
Let’s Read The Word

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I was Hatred. I was loved. Yet, I was only love because of the different of characters I engaged. He loved me. But he was killed by my own pen. Our dream ending was to be Happily ever until death. However, our fate crushed it to peices.

Other scene:

I'm Lexria Sella, ready to be your lifetime partner, and be your Mrs. Sambongez... As for today love marriage, I will also be your shield not just I'm your wife but as to be your friend... If you'll be sent in a battle, I'll be your supportive friend and always be with you no matter what... But if someday, if one of us will forgot this promises, no other things will broke our bonds even we've lost our love... I'll be faithful and do all the things to make you stay with me until God will take me in His true land... No matter how huge the problem is forgiveness will always be on my side... If you'll be forgotten the promises that we said this day, then this is the simple reminder that will make you stay, stories can always  be written on my hand. I love you.


Spirit's Point of View:

I smirked and amazed of how she run for her life. Why does humans scared of spirits? I can't hurt her deeply just rough but last in a short period. I just wanted to give myself a taste. Humans are coward, that's the stink reason to end their life easily. They got scared just the thought of a spirit.

How disgusting!

"Don't hard your self, sis... It just a little taste... It will not cause you a hard trouble... It just like a baby bite with no tooth."

But she— she was crazy for her life. She even shouted for help.

As if there is anyone who will save her in my palm. This is a dark land bombarded with my power. It all guarded with a black miasma that can easily harm a normal human. But she, she is amazing. She just had passed my barrier and it didn't harm her a little. That's why I wanted to taste her. 

I laughed loudly when she just slipped away and drown her feet in the mud. It is the mud that can lead to sink endlessly.

"Ooooppppsss... If you just stand and give me a taste in the first place, it can't be happened to you."

I lay my body in the air and wait for her answers. She keeps moving to enable get the energy to stand.

"Please don't eat me" she pleads.

Is she a deaf? I just said a taste not to eat her as my meal. I float my body properly in the air and boredlly looked at her. " Sis, if you just listen there must be no more chatting like this"

I paused for a moment when I saw her eyes full of deeply meanings. What is holding this human by the way?

"What should I do to save my life?" Wow! There is something weird in this human

"Are you opening for me?... A taste". Then she cleaned her hair that lie on her nake and stretch a little.

"If this the only thing" I unsealed my fangs and ready to bite her neck. When I take a nip and sip her blood, it more like giving a single goosebumps, it looks and taste new. A new that can't be longer raise on light. It was more like drown than the feet on the mud. Who is she? But I'm not done yet when someone approached and showed up.

A guy with a dirty sleeves and old damaged hat.  How did he passed my commands in this land? Are they comrades?

But when I took my gaze above in the sky, my eyes widened. The unexpected lunar eclipse.

And I'm not free to taste a human in this phenomenon, where that eclipse coming from?

"Lexria" the guy shouted and ran in our direction. I opened my hand to cast a spell for my exits but I'm doomed.  My powers are gone. I am not ready for a exposal in this eclipse. I did not prepared.

But how did I have hands like humans?

Then I felt someone embrace me with warmth. And I realized it was the guy who came from nowhere and said this words that make me totally doomed.

"Lexria, you're here"

I'm lexria?


" What are these?" They are more like scary to me. But the aroma of it are some kind alluring.

"Food, lexria" Lucas plainly said and took his own plate and sit beside me.

"Food? Are you kidding me? Is this even fresh? And first of all, I'm not lexria for pete's sake" we're just the two of us in this silence room. Lucas had decided to prepare us at last so we can peacefully eat. But it more like metamorphic.

"If you don't want this any, then you'll get an empty stomach... And to make it sense, you are now lexria and you can't invade that fact."


"Just eat" I rolled my eyes and decided defeated for now. When I take a bite of the pork steak of what they called, it more like a chewy and freshly high meat in my mouth. It dissolves easily like an ice cream that melted smoothly and it is smoothly raising its classic flavor.

"So, the call for winner is on my hand"

"Just do your business" I said.

"Well frankly, you're my business that had started yesterday. You are now the well known lexria in this circle.... And for the latest fact and recent news, you are the recent black spirit in the forest, so I can't let my eyes off on you, you sassy spirit"