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Billionaire's Indian Bride

Billionaire's Indian Bride

Author:Broken writter



He had pinned her between the wall and his lower body, the only thing which was maintaining some distance between there upper bodies were her hands which she had placed in front of her instinctively. She opened her mouth to protest but she was silenced by his angry kiss. She tried to keep her mouth closed but as he bite her lower lip making her gasp. Her knees went weak and she clung to him to make herself steady. She gave in with a little sigh. He was now kissing her passionately. His one hand was now cupping her neck and another was stroking her bare waist. She felt the butterflies fluttering everywhere his hands touched her. He pulled her hard against him as he broke the kiss and stared kissing her side of the mouth and neck. He pulled out her clip and pulled her hairs to expose more of her neck. She went mad with the desire as she struggle with the buttons of his shirt. She heard him groan as she touched his bare chest. She felt as if she was on fire when he kissed her at the base of her neck. He again captured her mouth in a hungry kiss and this time she kissed him back. He broke the after what seem like eternity and said, "Come up with me sweetheart before we put this place on fire and then maybe you can show me the tricks you used to lure my father. I promise I'm better than him" She froze at his sentence. She felt like someone has emptied a bucket full of ice on her. She pushed him way and "SMACK" *************************************************************************************************** Marriage was never on Nisha's to-do list, but all her plans were ruined when a sexy, arrogant British billionaire entered in her life demanding to make her his wife for purely selfish reasons. Not edited at all.......

  N/A :- This story contains the point of views of both the characters.


sign indicates the change in point of view.


  The large board room was full of people. He was standing near the window,

  Any one looking from behind would have swear that he was looking at the view that glass window provide, but his associates knew him far better. He was intently listening to his managing director reading his report on the current state of shares of his company and the effect of this new scandal on share market.

  At the age of 28 Nicolas Watson was a billionaire who owned the large mining industries all over the world. His silicon enterprise was his pride and honor. He knew it very well that his image in market was of a ruthless, arrogant, playboy. He never gave a second thought about what people thought about him or how media portrayed him, but this scandal has caused uproar in market and with his new plans of entering in automobile industry this bad publicity was like a big hurdle in a way. He just knew that he need to improve his image in public or his company will suffer a lot.

  "All you can do right now is get married, or at least go in a serious relationship or do an engagement for god's sake.",

  Mark said as he closed his report.

  The atmosphere in room suddenly became tensed. Every one could see Nicolas frame getting tensed.

  Suddenly the phone rang. Nicolas turned away from the window and picked up the phone and said,

  "Miya I told you, don't disturb.........."

  Suddenly he stopped speaking and stared listening intently. After few minutes he put down the phone and said "leave this to me, I have a perfect solution for this. Just start preparing for our new take over." And he stormed out of the room. Leaving everyone in shock.

  As he was walking towards his office he was thinking about the death of his parents. He just knew who the solution of his all problems was or who was his biggest problem, Nisha Joshi. A girl who has Roosevelt villa. He wants it back because it was his birth right. That home was in family since his great great grandfather and his father had given that house to an heir of an Indian girl whom he knew just for 3 years.

  He was sure that she must have tricked him in doing so. She was so ungrateful that she didn't even showed up at Charles or Mariette's funeral she seems to disappear into a thin air but now he would know where she is and who she is exactly. He was going to take his home back under any circumstances and he was going to make that gold digger pay for what she had done and he knows exactly how he is going to do that. She is now going to be the problem for his solution.

  His short affair and break up with that Italian actress Angelica has caused a chaos in the media and now they are portraying him a bad boy and he immediately need to rebuild is image as his company's shares were already suffering because of his foolish affair. Soon he is going to know where is this mysterious Nisha Joshi and all the other things about her life. It had taken 3 months for his investigators to find her and he had spent quite an amount on her investigation. He just hoped that she would be worth the trouble.

  As he reached to his office he picked up the file his detective had kept on his table and as he was reading it a wicked smile played on his lips...