
Let’s Read The Word

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Dangerous Woman

Dangerous Woman




his is a story of Bella Connors, at the age of 25 she is CEO of her own company Connors Property Development she is rich and powerful but she remains single she is outgoing and some will say over-confident but she doesn't care. Her life is about to become a whole lot more complicated when she meets two completely men, one of whom is rich and has a celebrity status much like herself and he seeks danger this man being Tyler Foley team captain of the Rangers hockey team and known ladies man after a rather unusual meeting Tyler craves Bella and will stop at nothing to get what he wants. A few days after meeting Tyler, Bella then meets Dale through her older brother Wayne. Dale is gorgeous and kind but he lives and breathes for his career which is cage fighting which where her brother met him, Dale also craves Bella he wants her and makes it known from the first meeting. Her life will never be the same after meeting the two men but who will she choose or will life throw her wild card?

The night had only just begun and I knew it was going to memorable, especially with my bestie Sarah by my side, linking her arm in mine we pushed through the crowds of clubbers drinking and dancing

well if that is what you call grinding against each other like it’s a fucking orgy.

The others met us by the bar where we hugged and kissed our greetings, tonight was Sarah’s bachelorette party and we were going to make sure she had the best night of her life.

After securing the large booth next to the bar I ventured up to the bar

“Hey beautiful, glad to see you came back. So, what are you ladies drinking this evening?” Andre the bar man flirted, damn if he was a few years older I wouldn’t say no but right now I would easily eat the poor fucker for breakfast.

“Hey Andre, you know this flirting is getting some serious attention from your boss” I laugh and nod to the end of the bar where Bri my other best friend has perched herself giggling, he turns back shrugging his broad shoulders

“Bella, you know she wants us to hook up, so roll with it” He gives me his signature smirk, I shake my head laughing but lean over the bar crooking my finger at him, he leans closer, too close I can smell his masculine cologne

“Andre, you couldn’t handle me sweetie” he swallows hard and I stand back upright “Two bottles of Au red cherry vodka, four bottles of Dom Perignon Rose 2006, eight shot glasses, eight champagne glasses and eight bottles of water please” his mouth hangs open making Bri and I laugh but he sets to work and gets our order set onto trays when a tap on my shoulder makes me turn

“Evening gorgeous, fancy a dance?” I look up at Bri who is biting her hand to stop herself from laughing “I’m sorry but I am here on a friend's bachelorette party, maybe some other time?” I try and let the poor bugger down gently but he nods and smiles before turning and walking away, Andre hands me the card machine and I pay an obscene amount but it is not the most I have spent on a night out.

The girls and I set up a group earlier today but we left Bri out of out, now before you think what a bunch of bitches, we did it for a reason, that reason is we are all worried about her. It’s been three years since Jake and her confidence is still extremely low because of that prick, she always says ‘I wish I could be as confident as you’ I have tried multiple times to advise her to just go for what she wants but she doesn’t, like right now she has a fit guy staring at her and she just looked away now I know she likes him, so time for our plan to begin.

“Right ladies” I tap on the glass causing them to look at me “Tonight since this is Sarah’s night, she told me she wants to play hit or miss” they gasp, let me explain, hit or miss is our ‘girls' night out game’ for single girls in our group it means when it is our turn we have to pick hit or miss, if we pick hit the other girl's group together and pick a guy out and that girl has to go and make out with him

obviously checking he is single first

if we pick miss we have to drink five shots of whatever the others pick. If the girls are with someone and they pick hit they have to let the others send a message to their significant other and if they miss well, they have to do their five shots.

“Since it is Sarahs night, she gets to pick the first victim” Bri giggles making all of us cheer and clap

“I pick Bri” Sarah raises an eyebrow and all of us immediately look at Mr Handsome and we give each other knowing smiles “Him” Sarah points over to him, Bri shakes her head “No fucking way!” We all laugh, don’t worry readers she won’t be able to keep shotting the drinks, Poor Bri starts picking up the shots and throwing them back before she glares at me

“I pick Bella!” ah fuck! The other girls group together looking around before I hear Sarah gasp loudly but then they giggle, ah shit here we go. “Him” she points up to VIP area that overlooks the whole bar, I turn to look up to see a dark silhouette of someone who looks like he is looking down here “How the fuck am I supposed to gain entry, huh?” Bri chuckles taking her phone out and walks off before coming back “Sorted, now go” she giggles, for fuck's sake!

I near the roped off area at the bottom of the stairs and Steve the door security chuckles giving me a one-armed hug and whispering “Good luck” I laugh and give him a playful smack before he moves the rope and I make my way up the stairs; I will be honest in these skyscraper heels and after the few shots of Dutch courage I had makes me concentrate so I don’t face plant the steps as I reach the top step I stop in my tracks, that mother fucking bitch is dead when I get back down there, from my glance at the booth it looked like he was by himself but no, he is with at least ten other guys who are relaxed on the large sofas during my closer inspection I swear my heart stops, NO! It’s the hockey team The Rangers, and my conquest is none other than Tyler Foley the team coach.

‘Fuck it, I am not doing five shots when I have to be at work first thing’ I step closer and the sound of my heels on the floor alert them to my presence but I don’t dare look at anyone other than him, I approach slowly while looking down at the booth and I am met by the girls all looking up with their mouths hanging open. I am so close I can smell his cologne which smells of smoked wood and spices, basically I mean he smells as hot as he looks with his black hair and green eyes, oh shit he is staring

“Go get me some loving” my inner bitch squeals, oh shit, come on you are Bella Connors CEO of Connors property development number one in the United States, giving my head a quick shake, I step closer aware that he is still watching and I am sure I can see a small smirk on his face.

“Can I help-” I cut off his sentence when I wrap my arms around his neck and my lips graze his but I am stunned when he stands straight not breaking the contact and his arms wrap around my waist, his tongue licks the seal of my lips causing them to part granting him full access, pulling me closer our tongues dance in sync. I am vaguely aware of cheers and wolf whistles but damn this man is intoxicating, I pull away panting for oxygen, holy shit his eyes search my green eyes and I smirk before quickly walking back down the stairs and over to the booth in record time grabbing two shot glasses, I swallow both of them and go for a third.

“What the hell happened up there?” Bri chuckles and I snap my head to glare at her

“Are you telling me you have no fucking idea who the VIP’s are in your own club?” I snap and she shakes her head “No it was a last-minute booking and Andre dealt with it, who was it? We can’t see who it is” she replies too softly.

“Well thanks to you lot, I have just had to make out with team captain of-” I don’t get a chance to finish because someone grabs my hand and pulls me away but I hear Sarah “OH MY GOD! That’s Tyler Foley!”