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Doubled Revenge

Doubled Revenge

Author:Aishatuh M



"We can't lose you too, Micheal!" His Mother wails and he turns to stare at her face. She looks scared and in pain. He walks up to her and places his hands on her shoulders, "I have to go, Mother. I have to revenge on my brother's death. More of a work order, this is a chance for me to avenge!" Anger drips on his tongue when he remembers the way his brother was painfully killed. And when he left, having his whole family house burnt down with no one to hold as a family but small Olivia who lost her twin sister as well, Micheal would be bursting in pain, anger and quest to revenge. And he works so hard, creating ways, for it's not just an act of single revenge now, it's a doubled revenge over his heart. Sarah loves him and makes sure she's always together with him. And just when he has finally started opening-up, he found out she's the daughter of the Mayor that has killed both his brother and his whole family!

  Hello Guys.

  I'm sorry that you have come to read this story but all you could find here is my note. I have written this book in a very long tie and when I uploaded it for signing, my editor offered a non-exclusive contract with the promise that she will make sure it gets enough promotion and I could be getting enough royalty out of it, but she didn't. I got fed off, and apart from that, I have the urge to re-write this story for it was because of how it was written she offered such a contract and didn't do anything about the promotion. Whenever I ask her about promotion, she will say something about the promotion department, other books on-line and stuff, but a week wouldn't pass without me seeing the same stories I've seen on the promotion wall so it makes me wonder if she just put preference to some other stories or if it's because I'm black that she doesn't care about my works.

  So I opted for terminating the contract and after I rewrite it, I could bring it back and might be offered the exclusive contract. But then again, she said I could not terminate the contract, that it is against the law of the company. But a few months ago, when this very company didn't pay for my full completion fee of one of my stories, I wanted to terminate the contract on that story due to anger, and she was fine with it. Was it because they were the ones that breached their contract rules? I wonder. I kept on pestering her about the termination, I mean, this book is mine and I have the copyright of it!

  I'm sorry if this will disappoint you, but I've decided that since she's not going to terminate the contract, I'll delete all the chapters and have this write up on every chapter that was once there. And this just brought my senses back to me, considering this platform doesn't have a duration for their contracts. I mean, it could be 5 or 10 years, but for them, it's forever. Something might come up and I'd like to terminate my contract, won't I be able to do that? Will they always be the ones that can terminate a contract when they fail to deliver as they promised? I'm having a lot of thoughts, and I'm considering continuing working with them, it's creeping me out.

  Again, I'm so sorry and I sincerely hope that you could understand. If this in any way is offensive, I apologise sincerely.


  A Writer That Has Been Wronged.