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Beautiful Aurora: Love Of A Surrogate Mother

Beautiful Aurora: Love Of A Surrogate Mother




"Aura will you be the mother of my baby?" he asked staring into her face. "Huh? Sir?..." "You heard me. I want you to be the surrogate mother of my child" Love they say is a beautiful thing but love is hurtful with the wrong person and Aurora has had her share of that. She resolves not get married but what happens when she becomes the surrogate mother of her boss's baby? Weird right? Find out from this interesting and suspense filled story. ©Osamudiamen Joel.



  "Sleepy head, Wake up" I felt a pillow hit my head. Only one person does that, Sophie She's my bestie and we live together. I'm jobless and she's not.

  She works in a big fashion company and financially supports me. I know, even I think it's embarrassing.

  "God damn it. Sophie why now?" I smacked the pillow off my face angrily. She just ruined my sleep, sweet dreams.

  "Aurora you seem to be forgetting something. You've got an interview today" my eyes widened and I was shocked to see her already dressed.

  God damn it, why did I sleep that long?

  "Fuck Sophie, why didn't you wake me up?" I sprang out of bed.

  She rolled her eyes. "I did but you seem to be enjoying your sleep. Hey there is food in the kitchen, I'm off" she pulled me into a hug and walked out of the room.

  I rushed into the bathroom and turned on the shower. I love the feel of water on my body, it soothes my soul.

  Let me tell you a little about myself, I'm Aurora Peyton. My dad named me that, he said I'm beautiful just like the polar lights in the arctics and arctatica and he's right.

  He did take me to see them once and trust me, they are beautiful. My dad died two years ago and my mom ran away to be with her lover.

  She doesn't care about me and I don't either. So right now, Sophie is my only family.

  I rushed out of the bathroom, applied my body lotion to my luscious skin and got dressed in a red pencil trouser suit and white blazer jacket.

  I added a little make up on my face and picked up my black handbag. I checked myself out in the mirror and smiled at my reflection. Stunning as ever.

  I headed out of the apartment without eating. I'm already running late for the interview, I pray I get the job.

  I pressed a botton on the elevator and stepped in. We kinda of live in a penthouse apartment with so many other apartments and on the last floor is a restaurant.

  The elevator made a ding sound and slided open.

  "Good morning Aurora" Ria giggled clinging unto me. She's also my friend and she also lives here.

  "Morning Ria"

  "God you are so beautiful, look everyone's eyes are on you" I smiled nervously and looked around and I true to her words I was the center of attraction.

  "Hey pretty" a guy approached me.

  "Bye Ria" I smiled ignoring him.

  "Hey I'm talking to you" I just kept walking and finally got outside of the building.

  "I just wanna us to talk" he said behind me and a taxi soon pulled over in our front.

  "Look mister stop stalking me" I told him and got into the cab.

  Guys and I are so done not after been cheated on by five different boyfriends at different intervals just because I refused them sex for a few weeks.

  So literally all the guys I dated were just after my body and nothing more. So right now, I've resolved to being single for the rest of my life.

  I'm tired of heartbreaks and all guys are Heartbreakers.

  I told the cab driver my destination and the car soon started moving. I'm going to be late Aurora.

  "Drive faster" I told the cab driver for the third time.

  "Ma'am we may get into an accident if we go any faster"

  I can't get into an accident because of an interview. I love my life so much.

  The car soon came to halt at the big company. I remained dumbfounded as I stared at the magnificent building before me.

  I paid the cab driver and stepped into the company and as usual eyes followed me. I walked up to the receptionist and smiled.

  "Hi, I'm Aurora Peyton and I'm here for the interview"

  "Oh okay. Just go to the third floor and the first office you see wait there for you to be called upon"

  "Thanks a lot" I beamed her a smile and headed to the elevator.

  "And miss you are very beautiful" she smiled.



  "Next" I sighed tiredly as the girl before me walked out of the office in tears. She probably didn't get the job. What if I don't get a job?

  "Next" the voice called again before it finally dawned on me that I was the next person.

  I stood up from the chair and hurried into the office.

  "Seat" he said without sparing me a look. His office is like paradise, extremely beautiful and you could see the bustling city from the large custom windows.

  I hurriedly sat on the office chair opposite him.

  "Your CV" this time he looked at my face and he literally gaped at me. His eyes were all over me and his stares made me uncomfortable.

  "Sir my CV" I said bringing him back to reality.

  "Oh... yes, your CV" he stuttered trying to regain his composure.

  "Aurora Peyton, Beautiful name for a beauty like you"

  "Thanks" I faked a smile.

  "So you are applying for the position of a Marketing Strategist"

  "Yes sir"

  "Your credentials are good but we already got a person for the job" my face turned sour as he said that.

  "I can apply for any other position. I need a job badly"

  "You need a job badly?" he smirked.


  "Well, I can give you a job but you have to do something for me"

  "Something? What do you want me to do?"

  "Nothing much. I want you for a night" what does he take me for a prostitute?

  "Sir I don't seem to understand what you are talking about"

  "What don't you understand other than sleep with me and get a job" stupid man.

  "I can't do that sir"

  "Come on stop acting like a child" he stood up and walked up to me.

  "Sir what are you doing?" I asked and stood up too.

  "You are very very very beautiful Aurora and I'm highly intoxicated by your beauty" he took some steps forward and I moved backwards.

  "I can't do this sir. I've got a dignity" I told him as my back hit the wall.

  He let out a scoff. "Dignity? Fuck Dignity? Can your dignity get you a job? That's how you poor folks think, Dignity?..." he chuckled.

  "...Your so called dignity won't take you anywhere. Look young lady, I just need your damn pussy for a night and you get a job. It's a win- win" he made to touch my breast but I pushed his hands away and gave him a resounding slap.

  "How dare you slap me?" he held his face in anger.

  "I may be poor as you say but I've got something you can never have and that is dignity"

  "Bitch get out of my office. I will make sure you never get a job in any big company. Get out!" he yelled.

  Why should I beg him? he thinks he can have his way with every lady. He just ruined my chances of getting a good job.

  I picked up my bag and CV and left his office in anger.

  "What happened?" the last applicant asked me. Her name is Sandy Sanchez

  "Turns out he is a horny man who wanted to have his way with me"

  "So you didn't accept?" I rolled my eyes at her.

  "Of course, I didn't. I'm not one of his cheap sluts"

  "You messed up Aurora. You just missed a lifetime opportunity"

  "Next" we heard his voice.

  "I guess this is goodbye"

  "Yeah Goodluck" I smiled and walked out.

  That bastard! Was he serious about me not getting a job? No, he can't be. I have to get a job.

  I stepped out of the company frustrated and annoyed. Why does my life have to be this imperfect?

  "Arrogant fool" I muttered. I didn't even realize I was already in the rood and a car was fast approaching. The driver seemed to be on a phone call. Everything happened fast and the next thing I'm on the floor groaning loudly.

  I think I just fractured a bone and my head my banging real hard.

  "Miss are you are okay?" the voice seemed a bit distant. My eyes met the very cute punk who just hit me.

  "Bastard do I look okay?" I yelled at him holding my already bleeding leg.

  "What were you doing in the road?" he asked raking his hair with his hands. He lifted me off the ground and I stared at his cute face for something. I didn't realize I was drooling.

  "Done eye raping me?" he smirked and I looked away.

  "If I die my ghost will hunt you"

  "I don't believe in ghost"

  "Mr Marshall" a man called running out of the company. So he is Troy Marshall, the CEO, Aurora you've got to play your part well. I'm getting this job.

  I sreamed in pain and started gasping for breath. " I'm dying"

  "Hey, you can't die at least not in my arms"


  I blinked my eyes tiredly and stared at the hospital room. A drip was connected to my arms and my legs were already bandaged.

  The idiot who hit me walked into my room and I frowned.

  "Doctor said you only had minor fractures nothing serious. Your physical therapist will be here any minute" he shrugged.

  "I almost died and you say it's nothing serious"

  "Well, you didn't besides you were the one who didn't look where you going"

  "You were the one who wasn't looking where you were going. You were driving and making a call. I can sue you you know"

  "Really? Bring it it on"

  "You owe me a compensation"

  "A compensation? I already paid your hospital bills through out your stay here, that's enough compensation"

  "I know you are pretty popular and I don't think you want this thing to get out to the public" I smirked.

  "Are you blackmailing me?"

  "Maybe but I don't see it as a blackmail, let's just call it a win win situation" I grinned.

  "Fuck fine. Name your price"

  "I need a job"..


  So guys how is the first chapter.

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