
Let’s Read The Word

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Render Me Starless

Render Me Starless




“Are you trying to get into my pants, Orion?” His eyes flash gold as he looks at me. “Yes.” *** It’s long since been told that the stars were story tellers. That the stars held knowledge that no one had. It was time for Maria to find out how true this really was. *** I suppose being forced to stay with a complete stranger sucks. It sucks even more when nothing makes sense. It doesn’t help when I’m stuck with an obnoxious, cocky and hot man. Orion. Even his name provoked a plethora of feelings. Nervousness. Dread. Wanting to shove a stick up his ass. Maybe even kiss his kissable lips. Orion. Just meeting him had been out of the norm. Then I was shoved, shoved hard. Shoved into a world that causes my body to sweat and have goosebumps all over at the same time. A world that gave me things I never knew I wanted. A world I had yet to discover. Oh, it was time alright. Time to Render the world Starless.

Doubt. It is the absolute uncertainty in ones situation. That is what doubt is and always will be.

I have never, in my seventeen years of life, ever doubted my mother. She was always the one with the correct answers and I never questioned. I had no reason to. Until now, that is.

My mind, confused and my heart, pounding, I stared at the most important person in my life.

She was kidding. She had to be.

"I don't understand what's going on," I manage to say.

My mother sighs, the action ageing her. "I know nothing makes sense, but it will. Trust me. Please."

It was the please that had me taking a step back. My mum was stubborn, hard headed and at times, cold. She was not one to say please. I attempt to swallow the growing lump in my throat. "The is insane! How do you expect me to leave with some stranger?" I sputter out. My heart beat erratically and my eyes skitter over to the said stranger.

He stood strong, shoulders back, chin up. He had walked in like he owned the place. That was the first thing I had noticed about the new comer; his dominance and the more dominant stick up his ass. He had this underlying yet prominent air of authority which grated against my nerves. I refused to even acknowledge the thought of this stranger having any kind of power over me. I held his domineering gaze for all but a second, returning my eyes back to my mother's.

"Maria, he's not some stranger. He is here to help you," she grinds out.

I was near explosion. There was too many questions not answered. "Help me with what? And who is he? Who is this stranger that wants to take me away? Who is he?" I shout, taking an absentminded step closer with my frustration.

"My name is Orion."

My muscles seize up as his cool voice speaks up. Damn, even his voice demanded authority. It was perfectly deep and compelling. If I was in my right mind, I knew I would have never done what I did next.

Stomping over to the obnoxious stranger, I wave a finger in his face. "Listen whatever your name is-"

"Orion. My name is Orion."

I fume at his cool indifference. He was calm. Still. He knew all the answers. I refrain from pommeling into him, having some sense of mind to know that wouldn't end well for me. I was having a tantrum. I knew I was.

But that didn't stop me.

I let out a frustrated growl, the thought of strangling this abhorrent man enticing. "I don't care what your name is. You are not taking me anywhere," I spit out.

"Maria," my mother warns in a clipped tone. I do not acknowledge her though. I hold Orion's unrelenting stare, refusing to back down. His light brown eyes were cold and as I stared longer, I could've sworn they flashed gold.

"Astraea," he said in his calm manner. It only added to the questions.

"Now who the hell is Astraea?" I ask, flinging a hand out in gesture. I didn't expect the response to come from my mum. I didn't expect her to sound so shaky either.

"No one. Astraea is no one."

I whip around to face her, my eyes narrowed. She knew everything, just like son of a bitch, Orion. I slowly back up. I didn't like this. I didn't like this at all. "Both of you know everything," I state more than question.

"Was I implying that I didn't know everything, Maria?" Orion says, saying my name almost mockingly and looking at my mum while saying it. I cross my arms. He said it like there was something wrong with my name.

I look between the two. "What was that look? Why do you have such a problem with my name?"

Mother shot Orion with a scathing look that didn't last a second while he merely gave me a blank stare. The silence stretched while I tightened my arms. I turn to him, "why don't you just tell me everything?"

"I could, but where's the fun in that?" He says, his face as blank as ever.

I had enough. I refuse to deal with the obnoxious man who was apparently here to help me. I didn't even need help. I was perfectly fine.

So with that, I glare at Orion for probably longer than necessary and not looking at mum because I didn't want her to poke my eyes out at the scowl I no doubt wore. I walk out of the the living room where we had assembled but didn't get very far.

"Where do you think you're going, Maria?"

Needing to say something back to the walking stick, I stop. "Away from you," I retort. Just looking at his face annoyed me. I continue on with my stomping, making my way to my room.

It was minimalistic. White walls. Wooden bed post. Two bedside tables. A matching study desk. There wasn't much decorations. Only a single photo of my mother and I.

I pick up the metal frame. I was only twelve. Mum looked the exact same, save for the clothing trends. I had always marvelled at her ageless beauty. With emerald eyes and blonde hair always perfect, many men couldn't stop gawking at her. I sigh, putting the frame back. I sit on my bed, practically sagging. I have no idea what was going on and it felt like I hadn't slept in days.

So I just sit with my head in my hands, my mind reeling.

I don't know how long it has been when mum stands in the doorway, her eyes steel. She raises an eyebrow, "you wanted answers..." her tall form swiftly turns and walks away right after.

I blink at her retreating form. She was right, I did want answers. That's the only reason why I walk back into the living

room. That's what I tell myself anyway.

He was now sitting down on my favourite seat. All the annoyance that had slowly left comes rushing back like an unforgiving tsunami. He merely gives me a dismissive look in response to my narrowed eyes.

Mother was seated on a two seater couch, with a second love seat empty. I halt, glancing between the two remaining seats.

I choose the love seat.

I settle down, clearing my throat. "Answers you said," I say pointedly to mum. She nods, meeting my eyes before turning to look at Orion. I hold in my groan. Of course he would be handing out the answers. It was almost like my mother was Orion's little messenger, fetching me. It was absurd.

Although he most certainly was not a teenager, mother looked almost double his age. I would guess 23 or 25.

"Your life is in danger. That is why you need to come with me," Orion deadpans.

I blink once. Twice. Cock my head to the side. "What kind of danger," I ask.

His ankles cross. "The kind that will kill you."

My fingers clamp shut, the need to slap the living daylights out of him prominent. "Helpful," I mutter.

Orion's lips twitch, but remains closed.

I cross my arms. "I'm not going anywhere with you till you give me some sort of answers." When he opens his mouth, I interrupt. "Proper answers."

He's silent, settling his cool gaze on me.

I turn to mum. "Let's just hypothetically say that I do agree. Where will you be?"

She straightens up with all the attention now on her. "I will be-"

"Seraphina will be doing something else for me."

I glower at the rude pain in my ass. My mother can answer her own damn questions. I look to her for support but she doesn't meet my gaze. She glances at the floor, her shoulders slightly slumped. The sight baffles me. This was not like my mother. She acted as if Orion was-

My heart thundered as I turned to the man I knew nothing about. "Who are you?"

His eyes glittered an answering blaze of gold. "I have told you already. My name is Orion."

I scowl for the umpteenth time today. I knew he knew the meaning behind my question. He was anything but normal. "At this rate, Orion," I say his name mockingly. "I will not be leaving this house any time soon." My agitation grew and the thought of walking back to my room seems very appealing. I glance in that direction, away from Orion.

Appealing indeed.

"What exactly is it that you want to know?"

I drag my eyes to him. I pondered his question. Was he really going to give me answers? "Everything," I respond with and it was true. I wanted to know every detail, especially about my life being in danger.

"Seraphina and I are part of a certain community. You as well. You are needed back home," he offers the information, never breaking eye contact with me.

With his answer, more questions arise. "What kind of community?"

"Not the kind you're thinking of," he quipped.

My eyebrows go up, "I was thinking on the lines of a cult."

He raises his own eyebrows, it being one of the few expressions I've seen on the man. "Like I said, not the kind you were thinking of."

"Where exactly are you planning to take me?"


I let out a sigh. "My home is here," I say, gesturing around the room.

"Not anymore."

His short responses has my leg bouncing up and down. This was not real answers. I marvel at my self restraint, surprised that I haven't rammed his face in yet. Some part of me told me that I would hurt myself more than hurt him if I did anyway. "Who are you?" I ask again.

"I wasn't informed that you lacked intellect," he only said blandly.

I needed to go, needed to get out before I threw something at him. This time, when he asked where I was going, I didn't look back. I keep walking till I reach the front door. Throwing it open, I stomp out, slamming the door behind me.