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Seductively Single: A Billionaire Romance Saga

Seductively Single: A Billionaire Romance Saga




On the day of my wedding, my husband did something outrageous and found out that he never truly loved me. Unfortunately, I had a one night stand with a stranger to forget my sorrows. However, I was determined to let go of the marriage but he doesn't seem to let me go and now, I am stuck with him, and guess what? I think I am pregnant!

My wedding day


My best friend Vanessa told me, "Congratulations on your marriage," and she smiled as she gave me a tight hug, making me blush.

"I hope all the surprises that follow will be enjoyable for you." She repeated herself, but I did not get what she was saying.

I repeated, "Thank you, darling," as I turned to face each of the guests who had congratulated my husband and me.

I had always imagined the day I would walk down the aisle with the man I loved. Fortunately, even though I come from a wealthy family, my parents did not force me to marry wealthy men because that was what they wanted. Instead, I chose Finn Gold because of our shared love for one another and because, well, he was rich, which was a bonus for me.

Because of this, it was very simple for me to give up my heiress rights as the G-gold group's heiress, but since Finn is involved, it was all worthwhile.

But while I was holding his hands, my husband seemed to occasionally glance at the door's entrance, as if he were expecting someone.

"I need to head out and make some calls. He said, "I will be back soon," and left before I could reply.

Instead, as the guests praised me, I grinned.

However, I was left wondering what it was when someone approached me and gave me a wrapped piece of paper.

I squeezed it firmly in my left palm and welcomed the guests, not wanting anything to ruin my day. I had no curiosity about anything.

The guests would not stop asking for my husband, so when it appeared that Finn would not be arriving anytime soon, I decided to see how he was doing.

But then, the moment I walked out of the hall, I heard some moans at a dark corner of the environment while I shrugged.

Guests and their impatience! They could have waited till they got home before they did anything. I thought and smiled but then, I wanted to know who they were so I could gist with my best friend, Vanessa and we will have a good laugh about it.

Then, I walked towards that side and was shocked at what I saw. My husband and Vanessa were fucking each other!

I could not imagine what I had said as my eyes were widely opened and my hands shook. They did not even care if anyone could see them while my husband did his thing. He had never even gone wild with me to this extent.

I was a very emotional person and before I knew it, tears streamed down my cheeks and I squeezed my mouth and ran away as far as my legs could carry me towards the end of the big building and cried my eyes out.

That was when I realized that a small paper had been with me. Sighing, I opened it and my eyes shook again.

“I can't imagine how much of a fool you are to see that your husband is cheating on you with the woman you claim to love as your sister. Well, good luck in knowing!”

I gasped. Was I so in love with Finn that I did not know what was going on? I didn't even understand how this happened, right under my nose.

Two years ago, I met Finn at college and we fell in love with each other at first sight. Then, I introduced him to Vanessa but they never talked too much when we were together. How come?

I couldn't even hold any tears as I continued to cry so hard that I wanted nothing more than to divorce a man who was a liar, pretender and a cheat!

Then, I cleaned my eyes and walked to the car that would convey us back home. My phone rang identifying my husband as the call.

“Where are you?” He asked the moment I picked up the call.

“In the car” I said and hung up. I couldn't believe that I was so much in love with a cheat all these while.

Few minutes later, he got to the car while I wondered how best to confront him.

“Why did you cheat on me?” Was the first question I asked him. “I loved you so much and even trusted you”

“What do you mean?” Finn asked in pretense.

“Vanessa and you…” I couldn't complete the sentence as I broke down in tears again. He just stared at me.

I hoped he would ask for my forgiveness. Because of the love I had for him, I could still let it go but this man scuffed.

“Do you think I wanted this marriage?” He suddenly asked.

I looked at him in shock. What happened to all the proposals he made? The vows?


“I never loved you. All I wanted was Vanessa the moment I laid my eyes on her but because we have been there for each other and the fact that she is understanding, I got married to you”

What? He could have just let me go!

Now I understood what Vanessa meant by the surprises that came after my wedding.

“Why did you have to break my heart?” I muttered, gasping for breath as I looked at him.

“Well, this was the easiest route before I saw my name and Vanessa's all the news claiming that your best friend stole your husband. I love that woman so much and will not let anything happen to her” He said again.

I was dumbstruck. This was the silliest thing I have ever heard.

“Let's divorce. I will have my lawyer prepare that and…”

“You must be kidding!” He said and walked out of the car while I broke down in tears again.

What the hell is going on? He cheated on me and did not want to divorce me?

I was not getting myself anymore as I walked towards the driver's seat and drove myself home. I needed to get changed and go to the club to relieve myself. This was damn crazy!

Few minutes later, I was already in the club, dressed in a halter white top on blue wedges as I sat down at a very scheduled part of the club and drank my ass out.

But I still wasn't drunk as I had a very high tolerance for alcohol. I could still reason things but not to that extent.

Then, an handsome man dressed in a black tuxedo suit who seemed to have been watching me all these while walked up to me and smiled.

“Hello pretty” He said and sat across me while I smiled back. Maybe this was better than Finn.

“You shouldn't be here alone. Come on, let me take care of you.” He said and winked while I chuckled.

It was rare to find hardworking men around the club these days.

At least, they had more sense than my husband.

“Have this” He said and handed me a glass. Without thinking twice, I gulped it down and seemed like I was drowning. I thought I had a high tolerance for alcohol but this was something else.

“Let me take care of you” He said again while I smiled and nodded. We talked about a lot of things and he took me to the dance floor while we danced together.

That was the last thing I remembered before I passed out immediately.

The next morning, I opened my eyes slowly to the ray of sunlight which seemed to penetrate the room through the windows and shone down my eyes.

Then, I sprang up only to discover that I was naked all alone on the bed with some bundles of cash on the bed and a note which stated that I was very sweet. Then, memories of the previous night dawned upon me as I realized something - I slept with a total stranger on the eve of my wedding ceremony.