who's looking at Mr. Chen disgustingly and she knows that this jerk is having some thoughts of her. Sadly that thought will be just a dream for him.

“Can we talk in private Miss Ivory? I have something great to offer for you,” the director said.

Hailey was doubting on what the director said but instead to decline his offer she gladly smiled widely and nodded as a response.

“My pleasure Mr. Chen.”

Mr. Chen was in glee because he thought that being an influential director is really great. Young actress would really throw themselves to get a big role just like this young actress who is now following him obediently in a VIP room of crimson hotel.

When they arrive at the VIP room Mr. Chen opened the door widely. The room was extravagant with an animalistic design. Crimson Hotel is really a good hotel. Hailey entered the room with a grin smile in her lips. You hit the wrong actress idiot, she thought.

A young man who is watching the crowded hall sipping an expensive wine.

He was standing in the second floor who is heavily guarded. There's not match people in the second floor, only who had a high background is aloud in that area just like the man their. His wearing a gray tuxedo made by a famous designer in France. A crescent was displayed in his right chest of the tuxedo. The crescent was resembles the Rios family who is the most influential in country A. Many people would do everything just to have to be acquainted with him.

Skyler was feeling bored. He really doesn't want to be in this kind of party but because of his status he forced himself to come here. While watching the crowded hall someone catch his attention. A girl wearing a beautiful dazzling gown with a beautiful body.

That girl stand's out in the crowd because of her unique and gorgeous beauty. He was mesmerized by her beauty but his brow's knitted when he saw Mr. Chen approach the beauty. After awhile they talked and then walk away in the crowded place. They went to we're the VIP's located.

A thoughts came in his mind that the beauty is an actress. A gold digger who would throw themselves just to have a big role in the entertainment industry. He felt disappointed.

“Woman would really do everything just to shine,” he said.

Skyler just stand there and after a minute he felt dizzy. His alcohol tolerance is really low. Because of it he gestured his right hand and a man who wearing a sunglasses and holding a record book approach him.

“Take me to my room. I'm feeling unwell,” he commanded.

The man which is his secretary obliged. He didn't touch Skyler because he knows his boss really well. A clean freak that would go mad when someone touches him. He was working as a secretary for him for almost 3 year's now. He guided Skyler to we're the VIP room located is. After minutes pass they arrived. He opened the door and let his boss come in. Skyler was about to go inside when he heard a loud thud comes from the right VIP room he came out to see what was happening.

All of his guard's was on full alert because of the noise. But they all look confused when they saw an old man who look like being beaten by someone else. After a seconds a woman came out from the room holding something in her hands. It was none other Hailey. Her eyes was cold and her lips was smirking. And the man who is in the ground trembling in fear is Director Chen.

“W-wait! D-don't hit me! I can ruin your career!”

“So what? I can also hit you to death,” she said in a cool way.

She even hit the ground with a whipped that made the director flinch.

Skyler who is just watching now in awe. He can't believe that this woman would dare to hit an influential director in the entertainment industry.

Hailey notice that someone was watching her that's why she looked around and their she saw a handsome man wearing a tuxedo. She felt like she's been starstruck for a minute because of him. Luckily she got her senses nack that's why she look away. She knows that this man is a rich bachelor because that tuxedo his wearing is made from a famous designer in France. How did she know? It's because she loved fashion too.

Director Chen notice the young actress looking in the back that's why he also look at his back. And his eyes widen in surprised. It was none other than Skyler Rios, a billionaire who is cruel and ruthless when it comes to business. He thinks that this is an opportunity given by God.

He stands up and run towards to Skyler just wearing an understatements.

“M-Mr Rios! Give me justice! This woman started to seduce me but I refused then she started hitting me with a whip!” He beg while pointing at Hailey who is just looking at her nails didn't mind about the director spouting nonsense.

Skyler raised his eyebrows. He can't believe that this kind of scumbag got a higher status in the industry.

“Ow? She hit you? But it seems that it's not hard enough. Miss Ivory?”

Hailey stiffened when she heard him called her. She looked at him with a confusion in her eyes.

“Hit him hard. Or just kick his balls,” said Skyler that made stunned her.

Her throat started to dry that's why she cleared her mouth and slowly approach the Director in a glamorous way.

Hailey looked at the director in a cold gaze. She's mad because how dare this old ugly scumbag badmouth her in front of her future husband. Yes, her future husband. She will claim him as her husband to herself. She didn't think twice to kick the Director. That day a report about her goes viral. The queen of mean kicking a director

