
Let’s Read The Word

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The Game Of Two Hearts

The Game Of Two Hearts




My name is Sirina, and I'm a brat woman. I couldn't care less about how others feel. I only think about myself. But I used to live alone. Kiva was a man I met. I couldn't help but notice how attractive he is. I just felt compelled to play him. He's like a card I want to play in order to win. I dislike the depiction of love. I've never imagined myself loving someone in my entire life. But, of course, I couldn't help but flirt. I'm in desperate need of some hot satisfaction. Kiva and I always have good and bad days. That's all part of the game. Whoever perishes will be defeated in the game.

Sirina's POV

I'm getting bored in my apartment. It's also very hot in here. I believe it is preferable for me to have some cold air in the mall. At the very least, I have free access to the air conditioning. I have nothing to lose by remaining here.

While looking for the bookstore, I came across a very attractive man. He has an insanely attractive face. Oh, my eyes are grateful to see a man like him.

When a girl clings to him, my mood changes abruptly. What a merry fate? I thought I had someone to flirt with, but she snatched my target.

I noticed them walking to a restaurant and decided to follow them. Shame on me. I'm like a snitch for them. But do I really care?

Of course not! I have nothing to be afraid of.

I waited for their orders to be served before approaching them. I can feel the gazes of others on me.

To make myself more appealing, I flip my hair. Then I heard some commotion.

"Wow, she's stunning."

"She's very attractive."

"She is Aphrodite reborn."

I overheard some remarks.

I come to a halt and look at those men.

"I know right," I said with a seductive wink.

Their reaction makes me laugh a little. My stare caused them to act as if they were melting.

I flip my hair again and walk towards the man with whom I want to flirt.

I sat down beside him right away, which surprised the girl. Even he was taken aback by my unexpected appearance.

"Who are you?" the girl inquires.

I pretended to be embarrassed by her question.

"You don't know who I am?" I ask, laughing. "My name is Sirina, and I'm his stunning fiance." I finally introduce myself.

After hearing me, the girl appears dissatisfied.

Excellent work.

"How about you?" I inquire.

"I'm his date," she says.

"Oh, you're just his date; get out of here, bitch."

The girl is staring at me.

"What the hell are you talking about? I don't remember having a fiance."

I take his hand in mine and place it on my chest so he can feel my heartbeat.

"Feel my heartbeat, it continues to pound all because of you..."

I pause to search for a hint of his name. Then I noticed his wallet on the table.

I take it and look for his identification. . "Don't touch my wallet, you unknown woman!" he yells as he takes it from me. Fortunately, I recognized his name.

Livanor, Kiva.

"How dare you call me an unknown woman?" I yelled, glaring at the girl.

"Is it because of her? We're getting married next month, and you're here dating this bitch!" I didn't mean to be teary, but I am.

"Kiva, you're hurting my feelings!"

Kiva looked around at the people who were watching us. His date also ran away from us.

"Dinah! She's not my fiance!" he exclaims, but the girl named Dinah continues to flee.

Oh, sad.

After hearing it from him, I burst into tears. Acting as if I'm in excruciating pain because he doesn't recognize me as his fiancée.

He looked around again before grabbing me and taking me somewhere I don't know. I don't really care where he takes me.

I'm still sobbing as he drives me to the Mall's parking lot.

"Who are you?" he asks, staring at me.

I wipe my tears away, still acting depressed and hurt.

"Fuck! I don't know you, woman; stop your nonsense!"

He is insane, but I am not scared.

"Fine," I say, showing him the real me without any acting.

"Why did you do that?" he exclaims angrily.

I give him a long stare before answering his uninteresting question.

"I did it because..." I stare at him once more. He appears enraged.

"Will you lessen your craziness?" I ask, smiling.

He pushed me up against the wall. That astounded me.

"Is this some kind of romantic scene like in the movie?" I ask, after regaining my composure after his push.

He gives me the death stare.

"You're getting on my nerves," he said calmly, but it's clear from his expression that he's enraged.

"Why?" I asked in a cute tone, making him even angrier.

"You're such a jerk," he says.

I shove him. Oh, this is against the law. I actually touched his chest. It's very manly.

"Bitch? Beach? I'm a beach?" I asked, perplexed.

"What?" he asks, perplexed.

My inner self is giggling at him.

"Oh, you want to go to the beach with me?" I exclaim.

"You should have told me sooner," I added.

"What?" He looks perplexed.

"Beach. A place with sand, palm trees, an ocean, and starfish along the—-"

"Wait, what the fuck?! What?"

He didn't let me finish what I was saying. He is impolite.

"Are you stupid? I said, bitch, not the beach," he continued.

I acted as if I was thinking.

"What's the difference? They sound the same."

I sigh. It's exhausting talking to him. I turn away from him and walk away.

"Sirina!" he exclaims, and I turn to face him.

"Yes, Kiva?" I ask cheerfully.

He smiles at me as well, but it fades and turns into a mad face.

"We're not done yet," he said.

I grin.

"I know. I'm not done yet, either," I said, winking at him as I walked to my car.