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Temptress Of The Forgotten Alpha Prince

Temptress Of The Forgotten Alpha Prince

Author:Raven Heart



Two hearts filled with sorrow and secrets. For Georgina and Azrael, marriage is merely a way of survival. Unknowingly, the moon goddess will play a trick on them. Azrael is known as the "grim reaper" in battlefield and had no desire to be a lord. He was forced to be the duke of Wolfsbane valley. An arrogant and brave servant was sent to be his bride. "Please allow me to be your duchess. In exchange, I will do everything to please you, my lord!" Will they find true love while fighting against those ambitious officials? What kind of secrets do they keep as they seek freedom and happiness? How can a forgotten alpha prince deal with the darkness related to hybrid mate?

Georgina’s POV

I look at the sky and breathe the cold wind. Someone had pushed my car from behind and wanted me to die on a cliff. Well… they succeed. I know who did this to me. I want a second chance and let her know what I’m capable of. I will make her suffer!

“You stupid piece of shit!” she yelled. Cold water wakes me up from sleeping. I cough and open my eyes. Who the hell did that?! I rose from the bed and look around.

“What the fuck!” I roared. Her eyes glared at me. It was the same eyes that executes me as she waits for my failure.

“It’s already morning! What do you think you're doing, huh? A slave like you should serve their masters, whether they’re sick or dying. How dare you curse me, huh?!” she roared.

I look around and notice their clothes. What is happening here? I ran out of bed and look at myself in the mirror. What the hell! I feel like I entered into a fantasy game!

“What year is this?” I ask. But her slap makes my ears ring because of the pain. What is wrong with her? I was about to slap her, but a middle-aged woman grabbed my wrist.

“Who the hell are you?!” I ask. I was taken aback when I saw how her eyes turn yellow. What in the world!

“You better shut your mouth. You’re nothing but a hybrid and a slave. You only passed out yet you’re acting almighty?! Maybe you have to be disciplined again,” she roared.

What is happening here? These clothes… I remember the European historical era wore these kinds of clothes. Wait.. me? A slave?! I am Celestine Wintle! There’s no way that I’m a slave. They are only joking, especially that woman!

“Who the hell are you referring to be a slave?! I am not and never be!” I roared. She dashes towards me in a flash.

“Shut up,” she whispered in my ears. She grab my face in smashed me on the ground like a piece of cake.

The pain struck my skull. The scent of my own blood and the mere fact that… my cut in my head closes. The only thing left was the blood in my hair. That woman who seems to be a noble one, she lift my chin and smirk.

“Someone like you… they should know where to sit,” she whispered. A silver knife glides down her hand. She cut the skin above my wrist. I roared in pain. It’s burning me!

“In this kingdom of wolf… you should portray a good character. Remember that I’m the viscount Maximus’ only daughter. Having a stupid maid is not my cup of tea.”

She stood up and looked at me with nasty eyes. She is serious about what she says. As soon as the door closes, I watch my wound heal slowly. What is going on?

‘What in the world happened after my car and I fall down the water? This is not happening. Don’t tell me I’m in a parallel world?!’

I learned or forced myself to live alongside these scary wolves for the next few days. I don’t want to be involved with them but I’m weak and stupid. My face was the same as it is. Therefore, I’m in a parallel world with my other version. I got the answers to my questions. In this world, four kids were living together. It looks like this world is much worst than mine. I’m a hybrid. A combination of a vampire and a wolf.

I have been trying to retrieve my memories here, some of which were useful. But something is stopping me from remembering about my parents as if I cast a spell against my memories. That is possible anyway. But who am I? a whip made of silver hits my back. I groan. This woman loves to torture people for no reason. Bullshit!

I heard a broken vase that she had thrown on the floor. I stayed outside of the viscount’s office. He summoned her daughter.

“No!” Lady Vivian shouted.

“I will never marry that commoner, father! There’s no way that I will let him marry me. I’m beautiful and sought by royal blood all over the kingdom, father. Him?! That’s bullshit!” she roared. I heard his father punch the table.

“You have to follow the king’s order! If I’m the one to be decided, I will never send you on that commoner as well! His highness asks this favor of me. I have no power to disagree with his majesty’s words, Vivian. You have to listen!”

“No! I will never marry him, father! He has no royal blood. Why did he appoint him to be a duke?! I don’t get his majesty’s thoughts about this!” she exclaimed. A silence stops their yell. My ears were irritated. Lady Vivian spoke.

“Wait… there’s no royal decree, right? It's just a favor… father, I think I have a perfect fit for a commoner like him.”

I feel like something will about to happen. When Lady Vivian used that tone, her naughty and evil side was waving at you. I hope it's not what I think it could be.

“What kind of idea did you have?” the viscount asked.

“My arrogant maid. She is perfect for a stupid commoner who uses the king’s favor to be a duke. I think she’s a perfect fit for this, father. What do you think?” she suggested.

I gulp. I’m the closest maid that she had. Damn this woman! Maybe I should’ve put rat poison in her food

“You mean, Georgina? Hmm… not bad. I think I can find a way to defend ourselves when the king learns that we send a maid instead of you. You’re brilliant, my daughter!” he says.

I bite my lower lip and control the anger that arises in my heart. I never thought that this house is far worse than I ever imagined. The door opens. She looks at me.

“Get inside, you dirty wench!” she yelled. I bowed, and then follow her inside her father’s office. I want to kill them!

“You will be the substitute for my daughter. You will be marrying that commoner,” he says. I didn’t say anything.

“Vivian, you have to teach her some manners to make sure that the stupid commoner won’t have any idea regarding this matter,” the viscount says. She smirks.

“Of course, father. Count on me,” she says.

“A woman like me should stand beside the king. There’s no way that my exquisite beauty will be married off to a bastard commoner!” she roared while staring at her reflection in the mirror. I almost laugh, but I hide it.

She’s nothing but a stupid noblewoman who loves seeing their so-called beauty in the mirror. If she only knew what kind of position, she was dreaming of having. For the next three days, she taught me how to act like a noblewoman.

“Not like that, you wench!” she says and her whip falls on my hand. I drop the cutlery and her expression darkens.

“You better do it right, Georgina! If you keep on failing, I will kill you,” she roared. I saw that she was serious.

I grab the spoon again and start using it right. I saw how she enjoyed it. After three days of hellish training under her, the wedding day had come. I look at my reflection in the mirror.

“Just remember all the things that I said. If you failed, I will torture you until you beg me for your life!” she says.

I entered the carriage and when it starts to move, all I can do is to watch the scenery on the road. I don’t know what awaits me in that palace, but… I have to gamble to live.

“We are here!” the Tranter announces. I was about to live the carriage when I remember what Lady Vivian says.

“Let him open the carriage for you and make sure that he wouldn’t know that you're not Vivian, understood?! Your life is at stake.”

I stop and waited for someone who will open the door. I waited for a moment and move the curtain. I saw a tall man who is approaching the carriage. He looks dignified, but his posture tells me he’s a knight who has been on the battlefield. Why my heart beats erratically and it feels hot all of a sudden?!