
Let’s Read The Word

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Beauty in Disguise: Billionaire's Beautiful Wife

Beauty in Disguise: Billionaire's Beautiful Wife




What will happen when you have to disguise yourself in order to get love? What will happen when you have to turn yourself ugly in order to get attention? What will happen when you have to marry a cripple and impotent man in the place of your own sister? It is the story of Nihan, a girl who disguised herself in order to get love of her family. But instead of getting attention she got the ordeal to marry a cripple and impotent man. What was more on their first night the first word her husband said to her was “Disgusting.” So what do you think will happen when she marries to that man? Will she regret or there will be some miracle in her life?

Nihan sat in front of the vanity mirror and waited for the makeup artist to apply her makeup. Her eyes were lifeless and mind was blank.

Suddenly, the door opened, and her mother, Agnes, hurried in. she saw Nihan’s messy hair and her long gray jacket that went with the gray look on her face. She instantly got angry.

“The Jones’ are here. Why have you not changed your clothes?”

Nihan pushed the black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of her nose and looked dumbfounded. “Mom, do you really want me to marry my sister’s fiancée?”

Agnes thought she was making a big mistake by doing this, and her face turned white with anxiety. The Jones’ were waiting outside, and a simple mistake could destroy her whole family!

She knelt in front of Nihan and anxiously said, “Nihan, I beg you. Your sister deserves better, why don’t you just help her!”

Nihan’s hopeless eyes gradually became cold. Although Agnes was her biological mother, she had favored the children of her father’s deceased ex-wife. Agnes knew that Nihan’s sister’s finacee was ugly and impotent, but she wanted Nihan to marry him anyway.

The servant’s pleadings could be heard outside the door. “Madam, the Jones’ are upstairs.”

Nihan didn’t reach out to help Agnes, and indifferently said, “Get up. I’ll go.”

This time, she really has lost her all hope to this family.

Opening the door, she saw a group of strange bodyguards standing outside the door.

These were the people the Jones’ sent to pick her up.

She is going to marry someone today without a wedding or a groom.

“Let’s go.” She said and walked straight downstairs first.

The Jones’ were the richest family in H City. Their only heir, Caden, was disfigured and was impotent after he was kidnapped more than ten years ago. There were every rumors that how his face was forever scarred by the kidnappers.

Since then, he had not appeared in public.

He was rumored to be as brutal as a beast, and no woman sent into his house came out alive. This was the only reason was Nihan was asked to replace her sister. Because the Morrisons were afraid that their precious eldest daughter would be end up like other women by Caden.

There is no greater sorrow than heartbreak caused by the betrayal of your family.

Even if he was a devil, it did not matter. Her mother had abandoned her to this monster.

Nihan was completely alone in this world.

Arriving at Caden’s villa, the bodyguard took her into the room, and then they all left.

It wasn’t until the sky outside the window was getting dark that the door was opened again.

Nihan turned her head and saw a tall and strong man walk in from the door.

He closed the door and turned on the lights.

Nihan outstretched her hand to block the blinding light. Then she raised her head to see the man in front of her.

At a glance, she froze.

It wasn’t because the man was ugly and terrifying, but because he was incredibly handsome.

A dark suit wrapped around his tall, muscular body. His pair of long legs strode towards her confidently.

His facial contour was deep and perfect, like an exquisite work of art.

Caden looked at Nihan for a few seconds, his eyebrows twisted slightly. “Disgusting.”

He said this with a calm tone. No extra emotions could be discerned from his voice.

Nihan looked back in shock. She didn’t care much about him saying she was ugly. She only looked at him with a look of defense and said, “Who are you?”

His ink-colored pupils radiated a harsh light, and his voice was deep. “You don’t know who you’ll marry?”

As he got close, his brisk breath sent a shiver down Nihan’s spine.

His powerful aura stifled her slightly, but she still straightened her back. “Of course, I know the person I’ll marry is named Caden!”

Caden heard the words. The sharpness in his eyes gradually converged, and then flashed a trace of clarity. Another woman who believed the rumors, destined to marry an ‘ugly and impotent’ man.

But compared to other woman, her expression seemed to be too calm. This made Caden interested in her.

He smiled, acting calm and collected. “So you are my sister-in-law? I am Nicolas, the cousin of Caden. I guess at the wedding night, nobody wants to be with such a waste of a man, not even you!”