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Whispers Of A Second Chance

Whispers Of A Second Chance



Realistic Urban

Divorce was a nightmare she never envisioned, especially not with the man who held her heart. Born into a world of wealth and influence, Tyra Ralene Sandoval was groomed for leadership, her every move calculated to secure her place at the helm alongside her brother, Tyler Rale Sandoval. Their paths collided in the bustling halls of college, where Tyra found herself captivated by Laxus Miguel Villafuerte, the charming heir to V Corps. Their love blossomed, culminating in a whirlwind romance that led to marriage within two years. The discovery of Laxus's infidelity shattered Tyra's world, leaving her with nothing but the painful remnants of a love that had once promised forever. Desperate to mend the pieces of her shattered heart, Tyra sought refuge in a foreign land, hoping to find love and a chance to move on from the betrayal she had endured. The news of her father's illness forced Tyra's return, but she wasn't alone. By her side someone stood, who meant more to her than anything in the world. Fate had a twist in store, bringing Tyra and Laxus face-to-face once more, and with it, a revelation that would rewrite their destinies. Would she give him a second chance, or would she embrace the love that had healed her broken heart? Could forgiveness bridge the chasm between them, or would they be forever bound by the pain of the past?

"We should move in together after you graduate," Laxus mentioned as we gazed at the starry sky.

"That's your idea of a proposal?" I teased, causing him to turn his gaze towards me intently. I averted my eyes, attempting to conceal my thoughts.

"You could interpret it that way," he responded, prompting me to meet his gaze. "Just kidding!" he quickly added, playfully patting my head.

Having been together for four years, Laxus had already established himself at the company, while I was wrapping up my final year of undergraduate studies.

"Are you certain about that?" I inquired, masking any hint of apprehension.

"About what?" he probed, his glance lingering on me from the corner of his eye.

"About us living together," I replied, meeting his gaze.

"Yes! I'd love to share a home with you," he affirmed, to which I nodded in agreement. "Alright, let's do it!" I replied, eliciting a smile from him.

Drawing closer, he planted a gentle kiss on my forehead. After weeks of meticulous preparation, I finally attained my degree, with Laxus by my side alongside my family to commemorate this significant achievement.

During a celebratory feast, Laxus's phone rang, prompting him to gesture that he needed to take the call. Following a brief conversation, he returned to my side.

"Who was that?" I inquired once he settled beside me.

"My secretary. She needed my signature, so I sent her a copy," he explained before reaching for his wine glass.

"Is that even allowed?" I inquired, met with a mischievous smirk from Laxus.

"Yeah, I call the shots around here!" he chuckled, grabbing the wine bottle to top up his glass.

After the festivities, I decided to let Laxus stay in my room since he was a bit tipsy. With my parents' blessing, I assisted Laxus to my room, a bit of a struggle as he was on the verge of passing out. Thankfully, Tyler was on hand to lend a hand. Together, we settled Laxus onto my bed, and I expressed my gratitude to Tyler for his help.

"I'm not ready to be an uncle just yet, so be responsible," Tyler playfully teased, prompting an eye roll from me.

"Joker!" I retorted, closing the door behind him.

As I glanced at Laxus peacefully asleep in my bed, I took the initiative to remove his shoes before fetching a damp towel from the bathroom. Gently tending to his face, he stirred slightly as the cool water made contact.

"I'm sorry," I murmured softly, even though he couldn't hear me. Engrossed in cleaning his face, I was taken aback when he suddenly opened his eyes, fixing his gaze intensely on me.

" you need anything? Water?" I offered, but he maintained his focused stare.

"Are you okay—"

Before I could finish my sentence, he silenced me with a kiss. His passionate embrace sent a surge of electricity through me, his touch igniting a spark as he explored my body, eliciting a soft moan amidst our shared kisses.

"Darn!" he muttered, stripping off his shirt before me. Anticipation coursed through me as I recognized what was about to unfold, and I welcomed it eagerly. Resuming our embrace, he assisted me in shedding my clothes, his kisses trailing down to my neck, leaving behind gentle marks on my skin.

"Don’t—" I barely managed to interject before his touch descended to my thighs. Oh, my! I felt a rush of desire building within me. As my garments vanished, Laxus ceased his kisses, regarding me as if I were a masterpiece in a gallery. Feeling a blush of embarrassment, I attempted to shield my face, yet he gently coaxed my hand away.

"Why the shyness? You're stunning, my dear," he murmured in a hushed tone. Oh, the allure of your seduction, Laxus.

"I must seek your consent, Tyra. Are you inclined to—"

"Yes!" I eagerly interrupted, prompting a chuckle from him.

"Is your desire that strong?" he teased, to which I nodded, met with a smirk from him.

"Our sentiments align," he affirmed, resuming our passionate exchange of kisses.

Our intimate moment deepened as he positioned himself over me, his gaze intense as if he desired to consume me. Sensations of discomfort arose as he entered me, catching me off guard with the unexpected pain. Startled by the sensation, I closed my eyes, feeling Laxus's tender kisses on my neck. The discomfort faded, giving way to a rush of excitement. As he began to move within me, my response was a chorus of soft moans, carried away by the intense sensations.

“I love you, Tyra!” He whispered to my ears while pumping me inside out.

“I love you—

"Tyra!" I snapped back to reality as Tyler flicked his fingers in front of me.

"Lost in thought? You're beaming while miles away," he remarked, handing me a brown envelope.

"What's this?" I inquired, examining the contents he had given me.

"Take a look for yourself!" he responded before walking off.

What a nuisance!

"Thanks, anyway!" I shouted after him, knowing he heard.

"No worries, kiddo!" came his distant reply.

I headed towards the kitchen, clutching the brown envelope Tyler had given me, in search of some water. My phone buzzed with an incoming call, but it disconnected before I could answer. Checking the number, I discovered it was from an unknown source. Why am I constantly bombarded with spam calls and messages?

Setting my glass down on the counter, I returned to the living room. As I did, the sound of footsteps descended from the stairs, revealing Joana standing at the bottom. She approached me, intrigued by the envelope in my hands.

"What's that?" she queried, to which I shrugged, equally clueless.

Unfolding the brown envelope, I scanned the document inside. My jaw fell open, and tears welled up in my eyes.

Goodness! I never anticipated facing this reality. Reading the contents, I discovered it was a divorce decree from Laxus. Wiping away my tears, I showed Joana the paper in my hands.

"I'm sorry," Joana whispered, enveloping me in a tight hug.