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Crossroads Of Fate

Crossroads Of Fate

Author:Lian Naluz



As they say, most love stories start with friendship but sometimes, friendships end because of Love. Fate always plays with Angel, with both of her parents died she only had Ara, her best friend to lean on. But when her Aunt Glenda took her to Paso de Blas, she met Arthur whom she started to like. However, fate seems to be challenging her. Unknowingly, Arthur is also Ara’s childhood friend whom she lost communication with but hopes to meet again. Ara confesses her strong love for Arthur when she saw him again and Arthur starts to get closer to her because of the promise they made to each other when they were little kids. What will happen to the friendship of these young souls? Will there be a friendship that will end up because of love?

Clothes can be seen flying out of the house.

This was followed by Angel who is being pushed out of their house by her stepmother. Her stepmother hates her so much. When her mother died, it is as if she lives like Cinderella but without wicked stepsisters when her father married her Aunt Laura.

And now that her father has already died, no one is there to defend her.

“Do not ever come back here again! Because of you, I lost my husband!”. Laura said angrily and shouting as she looked at Angel sharply. If only looks can kill, Angel might have been dead at that very moment.

There are a lot of people looking at them. Passersby purposely stop to watch the scene. A scene that she never imagined she would have despite all the cruelty she experienced from her stepmother.

People whisper to each other as they look at her. She does not know what news these people will spread about her, but she doesn’t care.

She cannot help her tears not to fall as she picks up the clothes that her stepmom threw outside.

Her father died a week ago because of cardiac arrest. She feels miserable every time this comes to her mind. The way her father died is what makes her cry unstoppable.

Delfin had a cardiac arrest while driving a taxi on his way to Angel’s school to attend the Parents and Teachers Meeting since her stepmother does not want to go. Aunt Laura never accepted her and treated her like a daughter so even though his father needs to work, he has to attend to her school matters.

Delfin is a very loving father to her. He will ensure that Angel’s need is provided. He knows that Laura, his wife, is not fond of Angel so Delfin ensures that he would not make Angel feel she is being left behind. Even if he is working as a taxi driver, Delfin always ensures that he is up to date with Angel’s studies and activities just like that day when the taxi crashed because Delfin had a heart attack.

Because of these thoughts, she cannot stop her tears from falling in her eyes. She is just 17 for God’s sake. How can fate play with her like this? Why did God need to take both of her parent’s lives? Was she a bad person?

Her head is still bowed down because she cannot take the accusing look of her stepmother to her, she continuously picks up her clothes.

Her stepmother wants her out of their house, and she does not know where to go. She has friends, but she does not want to be a liability or a burden to anyone.

“Angel!” she hears someone shout her name with so much concern too. This is Ara. Her only friend. Her childhood friend to whom she confides all the feelings she has since she lost her mother. She does not know if fate just hates her so much that she lost her mom when she was 5 years old due to cardiac arrest as well.

“A—ra..”, she softly said while tears were still flowing down her face and as she picks up the last piece of clothing from the ground and put it in her bag.

Unlike her, Ara still has her loving parents. She admires her parents on how they treat Ara. Sometimes she imagines, if only both of her parents live, she would also have a satisfying and happy life just like Ara. Despite growing full of love and attention, Ara isn’t a spoiled brat she is one of the kindest people she met. Ara is very generous and willing to share what she has with anyone who’s in need.

She hugs her best friend and cries so loud without minding the people that are looking at her now.

“Leave!” Laura shouted. “Leave and never come back again here. You! Criminal!”

Ara helped her stand up while picking up her other things to help her.

“Let’s go first to our house so you can rest a bit then we can discuss this.” Ara softly said to her. Ara looks around and gave all the people watching a look as if saying, why don’t you mind your own business. Ara has been there to defend her every time she needs someone.

Angel felt so weak so the only answer she gave to Ara was a nod.

“Oh, what happened?”, Selina said when she saw how terrible Angel looked and noticed all the bags that they carried.

Ara looks at her mom as if telling her to let them in and they can explain later.

She and Angel have been friends since they were little kids. She knows every little thing about Angel. She has seen Angel in her weakest point. She knows every part of Ara’s body that has bruises because of her wicked stepmother and Ara kept it to herself because he loves her father and doesn’t want to get worried about her.

She loves Angel like a real sister.

As she said to her mom, Angel is like a sister from another mother. Selina understands that and never interfered with their friendship because she also saw how kindhearted Angel is. That is why Selina doesn’t understand why Laura is very cruel to Angel. She chose to love Delfin and should have wholeheartedly accepted Angel.

Ara sees that her mom Selina is very worried.

Selina can’t help but ask while preparing food for the two girls. “Can you tell me what exactly happened?”

Ara looked at her mom.

Angel speaks softly as she wipes her tears away.” Tita Laura kicked me out of the house as she feels that I am the reason why my father died.” Angel sobs.

Selina put the juice and sandwich on the table. She sat down beside Angel. She hugs her like any mother will do to comfort her child. She knows Angel's parents and they are very kind. That is why she cannot help but pity this child. Why does she need to be an orphan at a very young age and left behind to a wicked stepmother?

Ara broke the silence, “Mom, can Angel stay here?” she directly asks her mom.

“Of course, she can. She is not like any other people to us.” Selina answered, “But we need to discuss this with your dad. Though Laura kicked her out she might chase us if we only let Angel here just like that without her permission. Angel is still a minor and Laura is her legal guardian. Technically as the closest relative, she has. “

Ara cannot agree more with her mom. Knowing how bad Laura is, she might do something that can cause issues in their family. She will leave it to her mom and dad. Her dad is a lawyer so he should be able to help Angel.