
Let’s Read The Word

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Can't Help But Fall In Love

Can't Help But Fall In Love

Author:Anastasia Skye



Kylee and Tyler are identical twins luckily they're opposite genders so people don't get them mixed up. Their mom and step dad don't really pay attention to them so they do whatever they want. That including Kylee winding up at a party with her friend Jasper who happened to be her long time crush Cameron's brother. She never seems to catch his eye but what happens when he finally notices her at this party?


I groan. Now who in the world could be interrupting my sweet, sweet sleep?!

"Kylee wake your ass up or you're getting water dumped on your head!" My brothers threat has me groaning again, rolling off the bed.

"I'm up, I'm up jeez Ty!" I hollar back.

"You better be we can't be late for the day of senior year." He states from the other side the door gaining a third groan from me.

I walk to the door opening it, "Well good morning baby sis."

I roll my eyes, "We're twins moron." I remind him.

"Yeah but I'm three minutes older." He says ruffling my burgundy curls.

"Whatever Ty." I huff pushing past him to the bathroom.

"How rude." He says kinda reminding me of Stephanie from "Full House".

I ignore him closing the bathroom door. I take a quick shower and brush my teeth. Wrapped in my soft robe. Oh wait did I say mine? I meant Tyler's soft robe. Hoping to slip in my room without getting caught I tiptoe towards my door but I only made it two steps before Tyler's big hand clasps my head from behind turning me to face him.

"Isn't that my robe?" He questioned raising an eyebrow.

I shoot him an innocent look, "This robe? Oh, I didn't even realize I'm so sorry Ty Bear."

"Yeah right." He scoffs rolling his eyes. "You do it all the time. And I told you to stop calling me that."

"What? Ty Bear?" I asked. I started calling him that when I caught him cuddling with a teddy bear when we were 13.

He huffs, "Can't you just let that go it was 3 years ago."

"Never." I say rushing off to my room closing the door behind me laughing like a little kid.

30 minutes later...

Dressed in a black nirvana shirt, ripped denim skinny jeans and black leather jacket topped off with my favorite beanie and black knee high Converse. We walk into the highschool.

"Ky-Ky!" My best friend Jasper shouts running at me like a maniac. "Its been forever girl how are you doing?" If you couldn't tell, he's gay.

"Its been two weeks Jasper chill." I say laughing.

"Two weeks is too long! I need to see my bestie everyday!" He says dramatically.

"Could you be anymore dramatic?" I ask. "And to answer your question I'm doing good. Fantastic actually. How've you been?"

"Yes I could way more dramatic and I'm perfect. As always." He responds making me chuckle.

My brother clears his throat trying to gain one of our attention, "Ahem last time I checked I'm still very much alive."

"Oh sorry Ty-Ty. Hi how are you?" Jasper asks adding, "Still as fine as ever I see."

"I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that last part. And I'm okay." He responds. "How's Cameron?"

"Oh he's as perfect as ever. As quoted from Kylee's diary." He says making me blush and punch his arm. "Oww you're so mean Kylee."

"You read my diary?!" I hiss.

"Maybe." He says. "Besides everyone knows you have a big fat crush on him. Baby you don't hide it well at all."

"Ugh whatever." I huff. "Anyways gotta go find my locker. See ya."

"See ya girl!" He returns kissing both of my cheeks.

Searching around the hall I quickly find my locker. And just my luck to my left is Macy's locker. Ugh, she's a bitch I hate her, she hates me that's how it goes. But to my right is Cameron's. Oh god, this year is gonna be hard.

A locker slams to my left and I'm welcomed to Macy's overly make upped face. "Oh god, don't tell my locker is right next to yours." She says in disgust.

I eye her with just as much disgust shown in her voice, "Seems like it and what's up with your face looks like a make up bag threw up on you." I roll my eyes unlocking my locker and putting my stuff in there minus the essentials you know pencil paper stuff like that.

"Where do you get your clothes the dumpster?" She asks.

"No but I'm pretty sure I saw that shirt at Family Dollar." I state and walk off to my first class which is AP Bio. I'm not a nerd but I'm pretty smart and half the time I don't even pay attention. I may stare at a certain person the whole class. We basically have every class together. I've had a crush on him since 7th grade. Haven't guessed? Cameron White. I can't help it he's such an eye candy! If this was court he'd be guilty for being too hot. Oh god I'm starting to pick up on Tyler's cringe worthy pick up lines! Lord help me.

Not paying attention I walk right into a hard chest scattering my stuff on the floor in front of me. "Shit." I mumble. I look up but the criminal is gone. "Asshole don't even bother to help me."

"Watch your language baby sis." Ty's deep came right by ear.

"One we're twins and two you can't tell me what to do." I state gathering my stuff off the floor. "Wait please don't tell me we're in the same class."

"One I'm 3 minutes older. Two yes I can. And three yep you have bio with yours truly." He smiles a cheeky smile.

"Ughh." I groan and finish my walk to class with Tyler following after me making lame jokes which I fake laughs at.

As we walk in my eyes scan the classroom and Cameron's no where to be seen. Huh? I thought we had this class together. Well shit. Sighing slightly I take a seat towards the back and out comes my sketch book. Grabbing my pencil I start making light strokes. I've always been the artistic type drawing and singing are my passions and I'm good at both of them. Occasionally as I drew the teacher would ask me a question and I would answer correctly. Class was almost over and so was my drawing. It was a withering rose among strong roses I darkened all the lines and shaded where shading was needed. I'm not depressed just a tad bit emo. Just a bit. When class was finally over I start to close my sketch book when some cheerleading bitch walks up to me snatches it off my desk.

"Hey! What the hell give it back." I tell her.

Ignoring me she looked through the book and at that point I snatched it from her afraid she'd come across a certain drawing of a certain someone.

"Your drawings aren't half bad." She shrugs and walks off and I'm left there thinking, what the hell?




Me, Jasper, and Ty were all sitting at our usual table talking about Ty's insane ex girlfriend.

"I know the first time she met me she thought I was his fricking girlfriend." I laugh. "Like ew no he's my twin."

"Ew? I'm offended." He says putting a dramatically over his heart.

"Don't worry boo you can have this anytime." Jasper says making me spit my juice out laughing.

"Uhh...I think I'll pass. I'm not gay."

"I could turn you my way give me a try baby." Jasper teases winking.

"Okay new topic." Ty said.

Lunch continued on like that until the bell rung signaling lunch was over.

The rest of the day went by pretty quick. Went to my calculus class and then went to dance which is my last class. Dance is another one of my passions I just love the feeling of music flow through and I show how it makes me feel with my movements.




•At home•

Jasper called me like he does every night.

"So there's this party. At Kelsey's house. And we're going."

"Wait isn't Kelsey a bitch though?" I ask him.

"Yeah but she invited us and I just can't pass up a party." He answers. "And I gotta have my bestie there with me!"

I let out a sigh, "Fine your lucky I love you Jasper."

"Yay!" He practically shouts on the other line. "You have to wear a dress girl no exceptions."

"Ew why?" I turn my nose up at the idea of wearing a dress. I'm not a tomboy or anything I just resent dresses.

"Because Cameron is going." He says.

"Hmmmm...fine I guess I'll wear one." I say resentfully.

"Yuss girl your gonna look so hot." He cheers.

"Whatever, I got homework I'll call you back when I'm done. When's the party?"

"10 pm. I'll talk to you later bae" He says and hangs up.