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The Smitten Bodyguard

The Smitten Bodyguard

Author:Grace K



Bodyguard gets. put on a job to protect a girl he later falls for, will it work out? Or will his model ex throw a few spanners into the mix? He's a werewolf. , she's human, how will their two worlds fit into one?

It's a beautiful day at the house today, I decided to take a walk along the river. I've lived here since I was a child, my father became the Alphas beta. Yes, I'm a werewolf. I have many friends here, but I long to mate. I've had girlfriends in the past, but they won't compare to her. I just don't know who she is yet.

A young girl comes running past me, she's my friends daughter, I hope one day to have my own little girl running around.

I'm deep in thought, until a mind link comes through asking me to meet the Alpha in his office. No one refuses an order.

I run to his office as quick as I could, I knocked and waited for the *come in* order.

Alpha politely asked me to sit, of course I did.

"Sean, I have a job for you, I don't know whether you'll accept but its guarding a girl, her family have paid a lot of money for her safety. Are you up to the job?"

"Can I ask why she needs protecting?"

"Her father got into some trouble, they are threatening the life of their only child".

"Okay, I'm in, when do I start?"

"You travel now, pack your things, I don't know how long you will be gone. I can only trust you to do this job. I know you will do it to the best of your ability, her parents are expecting you tomorrow morning".

"I will leave as soon as I'm packed Alpha".

"Oh and Sean, I've already paid half of the money to you, if you run into difficulty or need more funds, contact me, but pick up a burner phone, I'm digging into these people, they can track."

"Yes Alpha. Thank you".

Well, that I wasn't expecting, It is what it is I guess. I head to my room to pack. Within 30 minutes, I'm ready. Ill pick up supplies on the way. I'm nervous about this job, I've protected people before, but this feels different. Some girls life depends on it. Depends on me.

The Alpha very kindly gifts me a car to use, it's a nice ride so I can't complain. I thank him and get on my way.

The drive there is going to take around 12hours, good job I put some decent music on my phone, music is going to be my friend for the next 12hours.

I stopped off for food and a rest. I started to wonder what I might encounter on this job. It won't be easy, that's a start. I think I will need to make another pit stop before I reach the destination.

Food eaten, music back on, another few hours on the road. I do enjoy driving. Nerves start to kick in as each hour passes, not over the job itself, but who will be welcoming me on the other end. I wonder what this girl has that have made people want to go after her, I'm not buying the fact it is just because of her father.

I'm around 30 mins away from the final stop. I've made a pit stop for more food. Werewolves can eat loads. Shifting and running here would of probably been easier, but longer, so I opted to drive. It's still just as tiring, but at least I'm sitting. I eat up, grab a to go coffee and head on my way.

At least, I'm here, at a mansion that looks like a castle, she's a princess, she must be!

I park up, get my belongings and then it's off to work.