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Dream of Yesterday

Dream of Yesterday




Some of us believed in fairy-tale like love stories. And we always begin our hopeful beginnings with our childhood sweetheart we always cherish a lifetime. For long years passed but your first love, the man that you're dreaming of when you were a kid, is already belonged to someone else's arms. Are you ready to fight for your love to get him back? Or just let them both have a happy ever after? This is the story of a young girl who have hidden her love for a boy, until they meet after twelve years of no communication. Will her love for him stay the same? Or will she turn her eyes to someone else? A story of past, that needs to be bind together for the future.





  A frosty course heading to my cottage is getting into my system. It was nearly Christmas.

  I was walking alone in the dark street going home from the nearest cafe, I started to reminisce about what I have left in my hometown.

  It's been twelve years since my foster parents brought me here to London, it has been twelve years since both of my parents passed away too.

  I continued my Junior and Senior High School at Beaumont University. I graduated College last 2 years ago, I took up Business Management and I am now one of the youngest successful businesswomen in London.

  Her biological parent's died in a house fire, she has witnessed the tragedy that night.

  She can't get over the thought of surviving while her parents are trapped inside and may not able to get out of hell.

  When she was about to run back, someone grabbed her hands so tight, and she managed to look back at who it was. I turned to him and said, "help us, please. Let me go". She begged.

  I can see a boy staring at me blankly while his dark brown eyes are explaining that I can't do anything. I was crying, well, almost fainted looking at the house caught up by the fire, almost done.

  She saw two men riding a motorcycle, the driver, and the other one is talking on the phone. Then the two men just leave immediately.

  My eyes can't shed any tears anymore and I looked at the people around me slowly vanished from my sight.

  It's like a nightmare for her and the whole Villa.

  Everyone seemed to care but it's just too late to enter the house. They can't save her parents anymore.

  Everything turned into ashes, Seia has nothing left but the clothes she wore that night.

  She woke up seeing an all-white room, she then suddenly rise from the bed and felt a bit of pain in her left hand. "Ouch!" She complained.

  There was an I.V. inserted into her left hand so she can't let go. Seia planned to remove it when the door opened. "You're awake." He smiled in excitement.

  "Wait, I'll let them know first, I'll get back to you right away." He continued while closing the door again. She just replied with a nod.

  Seia sat back and fixed her hair and blanket feeling conscious that the boy would notice her frizzy hair and get turned off.

  After a while, two people wearing white robes get in. They told her, she can go home that day.

  Marcus is Seia's childhood friend, they grew up together with a few of their friends at the same age. She likes him very much and though it seems impossible for her, she still dreamed of marrying him someday.

  They used to play in the riverbanks, making canoes made of bananas, climb the trees and eat their fruits, laughing all day. But Marcus' parents are so strict that he can barely escape meeting his friends. But he always finds ways.

  He was always scolded for not asking permission where he was going.

  They will only laugh at him, wondering how he was able to flee from their "Balay-Daku"


without his Yaya.

  He is very handsome at his young age, he is just fifteen years old, though his body isn't looked like those grown men's builts were. He is tall but skinny at that time. She was three years younger than him.

  He is now twenty-eight while Seia is turning twenty-five this month. His family is well-known and one of the richest in the Country. They own most of the Sugarcane plantations in the province and three more companies.

  They live at the same Villa inside the Demonteverde's Haciendas.

  "Oh, how I missed them already." She sighed.

  She was thinking that her friends, Scarlette, Lina, and Ximon might have a family now, Including her dream boy Marcus.

  She came back from her realization when a sports car passed by her so fast, that it splashed the stuck water from the street to her body.

  "Hey! can't you just slow down?" She shouted. "Now I'm wet. It's really cold outside at this time of the year." She said while wiping her wet pants.

  The cottage she was renting with right now is just a few steps away. "Finally". Relieved.

  It's been a year since she decided to move out of her foster parent's house and settled in a small cottage outside the city. Her mom died of cancer and her Dad, Mr. Deuanne brought another woman into their home.

  She was paying a real estate in the city, near her office, but wanted to stay for the meantime in an isolated Villa. She stays there when she wanted to breathe from a stressful environment in the city, endless admin tasks, including assistance for demanding clients.

  Seia is managing a small business during College and continued the e-commerce business even better after graduation.

  There are times that she can't handle the ups and downs of the marketing flow, due to increased numbers of competition, but with the help of her best friend Lyra, a Filipino-Italian Architect, cheering Seia up and lends money to invest again in an online stock market.

  One year had passed, her business became successful and growing, so she came up with a plan.

  She took the keys from her pocket to unlock the doors and when it is opened, she entered the Cottage. She turned on the lights in the living room.

  A very cozy ambiance glows up and she lit up the lampshade at the center of the living area. There were a wooden long bench, two small ones, and a fine center table made of wood.

  She put off her wet clothes including the hat and gloves she was wearing, but leave the wet boots outside the door. She hung her backpack at the backdoor after taking her laptop out.

  She went to the kitchen to prepare for her dinner. Looking at the size of the kitchen can barely fit dining with two chairs, a fridge, and a small Cabinet where few utensils, cooking wares, and some food stocks are placed.

  Seia grabbed a pack of bread and added some lettuce and sliced tomatoes. She started eating her sandwich when she remembered her plan.

  "I want a vacation in the Philippines." She thought.