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Badboy, Teach Me To Lie

Badboy, Teach Me To Lie

Author:Arthur Rachael



Ivy Benet has a problem. She can't tell a lie! Well, she doesn't see it as a problem but to others, the reverse is the case. To Ivy, she feels she's helping; but the world doesn't work that way. When her problem is about placing her united family in total disarray, she had no choice but to seek the help of the school's number one liar; Kieran Blake. Kieran Blake, the mayor's son who may as well have a degree in lying is the total opposite of Ivy. When Ivy walks up to him requesting his help in giving her the manual on how to lie, he was amused. He found it surprisingly funny that there was a person who couldn't tell a lie. To him, lying is a necessity in life, and he would gladly become her tutor. What happens when these two opposite people agree? Would there be chaos or harmony? Would sparks fly or would they go their separate ways at the end?

It was a battle between my confused cyan grey eyes and furious blue one's.

I stood in the hallway having a stare-off with Aaron. I wonder why he looks like he was about to rip me off piece by piece and dump my body in the lagoon for the fish to feed on. By now, half of the whole school was gathered in the hallway.

"What, in the name of God, is wrong with you?" He shouted, breaking eye contact.

Whew, finally! I don't think I would have lasted any longer in that staring contest.

I was taken aback by his sudden outburst but I quickly composed myself. "Hey, why are you acting like a girl who is on her period? You're supposed to be happy that-"

"You must be out of your mind if you think that I would be happy with what you've done."

"Hey, slow down mister. I didn't do anything, alright. You should be telling that to those two humans beside you. By the way, I was just helping-"

"Help? You call informing the whole school about the problem between me and my friends, help?"

I hold my hand out. "Of course! I just saved you from being used continuously by both of them." I pointed towards the two embarrassed individuals standing behind him.

He scoffed as he took a step towards me and pointed his finger to my face. "You just crushed me!" He yelled.

"What do you mean? I just let you know what's going on because obviously, you are being kept in the dark," I replied, rolling my eyes.

"It was way much better with me being in the dark than finding out that my girlfriend is cheating on me with my best friend in this manner," he yelled.

"No way am I going to sit down and just let you ruin your life. Of course not! How can you be okay with that bambino you call a girlfriend and that two-faced backstabbing greedy human you call a best friend play with your emotions?" I said feeling disgusted by just the mere thought of it alone.

I guess you're wondering what's happening. I would tell you. Last week, after facing detention because I told my AP teacher the actual truth that his teaching is slower than my grandmother who always drives below the speed limit, I ran into two students making out in the girl's locker room.

Turned out that, the girl was Macey; Aarons girlfriend and the dude she was locking faces with was his best friend; Riley. On a normal day, I would have just ignored the fact that they were both teenagers and actually couldn't control their brewing hormones-- scratch that, I wouldn't even do that. I've been known to always tell the truth no matter how bitter or sweet it is.

Back to the present, I decided to tell Aaron the truth about his bitch ass girlfriend just this morning before the first period. To be honest, I felt pity for the guy. He loves his girlfriend and thinks that the creature, disguised in the form of a male species, whom he tells his secrets to and many other things is his best friend. I just couldn't stand aside and watch his world crumble, but he seems not to appreciate my effort.

Maybe... I might have gone a little overboard by shouting it in the hallways because I saw him laughing with the devil and his other half.

"You just made me hate two people who are important to me. Don't you know when to shut up?" he said, grinding his teeth with so much force that I feared that they might break and turn into a white substance that could be used for my chemistry project.

I pondered on his words for a few moments. "So, you're telling me that I wasted my time in telling you the truth?"

"Goddamit, Ivy! You're a pain and a walking accident zone. You cause destruction wherever you go!" Aaron said as he pulled on his hair and dragged his hands down over his face.

Yea, that wasn't the first time I've been told that. I'm Ivy Bennett and I've always been known to tell the truth. Why? Because I can't tell a lie.

Was he feeling frustrated?

No way! I should be the one feeling that way because he seems to be flipping off badly at finding out the truth about his dented circle of life with his friends.

"So, I just wasted my time in telling you the truth and saving your ass from a future break up. Is that what you're saying?" I asked him just to be sure.

"You're so oblivious to people's feelings that you don't see how your policy of always saying the truth affects them. You don't know a perfect time, to tell the truth, and even how to deliver it!" He shouted. "You just let the whole school know that I've been betrayed by the two people closest to me. Did you even stop for a minute to think on the shame you've brought upon them?" He asked with a deflated look towards me.

Okay... maybe he was right at some point but I still don't get it. The whole school is going to find out about their situation, I just helped in facilitating the process.

I'm also confused on the whole- how to deliver the news of a cheating girlfriend and a backstabbing best friend to a person.

Like, is there a manual that gives procedures on how to go about it?

"I don't want to see you anywhere near me," Aaron said as he adjusts his backpack on his shoulder and turned to walk in the opposite direction.

He pushed his way through the students who had gathered in the hallway to watch the little argument, ignoring Macey and Riley who had shocked and embarrassing reactions on their faces.

"Forgive me, for trying to save your ass!" I yelled after him.

I turned around and walked towards my locker ignoring the whispers from the students in the hallway.