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Blades And Flowers

Blades And Flowers



Steamy Stories

Blades McLean Murray, a bachelor and CEO, father is dying, and the only way to get his inheritance is for him to find a wife and get married. ASAP. But seems like Iris Nelson, Blades' long time secretary who's madly into him won't just let it go like that.

Chapter 01 - Blades

Under the lights coming from the lamp on the bedside table. The smell of sweet lavender coming from the room's humidifier with little hints of the sweat of two people spending the best time of their lives at the moment, a little bit tipsy and reeking of alcohol. The air-conditioner lowers the temperature of the room but seemed to be useless with how hot their bodies are colliding with each other.

"Blades!" the woman screamed as she hold tight to the new white sheets of the hotel bed as the man behind her started pounding deeper and deeper as if trying to penetrate her entire soul.

She closed her eyes, opposite to her lips that she can't even keep compact. She drowning in pleasure! Blades, the man giving her long, deep thrusts, is doing a fucking great job taking her to the heavens!

"Oh, Blades!" she moaned in pleasure as Blades cupped her breast, played with her tits, and held her waist tighter.

She curled her toes, almost burying her face in the pillow when Blades' hand roamed on her lower body as if teasing her in the best way he could do while moving in and out of her.

"Yeah... that's it, Blades! That's it!" she screamed and almost collapsed in bed when she felt her climax on the way.

"Fuck," Blades whispered and kissed her nape, adding heat and tension to her body.

She's turned on just after her orgasm. He never stopped thrusting inside her even if she can feel her cum flowing down on her legs and it was making her weak! Do Blades don't have plans on stopping, cause she just came and she can feel her coming again! She's already quivering in pleasure!

"Blades..." she moaned again, tiredness visible in her voice as she held his hand on her breast.

"Just a little more. Bare with me for a little longer," he whispered, licking the back of her ear, gently biting it making her groan.

"Yeah..." she replied with a little pleasing whimper, trying her best to follow his fast movements.

Blades pinned her hands on the bed and gave her even faster, deeper thrusts that brought pleasure to his system. He's so close, he could feel it. Just a little more, and he'll get it.

Blades cussed once again when he heard his phone ring. Fuck all the ringing phones when he's in the middle of his business! Who cares about who's who is calling him in the middle of the night? He needs to finish this first before picking up that call.

He can barely think properly! All he could hear right now is the woman

he can barely remember the name

moaning under him, spreading her legs widely for him, and that's what's important tonight.

"Oh my god," she exclaimed. She can feel her coming again for the second time! Blades didn't even reach it yet, and now, she's on it... again!

"Come with me, woman," he said and lightly bit her shoulder as the woman nods repeatedly, trying her best to stop herself from going first, but how can she do that when all Blades do is penetrate her with his deep and long moves? She would die in pleasure!

And when she felt Blades stop as she release her juices, Blades suddenly carried her to face him and roughly kissed her lips. She can't cope properly anymore. She can feel her head spinning around, she's catching her breath, she felt so weak.

Blades let go of her as they both collapsed on the bed. Before the woman could say anything, he removed his condom, tied it, and threw it in the trashcan before getting his phone and answering the goddamn call.

"What is it this time?" he greeted the caller, a little pissed.

"Great, finally you answered," a woman on the other line sarcastically replied.

Blades checked the caller ID. He suddenly frowned and pouted upon reading the woman's name. Oh, great. His long-time secretary slash college best friend is calling in the middle of his hot night. He's freaking sure that he told her not to meddle tonight cause he have something to do. Look who rebukes his command.

"Seriously, Iris? You're ruining my moment," he blamed her.

He heard Iris click her tongue as she should. The problem would probably be how his secretary is much braver than him. Sometimes, it looks like he's the follower and Iris is the leader. If she could decide everything for his life, she would, more gladly, do that.

"You should know to answer urgent calls, Mr. Murray," Iris scolded. She stuck her phone on her shoulder as she type on her laptop.

Of course, knowing Blades as her boss and friend, she's a hundred percent sure— no, erase that, not only a hundred but higher than that— that Blades is definitely doing something immoral in her opinion, and probably spending the best time of his life again in a random hotel with some random girl, leaving all the works on her. He's nothing but a headache who doesn't act according to his age.

"Now what?" he impatiently asked making Iris sigh.

He's hopeless. She can even hear on the other line that he's kissing someone. Didn't he know that he should not do that while talking to someone? This impolite bastard is getting on her nerves.

"We called," she informed, about the McLean-Murray family loyal butler who's been serving Blades' family since he was six.

Blades suddenly stopped and sat on the bed upon hearing their butler's name. Why would he call? He doesn't usually call when it's not important.

"And?" he asked, getting a little anxious now about how Iris purposely cut her sentences.

Iris gets her car keys and wears her coat, ready to move out of her condo unit. "They're in the hospital," she informed while locking the door.

Blades stood up, leaving the woman calling her, and directly went to the bathroom. "What do you mean? Iris, will you say it in one go. Stop cutting your sentences midway," he replied.

"Where are you?" Iris asked and waved to the guard she saw patrolling in their building. The guard just waved back and smiled at her.

"In the hotel definitely," Blades answered like it was the most obvious question Iris could ask.

"I know you're in a hotel. I am asking which one," she hissed, losing her temper again, even rolling her eyes before opening her car. "I'm fetching you, boss, so you could go to the hospital and see for yourself what's happening," she added.

Blades massage the temple of his nose. "Why don't you just tell me?"

"Tell you what? Your father is hospitalized. Now clean yourself, tell me where you are so I can get you, and let's go together to the hospital. Stop being so stubborn now that I'm losing my patience with you, Mr. Murray. You should have answered my past forty-three missed calls."

And Iris dropped the call leaving him lips parted. He looked at himself in the mirror. Did he hear it right? His good old man is hospitalized?

