
Let’s Read The Word

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Be With You Again

Be With You Again




Once a dreamer, now an achiever. Lancie Gomez worked really hard to achieve all of her dreams and goals in life. After 10 years, all of her hardship are paid off. Now, she's a successful Neurosurgeon. Her number one goal is to prove that she can be a doctor to her aunt who underestimate her. But one day, boys from her past suddenly appeared.

  "Lancie, my friend! Let’s eat, my treat!” Kyla squealed, as she clung into my arms.

  "Wrong timing, Ky. I have some business to attend, maybe next time." I said and gave her a small smile.

  "Ven’s busy, Tristan has an appointment? Tell me, do the three of you don’t want me anymore? Am I a bad friend?" She asked, dramatically. I just laughed.

  "Don’t be so overdramatic, Ky. We’re just busy, how about you? Don’t you have any surgeries or consultations in your schedule?" I asked.

  “Nope, today is my ‘light’ day. But, I’m sure I’ll be busy tomorrow, though,” I nodded.

  We always busy. "I don’t know what’s the business you to attend but I think you need to go,” she said while pointing at the clock, crap! It's already 6:30 PM!

  “Oh my! I’m late!”

  “Hurry up, your date is waiting,” Kyla said with a teasing smile.

  I just rolled my eyes. “You know I’m not good with boys.”

  "Oh, right!” She laughed, “I almost forgot!” Now, she’s laughing while clapping.

  “A seal,” I said while looking at my poor friend, laughing like a madman.

  "Bye,” she looked at me with teary eyes. "Yeah, bye. Shoo!" She said while wiping her tears away.

  I immediately run off to the staff wing to change my clothes, because I’m still wearing my scrubs. I’m late and I’m dead.


  "Dr. Gomez!" I saw Nate greeted me from afar, I just waved back at him after entering the elevator because I’m in a hurry. I immediately checked my phone when it suddenly rang. It’s Aneise!


  “So what’s your plan? You’re 30 minutes late. Don’t you ever give us a lame reason, Lancie Mayen!” I moved the phone a little away from my ear because she’s so loud!

  "Us?” I asked, I thought there were only two of us.

  "I also invited Lex and friends, you know... the more, the merrier."

  “Oh, I didn’t know Lex’s here?”

  “Yup,” she answered, emphasizing the ‘p’ sound.

  “By the way, where are you?” I can imagine Aneise raising her eyebrows while asking that question.

  "On the way."

  "On the way? Are you sure?" She asked in a suspicious tone.

  “Yes, I’m on my way. Just wait there. Bye.” I didn’t wait for her response and immediately end the call.

  "Lancie, you look like in a hurry. Have some date to attend?” I’m a bit surprised when I saw Ven’s face when the elevator opened.

  "Nope, I don’t have one,” I said and make a sad face.

  "I’m pretty sure you’ll be forever single, Lancie.” He said while giving me a playful smile.

  I want to hit him but Aneise might kill me if I’m late, well I’m already late, and she might murder me.

  “Yeah, whatever Vendrick. Bye!” I said and immediately ran off to the parking lot. Sometimes, I wonder how he become a doctor. A neurosurgeon to be exact.


  "Look who’s here!” Eurika greeted as I went inside the restaurant. I guess they rented the place, we’re the only people in here.

  "Lancie! Long-time no see." Lex greeted with a smile.

  "Long-time no see, Captain Arevalo." I formally said as I offer a shake hands with him.

  “Long-time no see, Dr. Gomez.” He said and shook my hands.

  “Drop the formalities,” Aneise interrupted. “Doesn’t suit the both of you.” She added and walked away.

  “Bad mood?” I asked talking about Aneise.

  “Because of you.” He said and laughed, I just pouted and sat beside him. While Eurika is sitting in front of us.

  “Aneise said you’re with someone, where are they?” I asked.

  "I’m with Neo—”

  "Hello everyone!” Lex’s words were cut off when Neo, Brix, and Jake suddenly entered. I thought Jake’s working in Canada? Why is he here?

  "Oh, there they are.” Lex said while pointing at Neo.

  "Lancie! You’re finally back!" I stood up to greet them but Neo just suddenly hugged me very tight.

  “Hey, she might popped.” Brix joked, I just laughed.

  “When did you arrived?” Neo asked, still hugging me.

  "Last week.”

  "Last week? Why didn’t you tell us?” Brix asked, and thank goodness Neo let go of me.

  "Yeah, why didn’t you tell us? We should prepare some welcome party for you." Neo added.

  "That is no longer necessary." I answered and gave the both of them a smile.

  "You’re no longer the simple Lancie back then in high school. You are now ‘the’ Dr. Lancie Gomez." Neo said emphasizing the word ‘the’ and ‘doctor’.

  “The chats and hellos will be later, let’s just order first!” Aneise interrupted.

  "Don’t order too much beer, Eise. I’m only going to drink two or three bottles.” Neo said, Eise just signed ‘ok’.


  "Guy! We used to be the useless student back in high school, but now look! We’re all successful A F! I’m so proud." Neo said dramatically, he’s obviously drunk.

  "Yeah, I’m so very proud!" Lex said while holding beer both hands.

  "They’re drunk." Eurika said while looking at Brix who’s mumbling something.

  “Obviously…” They finish four buckets of beer, and now Aniese and Neo were knocked out.

  "How about you, Jake? Are you already drunk?" Eukira asked Jake who’s drinking quietly.

  "A bit, but I can still driver." He answered and looked at me, I immediately looked away.

  "Lancie! How’s Korea?" Drunk Neo asked, I thought he’s knocked out?

  "Oh, Korea's nice." I answered before drinking the beer.

  "Do you perhaps have a boyfriend there?" He asked, I almost spilt the beer.

  "Are you okay?" Eurika asked with a concerned tone, I just nodded while wiping my mouth with a tissue.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. Don’t worry.” I gave her a smile before drinking my second beer.

  “It’s been 10 years since you left us without a word, then you suddenly came back. To be honest, I don’t know what to feel. Be happy because you’re back, sad, mad. I don’t know.” I looked at Brix whose sleep talking, but I can clearly hear him.

  I’m sorry for leaving…

  "Lancie? Lancie?" I can hear Eurika calling my name.

  I just smiled at her. "I want to sleep."


  I slightly opened my eyes when I smelled a familiar scent, I can't recall who owned that scent. But I suddenly realized that I’m in a car! Am I been kidnapped?! I looked at the man besides me, which is the driver.

  "Who are you?!” I screamed and immediately hit him, I can’t recognized his face because it’s too dark.

  "Ouch!” He screamed as I keep on hitting him.

  "Who are you?! Why I am in a car?” I asked as I keep hitting him.

  “Can you please stop hitting me? We might get in to an accident!” He said trying to stop me.

  I heavy sighed and leaned on the backrest, finally calmed.

  “Are you already sober?”

  “Am I sober?”

  “Guess you’re not.” I just shut my eyes and try to sleep because my head is still hurt.

  "Eurika, what’s the passcode of her condo?" I heard him asked.

  I immediately opened my eyes and looked at the man. He’s talking to Eurika? He knows Eurika? How? Who is he?

  "Hey! Why are you talking to Eurika?!” I asked but he just ignored me.


  "Wrong! It’s 062200!” I said and closed my eyes, trying to sleep.

  "Who are you?" I asked him again.

  "Your imaginary friend."

  "Get lost." I said, irritated.