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Cinderella's Dead Now

Cinderella's Dead Now




" no, you are not suitable to be my king. next! " queen Cinderella waved her hand and ordered lazily sitting on her throne. This is a story of a girl who is transmitted to a different fantasy world when she trips on a Shoe and picks it up. but returns to the real world as soon as she takes them off. she find out she is a queen in this world, " queen Cinderella! " she turns to the voice and finds a bunch of soldiers coming her way, " oh my god, how did I end up here? I need to get away " she tries to run but, " queen Cinderella, we have been looking for you. the competition is about to start, you have to choose a suitable husband and king " she is dragged away by them. will she rule and find herself a suitable king or will escape to the real world and back to her normal and miserable life? Cover is not mine, credit to the owner.

The evening was beautiful and cold. A girl was sitting at the beach looking at the orange sunset, she raised her coke can and took a sip she tucked her brown hair behind her ear.

" I forgot I was a bad...." she heard her phone ringing, " hello, yes I will be back before 6:30.. yes I will make dinner on time.. I am sorry I will never do that " she put her phone down on the sand.


she stretched her arms and stood up, she picked up her phone and placed it in her shorts pocket and made her way out of the beach. she did not had a car so, she took a cab, " it's so expensive " she murmured before getting inside the cab.

she took out her phone and dialled the same number which she had been dialing for the past two years. " her aunt's number " she was living with her aunt and uncle after her parents death. she cooked for them, cleaned the house and did every possible chores before going to the university, they were kind enough to let her sleep on the floor and gave her food.

" Charlotte, were are you!? do you want us to die without food? screamed a voice through the phone. " I am so sorry aunty, I am stuck in the traffic I...

" shut up! these are all excuses, come and cook as soon as you can or else you are not getting food!

with this the line disconnected.


Charlotte looked at the black screen of her phone. a girl with golden eyes looked back her her, she was pretty. " golden eyes " it was a strange eye colour she was laughed at due to this.

" here comes the queen " her aunty mocked her.

Charlotte put down everything on the kitchen counter which she has bought for cooking. she did not even got to change her dress, she straightaway started cooking. " Aunty, I am sorry I was late. the dinner is ready " she told serving the dishes on the table, her aunt did not reply.

That night Charlotte did not get any food because she was late for cooking. she slept on the floor with a empty stomach. " mom, dad I miss you " she spoke closing her eyes, a drop of tear fell down from her golden eyes.

"Charlotte! " are you dead! " her aunty screamed at the top of her lungs. Charlotte woke up from the sharp voice, she stood up and ran to the kitchen to prepare the breakfast. she stood at the kitchen counter holding her stomach with one hand and chopping vegetable with the other. she had a terrible stomach ache as she had not eaten anything for one whole day. she chopped the green vegetable for the vegetable soup.

" aunty, have some vegetable soup " she poured some to her plate. she stood at the table until they all finished their breakfast.

" you may eat now " her aunt informed her wiping her mouth. " thank you aunty " Charlotte took her seat on the floor and poured some left over vegetable soup in her bowel, she got a sandwich as well. she eat her fill and washed the dishes.

"ooh! this pain " she held her stomach she was in tremendous pain. she cleaned the house and was washing the clothes when the pain became worse.

she left the clothes and sat on the floor holding her stomach, tears were continually coming from her eyes. she stood up and knocked at her aunts door, " aunty.. Aunt " she got no response, she knocked again, " aunt.. aun..

" what!? " came a voice. " can you please lend me some money, I promise to return it to you. I need medicine.. " she begged with tears in her eyes.

the door opened reveling a furious lady's face, " all you want is money, take this! " she threw some money on her face and closed the door.

Charlotte collected the money, " thank you aunt " she thanked her and went away.

Charlotte was unable to walk properly she held her stomach and proceed to walk towards the medicine shop.

" ah! " she tripped over something, she stopped and looked back, it was a crystal shoe. a beautiful shoe. " it's beautiful " she commented grazing at the shoe her pain vanished and she bend down to pick it up. she half sat on the footpath and grazed at the shoe, it was silver in colour. " it's like Cinderella's shoe " she whispered, " where is the second pair? " she looked around to search, she found it bellow a big stone. " it's so beautiful, should I try them once? " she looked around to make sure no one was looking and picked up the shoes. she found a bench near the road and sat there. she took off her old and worn out shoe, it was muddy. she took a deep breath and wore the pair of silver shoes.

"Cinderella is proof that a new pair of shoes can change your life "

As soon as Charlotte wore the silver shoes her head started spinning, " argh! " she held her head in her hand, her surroundings started to change.

everything around her started changing it seemed like everyone and everything around her was in fast forward mode, she saw her parents face, their smiling face, " mom, dad " she whispered and she felt losing her conscious and everything went dark.

" it's the queen! " the queen! Charlotte's eyes fluttered she tried opening her eyes but it seemed impossible.

" queen Cinderella! " she heard a deep voice and opened her eyes with great difficulty, upon opening her eyes she saw a child's face just inches apart from her, he was looking at her curious. she moved his chubby face away with her hands and tried setting up. she placed her hand at either side of her hips and tried standing up but, eventually gave up.

sigh! she sighed and looked at the small boy who was still looking at her in a funny way. he wore strange clothes which people use to were in ancient time. " strange things to were in 21st century " she thought. " hey boy, help me " she extended her hand to him. he looked at her hand and helped her stand on her feet with great difficulty. " thank you " she replied standing up.

" ah! my clothes?! " she noticed she was not wearing her shorts and top instead SHE WAS WEARING A GOWN ! a long navy blue off shoulder gown. " when did I changed my clothes? " she spoke looking at the boy suspiciously. he shook his head from one side to other, in order to show that he did not do anything. " she looks like the queen " she heard a murmuring, she turned her head to look at the womens who were murmuring.

suddenly she heard a commotion.

" queen Cinderella! " she turned to the voice and saw a bunch of soliders coming her way.

" eh? how did I end up here? " she thought looking around, all the people around her including the boy bowed their head in front of her, " some queen is coming I should bow my head as well " she thought and was just going to bow her head when she felt a hand on her shoulder. " my lady, where did you go? " she heard a young girl voice, she was calling her my lady?

" but i.. Charlotte continued only to be interpreted.

" queen Cinderella! we have been looking for you, come the competition is going to start. you have to find a king and a husband. " she was dragged away by them.

" what the heck is happening? and how is queen Cinderella? " she thought being dragged away.