
Let’s Read The Word

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The Wrong Wedding

The Wrong Wedding

Author:Hareem Riaz



"There's no such thing as love. You're mistaking physical attraction for it"; I returned indifferently, still not daring to meet his eyes. Not even, when I felt him inch closer to the exposed side of my nape. His warm breath tickled my bare skin while his hands found mine and intertwined his fingers through mine. "If that's what I desired, then I would have already devoured every inch of you by now—and there was nothing you could have done to stop me"; He whispered against my neck and before I could protest any further, a sharp pain piercing through the skin of my neck made me gasp. ~~~~~~ What happens when Zaira ends up marrying the ‘wrong’ brother? When Zaira completed her medical degree, all she hoped and wished for was to be left alone. Needless to say, her parents had tied her with the perfect match, in Harris. A twisted turn of fate, traps her in matrimony with Rayyan. The very person whom she never wished to set eyes upon again, if she could help it; let alone cross paths with, after he betrayed her trust a long time ago. All isn't what appears, when the two get entangled in a web of deception, weaved from selfishness of people around them. A story about two damaged people and their struggle to fight demons within and beyond. And protecting their hearts from the worst of ailments. Love. (Book Trailer available on YouTube)

"Zaira is getting married to Harris."

Gramps' words made his breath hitch in his throat. His hands working on the fork and knife, suspended all movement. For a few moments, he could only stare at the plate infront of him with blank eyes.

Even without realising it, he had taken a trip down the memory lane; coming to a halt on his first memory of her.

That time, when he was only 8 and she 4.

"What is your name?" She asked eagerly. Her eyes widening with enthusiasm and curiosity. Rayyan watched her solemnly for a moment, before his gaze flickered to the chocolate in his hand, which she had moments ago given to him, in attempts to cheer him up.

"Rayyan." He added softly, without meeting her eyes. By now his tears had all but dried.

"Raa—" She stuttered, causing him to turn his hazel green orbs to meet her chocolate brown ones.

"Rai—yan—" He tried to break it into syllables for her and caught the look of struggle on her face as she silently mouthed the words.

"Rai—" She pronounced out loud for him; peering into his eyes. Never leaving her gaze, he nodded at her attempt slowly.

"—yan—" She completed. Her eyes widening, as if questioning about her progress so far. Smiling ever so softly, Rayyan found himself nodding his head at her. Gaining some confidence at the appraisal, she tried again.

"Rai—yan—Rai-yan—Rai—yaan—" She kept repeating to herself; giggling at her own success. Rayyan watched the intriguing and innocent kid with a small smile, who might just have become his first friend here in Pakistan.

"And yours?" He inquired with a tilt of head.

"Zaira—" She announced happily, shooting him a wide smile.

Rayyan felt unsure of himself, momentarily. The fact that he was different and would never become one of them was something that he had been hearing ever since he came here. He would keep asking Nanna, if Angraiz, was a bad word. Because that's what everyone called him here, when they looked at him with hate filled eyes. He knew he shouldn't cross the line. He was different. There was no place for him here, they said. So, he should stay away; like he's supposed to.

Yet, looking at those kind eyes and innocent smile, made him take a step over the line.

"Zai—ra?" At his voice, a bright smile formed across her features.

"Zai-ra—" He turned his gaze down, repeating her name to himself but stopped to look up when he heard her giggle.

"Rai—Zai—It rhymes!" She squealed happily, as if she had just conceived the most remarkable and fascinating thing in the entire world. Turning away to hide his smile, he repeated her name in his mind.
