
Let’s Read The Word

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Do Not Open Your Eyes

Do Not Open Your Eyes




Meiah's invisible existence is forever changed when she reads the book that her crush recommends to her. In a blink of an eye, her boring life starts to go too well that she thinks it's too good to be true. ****** At a very young age, Meiah Angel Punzalan was left under care of her grandmother. She was raised conservative and very reserved. Her 'manang' style makes it harder for her to find real friends. It's because she has superpowers. A power to be invisible whenever she's in school. Her classmates can't see her when she's around. They ignore her and walk passed her like she's an air. Meiah's only inspiration to is her crush, Calyx Eithan Payne. She's just like any other girls who fall in love with Calyx. Even though he's an aloof and a snob. Not until Calyx starts to notice her. Will Meiah live her happily ever after? or she will doubt the sudden turning of the tide?

Meiah's POV

"Meiah you haven't finish your breakfast yet!" Granny yelled from inside our humble home.

"I'm running late!" I yelled back because I'm already outside struggling to put on my shoes. I grabbed the folders and ran outside immediately.

I spent the whole night reading the novel I bought three days ago and I woke up so late that I had to run straight to the cold shower. I'm just glad that Granny woke me up because I couldn't imagine any worse.

I stood on the side of the road wishing that a jeepney will stop in front of me. My eyes sparkles as I saw the jeep running towards me. I waved my hand trying to make the driver stop and thankfully he did. I went inside and sat near the end.

I was gasping for air while getting the fair from my wallet. I extended my hand asking for someone to give it to the driver. "Can someone please hand this over to him." I asked politely.

Like I was expecting my superpower works on them too. I've decided to complicate myself and was about to give it to the driver myself when someone took the coins from my hand.

"Two Seaside Highschool," he said and handed it to the driver. My cheeks heated as I recognized his face. It's Kris!

Calyx's friend.

He glanced at me and smiled. I didn't recognize him and I wish I saw him the first time I stepped on this Jeep. I could have look better than this. This is so embarrassing.

"T-Thanks Kris," I stuttered again. This just made me more embarrassed than I already am. I saw the shocked on his face when I called his name.

"You know my name?" He's a little surprised and I couldn't help but think how humble he is. He's rich like Calyx but he chooses to ride on a jeep like a regular student.

He's the complete opposite of his snob friend.

"Who wouldn't know you..." I mumbled and he laughs. He show me his hand asking for a handshake. "You're Meiah, right?" he asked. Now it's my turn to be surprised. He knows my name? I nodded with a hint of confusion on my face. I accepted his hand.

"I always see you but you seem a little aloof," he said and pouted. Gosh he's so adorable. I chuckled softly and shook my head.

"I'm just silent most of the time." I defended myself. We spent the whole time chatting and I noticed how the other passengers looked at us. They must be wondering why a handsome guy like Kris is talking to me.

When the jeep stopped, we entered the school together and he's still chatting with me. Telling me about his hobbies and his favorite subjects. I'm so comfortable with him and I sure hope that I meet more people like him. As soon as we reached our class, I lingered in the door looking at my classmates chitchatting with their own set of friends.

Kris went inside and sat on his chair and I scanned the room looking for my own set of friends. "Meiah!" a high-pitched voice called. I followed the voice and saw them walking towards me. I smiled at them and waved. "What you got from us today?" Janina asked while looking at the folders I'm holding that slowed me down earlier.

"These are your projects," I said sweetly and handed them the folders. I've finally finished it. They happily took it and thanked me. "We know we can count on you." Sarah said and cheerfully clapped hands with mine. "How about our output in Math?" Stella asked while flipping the pages of the folder. I looked at them exhausted.

Ever since they became friends with me. I've started doing their homeworks and projects. At first ,all I wanted was to help them because I can see how they have trouble doing those but it became a habit of them to make me do all their school works. It's exhausting but at the same I don't want to make them upset so I just nodded like what I always do. "Y-Yeah sure," I answered.

We talked a little and went back to our seats afterwards. I walked towards my seat and silently sit and waited like the good student I am. I stared outside the window while waiting for our teacher to enter. The class was quite loud but minutes later they became quiet and so I glanced at the door. I thought it was our teacher but It's Calyx. He's walking towards his seat which happened to be beside me.

Yeah. We're seatmates.


I was so focused on jotting down notes when our adviser interrupted the class. "May I have your attention please," the old woman said. I forced to stopped myself and pay attention on what she's about to say. "Please meet your new classmate." A transferee? It has been a month since the school started. Who on Earth would transfer so late?

As soon as the woman said that. A tall guy entered the room. I noticed how long his legs are. I looked at his face and I was stunned by how good looking he is. "Good morning. I'm Calyx Eithan Payne," he introduced and looked at us with a blank expression. My classmates started whispering and I know that they're all talking about how hot is he.

"You can sit wherever you want," she said. Calyx scanned the room and the vacant chair right beside me caught his attention. He started walking towards my place and my heart started pounding. No one wants to sit beside me that's why it's vacant. My seat is beside the window because I liked looking outside.

He sat beside me and his wooden scent filled my nose. I looked at him and he still has the same blank expression on his face. He looks much more attractive at closer look. I flinched when he glanced at me. I quickly looked away and continued jotting notes.

End of Flashback

I secretly watched him sit beside me as the murmuring of my classmates fills the four corners of the room.

I wanted to greet him with a 'hi' but I know that he will just ignore me like how he ignores my other classmates. I looked at him and he noticed a letter taped at the back of his chair. Another love letter from his admirers. I saw him rolled his eyes and put it inside his bag. Well at least he didn't throw it away?

Time flies so fast and we're already dismissed. I have plans for this afternoon so I immediately fix my stuffs and hailed a jeep. I stopped at Brewing Bookstore. It's a nearby bookstore and this is where I buy most of the novels I'm reading. Since I have finished the book I bought three days ago, I'm about to get a new one.

The old scent of books filled my nose and the vintage theme of the bookstore made me feel relaxed. I greeted the old lady at the counter and walked silently at the aisle of novels. I carefully study each book I saw when a man blocking the way stopped me. "Excuse m--" I looked at him surprised. What is he doing in here?!

"You're looking for something to read?" Calyx asked using his cold monotonous voice. My mind is battling if I should say 'yes' or just nod at his question. This is the first time in four months that he actually talked to me. "Uhmm y-yeah," I stuttered. He looked at me and our eyes met. His eyes are beautiful.

"Try this one," he said and handed me a book. He gave me a smile and left. Did he just smile at me?

I looked at the book and I noticed how thin it is. "Don't open your eyes," I read.