
Let’s Read The Word

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Claimed By The Billionaire

Claimed By The Billionaire




Thiago DiLaurentiis always has his eyes for Adriana Litmann, the only daughter and heiress of the Litmann's— Thiago DiLaurentiis' number one foe in business. Thiago firmly believes that Adriana is his, and he has to have her. But, being in love with the daughter of his enemy isn't easy as he needs to be contented by admiring her from afar. Knowing the Litmann's, they wouldn't let Thiago lay a hand even on Adriana's hair. And so, the moment Thiago knew about Adriana moving to another country to study in a prestigious business school, he followed her. Thiago did everything to be closed to Adriana, even if it meant pretending to be her professor.

Adriana's POV

I sighed for the nth time as I stared at my clothes in front of me right now. It's currently 5 pm, and the party starts at 6 pm. It's a welcome party for the new school year, and although I'm not a freshman and I'm already in my last year in college, I was invited.

I mean, every student of the university was asked, but I got personally invited by the host of the party-- Nathaniel, Nate for short. I met Nate yesterday when I was strolling at the university. And since I am new here, I couldn't decline his offer because it's embarrassing, and Nate is pretty much a nice guy. At least, that's my first impression of him.

"It's an opportunity to make friends, Adri," I whispered to myself.

I sighed once again because it was true. 

If I go to the party right now, I can possibly make friends or at least interact with people. I have never really got friends all my life because my life only revolves around our house and school. And that's because of two reasons: my parents are hella strict, and I was so busy trying to be at the top of everything-- whether in terms of studies and life, just so my parents will give me attention and not be disappointed in me.

Yeah, my life sounds dull, I know. Despite getting every material thing that I want, I could describe my life as boring and not really that delightful. Not being ungrateful or anything because living a well-off life is really a blessing, but it's the truth. There's a void in me that luxurious things can't fulfill.

But now that I started living alone, I could do whatever I wanted— well, not really everything because my actions are somehow still monitored. After all, even though I'm living on my own now, my father assigned bodyguards for me, so I couldn't really do things like the extreme ones or something that would lead me into trouble. Ugh, but what's fun in that, right?

Despite being at the right age and literally in the last year of college, I'm still getting supervised, especially my grades. But the good thing about that is I'm not in our house anymore so I could do some things that I never did before. I just really have to be careful with my bodyguards because they will report everything to my father, and there's no way I will let that happen because the freedom that I have right now-- although minimal-- it's everything.

My heart clenched at the thought of my first few years in college. When I graduated from my senior year and entered college, I thought I was finally going to have my freedom. I graduated at the top of my class, and my achievements my entire high school life is overflowing. And, I thought it was enough reason for my parents to let me move out and study in the university that I wanted-- but I was wrong.

They didn't let me move out until now. Until I was in my last year in college.I just started living on my own a few weeks ago.I could have so much fun in my life if only they let me live my life or at least my college life because I didn't really get to enjoy my high school, but my parents are somehow cruel for just wanting me to stay with them.

Don't get me wrong, I love my parents, and I want to be with them, but it's just hard because they made me feel like I was caged my entire life. And the ironic thing is that even though they always want me at home, they don't really give me attention unless I have an achievement to present to them.

It's so ironic and painful.

My phone beeped, snapping me out of my reverie.I grabbed my phone beside me and swiped right to read the message.It's Nate. He asked for my number yesterday.

*From: Nate

I hope you're ready to party because I'm really expecting you x*

I looked at this message for a couple of seconds before replying. Now that Nate messaged me, I am left with no choice but to go to his party.

*To: Nate

Will be there!*

I sighed as I stood up from my bed and started getting dressed.I changed into a high-waisted ripped jeans partnered with a red halter top.I looked at myself in the mirror. My top seems so daring, and I feel so exposed because I can feel the cold air touches my bareback.

But, I spent half of the afternoon browsing through Pinterest what to wear in a college party— because obviously, I haven't been into one. And even back in my previous school at home, I can see girls wearing tops like this.I groaned.

It's not comfortable, mainly because it's night and cold out. I know I have to cover up.

I walked towards my closet, grabbed my vast denim jacket, and put it on me.

Now, it feels comfortable and a good thing; it looked so chic.

I already did my makeup and everything, and all I have to do now is drag my a$s to the party


I grabbed my small sling bag and wore it. I was about to go out of my room when my phone beeped again.

It's a reply from Nate.

*From: Nate;


I slightly creased my forehead in confusion because of his reply.

It's a winky face.

What does that supposed to mean? It's true that I haven't really had friends, and obviously, I haven't been into a relationship or anything, but I know winking has a meaning.

I shook my head.

Nah, it definitely doesn't mean anything, and I'm just overthinking things like always. But Nate is kinda cute, though, and just like what I've said, he was so nice to me yesterday, and he even invited me personally to his party.

Gosh, what am I even thinking?

I shrugged my shoulders, putting the message at the back of my mind, and went out of my room and directly out of my condo.

I walked a few steps and rang the doorbell of the room beside mine.

It only took about three seconds before it opened.

"Miss Litmann," one of my bodyguards, John, greeted.

"Hello, I have somewhere to go; it's a party," I told him.

John automatically alerted his colleagues because of what I said.

I groaned inwardly.

I have at least five bodyguards here right now, and they're living next to my condo unit. And it's so embarrassing if I bring bodyguards with me to a college party!

"You don't have to inform my parents about where am I going because I already told them," I lied.As long as I keep my grade high and I won't die, they don't really care about it. So I think it's not necessary for my parents to know.

"And, can I just go by myself this time?" I asked.

John quickly shook his head. "You can't go anywhere without us, miss. That's an order from your father."

I mentally groaned.

Yes, I shouldn't forget about that. And even though no matter what I'm going to tell my bodyguards and even if I bribe them, they won't let me do what I want. Their loyalty is for my father, and I get it because they're just doing their job.

"Can I at least have one bodyguard instead? It's only a house party, and it's not like I'm going anywhere aside from that," I asked, almost pleading.

It's really embarrassing to be seen with bodyguards, and I don't want my schoolmates or classmates to see me differently because of it.

John looked hesitant, so I decided to bring my A-game.

"I swear, I'm not going to go anywhere and will just stay inside the house of my friend the entire party. And it's a college party; it would be weird if five of you guys will tail me there," I convinced.And finally, John nodded.

"Great!" My face lit up.

At least I can tolerate one bodyguard with me.


I can hear the loud EDM music coming from inside a huge house, although I'm still outside and just went out of the car.I panicked when I saw John going out of the car, so I immediately called his name.

"Yes, miss?" he responded.

"Can you just stay here?" I asked. "It's a college party, and it's really embarrassing if they see someone who's old enough to be still having bodyguards and being guarded there."


"Promise, I'll call you when something happens. I swear, even if it's just a small inconvenience like someone accidentally bumping me-- I'll let you know," I quickly said, cutting him off.

John once again looked hesitant.

I groaned.

"I swear, I'm gonna keep my phone with me all the time. I also will be going to tell my father that you guys are doing a good job keeping me safe," I added.

The last part is so genuine, though. They're even stricter than my parents sometimes.

"Please call me if anything happens, miss."

"Of course!" I exclaimed happily.

Gosh, finally.

I feel like I'm getting good at pursuing someone. I didn't know I had that in me because I had never done that to my parents in my entire life. I only obey.

I shook the thought off my mind and turned my back at John, and started walking inside the gate of the huge house.

My face lit up when I saw Nate waiting for me. Well, I texted him a while ago that I'm already here, and I'm happy that he waited for me.

"Hey," he greeted me as he kissed my left cheek.

I was utterly taken aback by his action, but I just smiled it off.

Maybe he's just really friendly.

Well, the number of people that I can see here right now indicates that he really is.

"Hi," I greeted him back.

"You look really good tonight," he said, but I can hardly understand him because I can't really hear him due to the loud music.

"What?" I asked, slightly raising my voice.

"I said you look good!" he said in my ears.

I felt shivers down my spine because of how close he was to me right now, and I could smell alcohol in him.Maybe the party already started almost an hour ago since I'm already late, and perhaps that's why he already smells like alcohol.

I smiled at him, although not really genuine. "Thank you!"

"Let's go!" Nate grabbed my hand and dragged me inside the house before I could even protest.