
Let’s Read The Word

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Bond of Darkness

Bond of Darkness




One wrong turn was all it take for Diviana's life to change. She had badluck of feeling stalked by someone she can never see and one day coming from her job her car broke down near the forbidden forest There she finds mysterious things that will change her life for the worse. What she thought she knew was just a make belief for those who are weak minded

Diviana's Pov

You know when your friends force you into doing something you don't want to do but have to do it because they pleaded with you well that's how it is with me right now.

I made a mistake of agreeing to come with Adrianna on this carnival and now the girl is gone and I'm all alone by myself,what kind of a friend is she honestly doesn't she care what if I get kidnapped or even worse killed,"okay relax Divvy there are a lot of people around here and I'm sure no one will try to do anything to you so calm down", I muttered to myself.I looked around to see people laughing and having fun and actually happy, if only my life was like this.

My name is Diviana Knightdale and I'm 19 years old,I have silver eyes with gold specks I don't know how its been like that since I was a baby, I have pure white hair with light blue stripes but I usually tell people that its just a wig nothing else, my height is 5,9 yeah I know pretty short .

I don't have any siblings at all ,my parents are super rich and you might think I'm a spoilt brat well I'm not,my parents were never there for me when I was growing up it was usually me and the helpers around the house they were my family not my mom and dad but when I got out of high school and went to college they started to notice that I'm gone because the house was empty and like every parent they asked me to come home but its school and was the only was I could get away from them so I said no but now we are close a bit I guess.

They pay for everything really but the money they give me I use it rarely,because I had a lot of spare time I chose to have a job and I work at an ice cream candy shop its honestly my favourite place with all the people and cute children I get to see and how funny they are with thise bright smiles on their faces when they get candy its really heart melting, anyway I don't have a boyfriend I'm a single lady last time I tried dating didn't end well the guy tried sleeping with me two times and the third time he almost forced himself on me like crazy I know I've never seen him again mostly because my parents threatened him and told him to leave or else his life will get ruined and he did run away, then I met Adrianna honestly she was god sent I love that girl we've been through a lot together and we still friends but somehow she's the most careless person you've ever met like for example she went to a camping trip last year and forgot her sleeping bag and food she had to come back and get her things before going there again and another thing she left me alone in this damn place and its full of people I'm not the social type I'm a bit antisocial.

"Ma'am I've been calling you for 30 minutes now" I looked up and saw a guy infront of me "umhh sorry I didn't mean to...I just...I was...sorry do you need something" I asked stuttering a bit he only looked at me and laughed a bit " I was actually asking if you knew your way around this place you've been standing here or going around in circles like a fool sorry to say" he said smiling at me " no its okay I actually lost my friend I don't know where she is at" I said feeling embarrassed a bit, "well don't worry we will find your friend okay just come along with me" he looked at me and I looked at him back his dark grey eyes holding mine in trance I can't break.

"Are you trying to kidnap me or something"I asked him and he only burst out laughing"no of course not can't I see a beautiful young lady then help her I am a gentle man after all" he said looking at me "alright fine and I'm Diviana by the way but you can call me Divvy for short" I said taking my hand out for a handshake " well my name is Jacob and you can call me Jake but I'll call you Viana it sounds nice then Divvy" he said shaking my hand, I frowned "Nothing is wrong with Divvy okay I'll call you Jacky then" I said n he scrunched up his noise "eeww don't call me that I'm not a dog" I burst out laughing "but you are my doggy because you are helping me find my friend, onwards to finding my friend we shall" I said exaggerating a bit "I would reather be called a companion not a dog" he said a little bit annoyed and I only laughed.

While we were arguing like kids Adrianna came out of nowhere and just stared at Jake " uhhh Divvy my bestie who is this hella hot guy" she asked whispering "his name is Jake and he was helping me to find you" I said and Jake looked at me " mhh right but I found you two arguing and not actually looking for me " she said looking at us accusingly "sorry bout that miss Adrianna its just that I was trying to clear something up" Jake said "yeah right as if I believe that and anyway call me Rinna not miss" she said and turned to look at me she was about to say something when my phone rang "excuse me for a bit" I left and took the call, turns out its my boss and there are a lot of customers so she needs my help since we are short on employees,I turned around to tell Rinna and Jake but they were gone so I just left and I sure hope I'll meet Jake again he's such a nice guy and is super cute like seriously he has a sharp jawline and cheekbones and his smile is to die for, his eyes gosh his eyes hold so many emotions but most of all warmth n he's friendly.

I got to my car and drove off to work I'll just call Rinna later she'll understand I think that girl can be really tough sometimes.

When I got to work it was like an ocean of people I had to force my way inside and when I finally made it I went to work immediately it took us a lot of time but eventually we cleared everyone's orders and everything was done and now it was time for me to leave and go home well my apartment actually but it looks more like a penthouse thanks to my parents

notice the sarcasm


"Today was rough seriously I didn't know people could get so cracky about ice cream and candy" said Mandy I work with her and she's 19 like me,with big blue baby eyes and strawberry blonde hair "yeah I know but its summer n it was really hot today so we had to expect this but I hope it doesn't happen the second time because really I will die no doubt" I said and she just laughed at me I took my coat and left the building she followed and left but it was dark and she might get hurt " Mandy its getting late and dark don't you want me to drop you off at your house" I asked smiling at her " no its okay I'll be fine Divvy besides my house is 10 minutes away I don't want to stress you so don't worry" she said and turned around " good bye Divvy see you tomorrow" she said looking over her shoulder "good bye Mandy see you tomorrow and be safe please" I said but she just laughed "I always am" I watched her walk away then felt someone looking at me I checked around and saw nothing so I left feeling creeped out.its happening again ever since I was a child I've been feeling watched sometimes I even see shadows but when I went to a therapist they said its all in my head and gave me pills they worked for a while because now its back.

I got in my car and drove off to my apartment which is on the other side of the town where only the rich people can afford said my lovely mother.

The road was blocked which is strange because earlier morning it wasn't at all, so I took the other road which goes by the "FORBIDDEN FOREST!!!" It said anyone who goes there doesn't come out at all but I was just driving and I'm in the car so no problem, as I drove past I looked at the thick trees in the forest and the darkness it may sound crazy but its seems as though something is calling out to me and pleading me to come.While I was driving something zoomed at the corner of my eye and I pushed the breaks hard and hit my head on the wheel, I was bleeding a bit just a small wound nothing much but what about the person I almost hit, he or she was just standing there and looking at me so I quickly unbluckled my belt and got out but when I got to the front of the car there was no one but me not even a sign that someone was there.I looked around and saw a figure by a tree and I yelled "are you okay" seriously what were you going to do " nope not really I'm not please help me" the voice said I walked towards him but its like everytime I get close he moves away and it feels like I've been walking for hours " are you sure about this I've been walking for hours but I can't get close to you" there was silence then I felt someone breathing down my neck I tensed and turned to look around but there's no one and I'm deep within the forest I can't see where I came from " Hey I think I'm lost please help me" I yelled a bit softer I really don't want to attract unwanted attention "sorry princess but you've entered the Forest Of Darkness you've passed through my territory unwanted so you have to repent for that" I looked around but couldn't find anything at all, why did this happen to me? How will I get home? I'm never going to get out of here? Am I going to die here?