
Let’s Read The Word

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Author:Noel Salvatore



Hale Wright, the so called perfect man, and Cyrene Stansfield, the average girl, found themselves stuck in a war between two great kingdoms in another world while struggling to find a way back to their world. But when they learned about their link to each other's past, they must unite the kingdoms and harness the power of the Aethereal energy in order to fight the threat caused by their past. With their newfound friends, royalties and a band of unlikely heroes, they must face the creatures of the ancients sent to stop them before the world crumbles to dust.



He thought it was over when he felt Death’s cold embrace.

The intense fire between the two teams pressured all of the players. But Hale remained calm. He breathed slowly, forming another one of his famous football strategies—which earned him the position of a team captain at a young age.

It was the championship of the high school football league. He and his teammates had worked hard for months just to reach where they were standing right now. The only thing standing between them and the trophy was the other team, who was on par with their skills and determination. But Hale’s exceptional mind had always proven to be able to turn any situation in their favor.

The girls screamed to cheer for him, and his chiseled physique, which made the other boys a bit jealous.

Let’s get this over with. I have too much to do tomorrow.

Right, other than being the captain of the football team, he was also an archery and fencing champion, practiced martial arts outside school, won several science exhibits with the research team he led, and top of his class.

But all that success came with a price. Hard work, dedication, and perseverance. He spent all his time either training or studying, at the expense of his social life, which didn’t really matter since he was socially inept since childhood.

The Perfect man, or so they say.

The round started, each of the players were eager to win the trophy.

The ball was passed to Hale and he threw it with all his might in a forceful snap.

His teammate and friend since childhood—Brad Parson—caught the ball and ran straight into the end zone. He touched it just a few seconds before the time ran out, winning the game by an excess of four points.

The team cheered and lifted Brad, celebrating their well-earned victory. One of the opposite team’s player gave Hale a menacing look. Hale grinned at him with pride and mockery.

“Hey,” said Ricky Willis, the new but skilled player—he is likely to be given the title rookie of the year, “Brad said he’s hosting a party in his house to celebrate. You’ll join us right?”

“No,” Hale replied.

“But you always say no. You are our team captain so you should at least celebrate with us just this once,” he insisted, “This is your last year with us so it would really be a shame if you miss the party.”

Hale was annoyed by the youth, but agreed to come. The young player ran back to his team.

The sound of loud speakers could be heard miles from Brad’s house. Hale parked his Lamborghini in front of his friend’s house. Brad’s house was a mansion and his family was rich, but Hale’s own properties alone could make that same house look lame.

His father's company, Vulcan's Crown—named after the Roman god of blacksmiths—manufactured advanced technologies, the sort which puts the technologies in sci-fi movies to shame. The seventeen-year-old Hale would often visit the laboratories to learn from world-famous scientists and inventors.

Hale entered the house in his expensive black suit and branded wristwatch. The house was full of popular kids from school going crazy. But Hale, as usual, was the center of attention. Brad saw and greeted him. The blond guy was seating on a luxurious red couch, with two hot girls beside him. If Hale was the perfect guy, then Brad was the ultimate playboy. But their differences didn’t affect their friendship, they always got each other’s back.

Hale went to sit in the soft couch. A girl, whom he noticed as the captain of the cheerleading squad, sat behind him. She tried her best to get his attention but he just waved her off. The girl seemed offended and left with an angry look.

“She’ll remember that,” Brad told his friend, “She is known to be arrogant and values her pride, just like you. That actually makes you a perfect match.”

“I have no time for women,” Hale opened a can of beer, “They are nothing but a waste of time.”

“Again with the grumpy attitude?” Brad kissed one of the girls. Hale drank his beer.

“Wait, maybe you are secretly gay?” Brad jests, “You can come out, you’re still my friend.”

He and the others laughed. Hale shot him a sharp glance.

“Come on, I was just kidding man,” Brad told him. He was already used to Hale’s attitude, knowing well how to stop his anger, “why don’t you be like young Ricky there?”

He gestured at the young African-American player. Ricky was dancing and gulping a bunch of beer at the same time, going wild with the other people. Beside him was a strange and unfamiliar face. It appeared that he was staring at Hale, as if he was spying on him, but he took his gaze away when he noticed Hale looking back.

“Who’s that guy?” Hale asked his friend.

“Who…John?” Brad asked him back, “He’s the captain of the baseball team.”

Brad returned to flirting with the pretty girls. Hale slowly approached the weird guy but was interrupted when his phone started ringing. He took his phone and answered the call without taking his gaze off the man.

“Hale is this you?” asked a man which sounded like he was in a rush.

“Yes, why—”

“There’s no time, they’re already here. Come to the lab quickly.”

“Who’s they? Why the rush—” The call ended abruptly.

Hale put his phone back in his pocket. He rushed out of the house into his car and started the engine.

“Hey, what’s the hurry man?” Ricky asked but Hale ignored him and drove off.

As he got on the road, he noticed a car following him. It was already dark but it was clearly the car of one of the kids back at the party. He can’t see the person inside the strange red car. Hale sped up and continued driving to the company’s laboratory.