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Sweeter Than Sin

Sweeter Than Sin

Author:Aldous Harding


Steamy Stories

A chance encounter with a mysterious man has led Visenna Collins into an inescapable rabbit-hole. Unbeknownst to her, the man, Maximillian Denvers, was one of the best neurosurgeons the whole world has to offer. The sweet woman became the object of his lustful obsessions after that fateful night. He vowed to himself he wouldn't allow any opportunities to let slip, anything for him to own her - whether she liked it or not. He was more than driven to have her beneath him on his sheets; to have his way with her body. Fortunately for Maximillian, Visenna was more than pliant to belong to the textbook definition of an Alpha male that was him. Although, it was Visenna's mistake to be oblivious of what Maximillian has in store for her.

Maximillian's phone rang high in the air, alerting its owner to a phone call. With that he stared icily at the caller's ID displayed on the screen.

It was his assistant, Nicholas.

Maximillian doesn't have the patience to suffer for the next few minutes of Nicholas, restlessly trying to contact him if he won't pick up right at this moment. So, he answered the call.

"Doctor Denvers?" Nicholas asks in equal apprehension from another line.

The voice belonging to Nicholas on the other side of the line was unmistakably small and tentative. He was aware that Maximillian wasn't in a chipper mood when he stormed off the hospital with a sneer.

"Well?" Maximillian says with a dangerous edge to his tone. "Are you going to waste my time, or are you going to talk?"

Nicholas reconsidered his options very well. He would like to keep his job without getting into Maximillian's nerves further, thank you very much.

Nicholas spoke nervously, "Well, there's this critical's urgent! Someone got in-"

Maximillian was getting impatient, "What part of 'cancel all of my appointments for today' did you not understand, Nicholas?"

"Doctor, there has been an emergency," Nicholas demanded. "I-I know it's not the best of times, but someone got injured at a shoot-out. The bullet ricocheted at the patient's skull-"

"Look, Nicholas..." Maximillian breathes deeply, trying to calm himself down. "Get Doctor Sanderson to have everything in order. I don't give a fuck if he's busy playing mini-golf in his office, just make it happen."

Before Nicholas would give his protestations to Maximillian, he ended the call with a ragged sigh. He pinched the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes to block out his white-hot anger, but it was futile.

Maximillian didn't know what came over him in that moment, because he threw his phone on the pavement out of fury. For good measure, he even crushed his phone with his foot many times until the screen cracked.

His phone getting violently destroyed was the least of his concerns, and he could buy another one anyway.

All he wanted was his peace of mind right now.

But his mind would always circle back into the conversation he had with his father earlier today. How would Maximillian come into terms with peace when he's thoroughly pissed?

Maximillian's father, Gary Denvers, sold off the privately-owned island without giving him any notice whatsoever.

But this island wasn't something out of the ordinary. It was his late mother's favorite vacation spot - that was the specific reason which infuriated him.

Maximillian's biological mother, Felicity Denvers - who had also been dead for years, no less. In a sense, the whole island was more of a commemoration for his beloved mother.

To make things more frustrating, her ashes were spread there, from the day the funeral service was held.

And selling off the private island was akin to the unwelcome desecration upon her memory.

But Maximillian knew it within himself that his stepmother, Stephanie Lowe-Denvers, made sure that he wouldn't get his hands on that special place. He knew that his father was underneath her will, like a pawn on the chessboard.

Yet Maximillian was angrier at his father for not having any second thoughts to sell the island at all. He should have told him, then maybe he had bought the island from his father's name himself.

Out of the blue, a feminine giggle behind him interrupted him from the flurry of his bitter thoughts.

"Gee, I wonder what the phone ever did to you, sir!"